Menu of Teacher Supports
Ashley Humphrey
Created on November 27, 2024
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Menu of Teacher Support Techniques
Lesson Delivery
Classroom Management/Culture
Student-Student Collaboration
Hardware/Other Issues
Setting Goals
Lesson Planning
Lesson Delivery
- Opportunities for dedicated professional developement opportunities for teachers to ensure understanding and build skills. It is important to "use best practices to guide professional developments," (ISTE, n.d.)
- Providing modeling of effective usage of technology in the classroom during a lesson. Modeling can be provided through both in-person or online sessions.
- Deciding on tool selection (presentation software, online learning platforms, interactive whiteboards, etc.)
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- Aligning district technology policies with classroom assessment practices, (Learning Forward, n.d.)
- Guidance on data analysis and interpretation when using technology-based assessments in the classroom.
- Aligning technology to curriculum goals so that students are able to meet standard requirements.
- Deciding appropriate assessment tools based on objective (Kahoot!, Quizziz Nearpod, etc.).
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Classroom Management/Culture
- Providing teachers with the support to utilize technology in ways to benefit all learning styles. Students learn at different rates and in different ways. Providing teachers with support to use technology as a means of differntiation can enhance learning and teaching practices, (Drexel University School of Education, (2020).
- Supporting teachers in the use of technology-based classroom managment tools such as LMS, PBIS tracking, and Class Dojo.
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Student-Student Collaboration
- Demonstrate the usage of collaborative digital tools for students such as Padlet and Flipgrid.
- Guidance on appropriate platforms for student work that meets district requirements as well as standard and learning objective goals.
- Providing assistance with measuring data on student collaborative technolgy-based assignments.
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- Setting up appropriate and effective communication channels for student-teacher and parent-teacher communication such as ClassDojo and Talking Points.
- Providing templates and formats for common communication needs such as progress updates, reminders, and conference requests, (Barks, 2024).
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Hardware and Other Issues
- Troubleshooting device issues
- Providing trainings on simple/basic usage information and strategies
- Creating a support system for issues and assistance needs
- Helping maintain with setting up technologies, reminders of updates, and guidance on maintence or issues
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Setting Goals
- Facilitating discussions/sessions that focus on areas of strength and areas of improvement.
- Providing feedback
- Suggesting technologies that help with creating, managing, and tracking goals.
- Collaborating to create meaningful, appropriate, and attainable goals.
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Lesson Planning
- Guidance with finding appropriate educational technology tools to meet curriculum needs.
- Creating collaborative sessions for teachers to discuss positive uses of technology and how to effectively implement it during lesson planning.
- Collaborating on lesson design and what works best for teachers and students.