Ines Maillard
Created on November 27, 2024
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A Never Ending (Hi)story?
Final project : You're a journalist for the magazine "Art in America". Work on a new issue entitled: "Witch, Where Art Thou?"
Unit 2. A Never Ending (Hi)story? Axis : Art and PowerHow can art be used to denounce with hunts?
Do some research about the Cold War online.
the Cold War
Text 1 : 1.potential (adj.) be worried about 3.enquêter sur4.pourchasser5.renverser le gouvernement
Text 2 : 1.menace2.condamnés 3.grandissant4.jugés (tribunal) répandre
1. Read the texts. 2. Find the vocabulary in the texts.
3. In pairs, answer the questions.
Who were the "Hollywood Ten"?
Watch the video and take notes.
The Hollywood Ten were ten artists who were blacklisted because they were suspected to be communists and refused to testify. Consequently, they were sentenced to one year in prison and they had to pay a 1,000$ fine.
The "Hollywood Ten" were artists, actors, entertainers who refused to testify about if they were communist or not. Consequently, they were blacklisted and jailed for a year.
Mettez ces phrases à la voix passive.
1. What is McCarthyism? 2. Why is it called a ''witch hunt''? 3. Do you know about other ''witch hunts''?
Watch the video and write all the keywords you hear.
Watch the video again and take notes about : -Dates-People-Places -Actions
Create a mindmap to recap the video.
Thanks to the mindmap, present and talk about the video.
Let's Speak!
Can you try and explain this idiom?
Final project : You're a journalist for the magazine "Art in America". Work on a new issue entitled: "Witch, Where Art Thou?"
Unit 2. A Never Ending (Hi)story? Axis : Art and PowerHow can art be used to denounce with hunts?
Step 1 : 1.Pair up with someone. 2.Choose who will work on which document. Step 2 : alone 3. Answer the questions : a.Present your document. What form of art is it? b. Go online to learn more about its author. How is he related to witch hunts? c.Which witch hunt does it relate to? How?
Step 3 : in groups of 24. Present your document to your classmate. 5. Answer the questions : d. Find the similarities and the differences between your documents. e.What are the tools used by each artist to denounce the abuse of power?
Herblock, In the cartoon that coined the term “McCarthyism,” depicts Republican Senators Kenneth S. Wherry, Robert A. Taft, and Styles Bridges and Republican National Chairman Guy Gabrielson pushing the Republican elephant toward an election platform of a tar and smear campaign. Within six weeks of Joseph McCarthy’s announcement that he had a list of 205 known communists, Herblock decried the smear campaign that would occupy the country for more than four years.*A smear campaign is an intentional, premeditated effort to undermine an individual's or group's reputation, credibility, and character.
The two caricatures drawn by Herblock and published in 1947 and 1950 criticize McCarthyism. While the first one focuses on the communist hunt, where the car represents the House Un-American Activities Committee, figuratively crushing innocent victims, the 2nd drawing shows Republican Senators pushing the Republican elephant toward an election platform of a smear campaign.
The fable written by James Thurber and published in 1956 denounces the spreading of rumors and the practice of witch-hunting during McCarthyism. It illustrates rumours spread when you don't behave the way you're supposed to with the mongoose who does not consider cobras the enemy and then becomes suspicious. Finally, the enemy is not the one you may think, but your "own folks".
Circle the words that include the /ə/ sound. 1. She will arrive at the station around nine. 2. I like to drink tea with sugar and a little milk.3. My brother wants to visit the museum. 4.The question was difficult to answer.
Circle the words that include the /ə/ sound. 1. She will arrive at the station around nine. 2. I like to drink tea with sugar and a little milk.3. My brother wants to visit the museum. 4.The question was difficult to answer.
Try and pronounce the words :
1. Present your document. (Nature? Who? When (+context)? Where? What?)2.What kind of event does it denounce? Briefly explain the situation. 3a. Explain why it could be called a witch hunt or not? b. Who is the ‘witch'? What does he or she stand for?
Modern Witch Hunts?
Share your findings with your group.
1)Josh Howard denounces the anti-LGBT witch hunt in his documentary where he focuses on the mistreatment and the discrimination of gay people during the Lavender Scare in the US.2)The witch hunt denounced here the witch hunt of Greta Thunberg. She’s become a symbol for the fight against climate change and some people disagree with her actions and beliefs, so they havebeen showing their disagreement by defacing the murals that were created of her. 3)Lindy West denounces the witch hunt of women in a book where she explores misogyny, especially in politics in this particular passage. She counterpowers the way women have been treated over the years by taking the name ‘witch’ and making it her own. She uses irony as an empowering tool.
Take a look at the 2 other documents and in your copybook, answer the following questions : Why is it important that artists speak up for victims? Are they legitimate?
In groups of 3 (doc 1,2,3) : compare your documents
4.What are the common points and differences between them?5a. Why do witch hunts occur?b. How do artists use their power to denounce witch hunts?
In groups (doc 1,2,3) :
Write a recap : 1. Present the documents.2. Compare them (common points and differences).3. Conclude.
Modern Witch Hunts?
I do think that it is important for artists to speak up as or for victims of witch hunts because it gives great visibility, another perspective, adds another dimensions to an issue. Visual or other art forms can have a great impact on people. As far as I am concerned, they are legitimate to defend the victims if someone or a group of people is being mistreated. Indeed, artists have an important impact on the public place, to me they are legitimate to raise awareness about an issue.
Texte 1 : Négation : “I did not see” (l. 7) Reprise : “... Frank Kameny did” (l. 40) Emphase : “I did see” (l. 5), “they do have” (l. 8), “It did take” (l. 11), “I do think” (l. 14) Texte 2 : “we’ve been doing” (l. 23), “what has been done” (l. 30) Dans ces deux exemples, do est un verbe.
L'auxiliaire Do possède 3 emplois principaux : Il sert à poser une question, Il sert à exprimer la négation, Il sert à renforcer une affirmation (l'emphase).
Evaluation de la compréhension orale
Déroulement : Première écoute (audio ou vidéo d’1minute 30 maximum) 1 minute de pause Deuxième écoute 1 minute de pause Troisième écoute 20 minutes pour organiser ses idées et rédiger un compte-rendu en français.
Objectifs : - Rendre compte du contenu de l’audio / de la vidéo de la manière la plus complète et la plus précise possible. - Ne donner ni opinion, ni informations qui ne figurent pas dans la vidéo ou l’audio (vos connaissances personnelles sont à garder pour vous pour cette épreuve).
Méthode : Avant la 1ère écoute : Prendre connaissance du titre et réfléchir à ce que l'on va pouvoir entendre. 1ère écoute : Quel type de documents ? (Reportage, micro-trottoir, émission télévisée, interview, monologue, publicité, etc.). Qui ? (Nombre de locuteurs, type, fonction, etc.). Quand ? (Dates, moment de la journée, chronologie, etc.). Où ? (Pays, ville, rue, lieu, etc.). Quoi ? (Thème, message, public visé, etc.).
2ème écoute : Relever les éléments explicites. 3ème écoute : Compléter les éléments déjà relevés. Dégager les idées implicites (messages et points de vue des locuteurs,etc.).
Compte-rendu en français (20 minutes) : Introduction : présentation du documentDéveloppement : présentez ce que vous avez compris de manière logique en intégrant des mots de liaison afin de structurer votre pensée (tout d'abord, puis, mais, cependant, de plus, c'est pourquoi, enfin.) Organisez votre compte rendu par paragraphes.
Conclusion : -Quel est le but du document ? (raconter,informer, convaincre,critiquer, dénoncer, divertir,etc.?)-Quel message, point de vue vous est transmis. Relisez-vous !
'Witch-hunt & modern day McCarthyism'
'Modern day McCarthyism'
FINAL PROJECT As a journalist for the magazine Art in America, you are contributing to a special issue entitled "Witch, Where Art Thou?". This edition explores the idea of "modern witch hunts," reflecting on historical events like McCarthyism and linking them to current societal, cultural, or political phenomena. Your task is to analyze how art captures, critiques, or challenges these issues.
In your article : Select and analyze one piece of art studied in class that reflects the theme of persecution, fear, or injustice : -Introduce the artist and present his/her actions.-Present and analyze one of his/her pieces of work and explain why it can be considered as political.Draw a parallel between the chosen artwork and a contemporary issue.
FINAL PROJECT As a journalist for the magazine Art in America, you are contributing to a special issue entitled "Witch, Where Art Thou?". This edition explores the idea of "modern witch hunts," reflecting on historical events like McCarthyism and linking them to current societal, cultural, or political phenomena. Your task is to analyze how art captures, critiques, or challenges these issues.
In your article : Select and analyze one piece of art studied in class that reflects the theme of persecution, fear, or injustice : -Introduce the artist and present his/her actions.-Present and analyze one of his/her pieces of work and explain why it can be considered as political.Draw a parallel between the chosen artwork and a contemporary issue.
At home : -Choisir son oeuvre-Compléter le travail d'analyse déjà fait en classe-Faire des recherches pertinentes sur l'artiste et ses actions-Préparer le vocabulaire, les informations clés pour son article : A RAMENER Bien revoir : -Le Mccarthyism, son impact sur la société -Le pouvoir des artistes, l'impact de l'art-Le passif, l'emphase
1. Look at your poster and imagine what the movie is about. 2. Look for information about your film online. Pick out key elements: names of the main characters, historical context….3. What kind of with hunt is depicted in your film? 4. Present your movie. How does it illustrate a witch hunt?
Go on the website and read the presentation of your movie. Then, complete or correct yours.
Group 1 : Good Night and Good Luck tells the story of Edward Murrow, a journalist, his colleagues and Senator McCarthy. It takes place in the US in the early 1950s. It deals with a radio show going after the powerful Senator McCarthy’s method which is based on rumors and the risks taken by the team ofjournalists for seeking the truth and exposing it. The witch hunt depicted is McCarthyism and the hunt for Communists.
Group 2 : The Crucible is an adaptation of Arthur Miller’s play of the same title. It takes place in 1692 in Salem during the witch trials. The main characters are John Proctor and Abigail Williams, who is madly in love with him but he does not love her back and she doesn’t accept it. So she kills a chicken and drinks its blood, cursing John Proctor’s wife so that she dies. They are caught red-handed while conjuring spirits by Reverend Samuel Parris which triggers the witch craze and the witch trials.
Group 3 : The Hollywood Ten is a documentary about ten members of the Hollywood industry who refused to cooperate with and denounced the tactics of the HUAC (House of Un-American Activities Committee), which had the mission to investigate the accusations and the rumors about the relationships between certain people and communism. The investigation of these Hollywood members took place in the USin 1947. The Hollywood 10 openly challenged HUAC during the investigation. The witch hunt depicted is McCarthyism.
1.Read the mindmap2. Search and write the translation of the words you don't know. 3.Complete the mindmap with more vocabulary seen in the unit.
Passif, emphase, vocab séquence
Introduce the concept of "modern witch hunts" by referencing McCarthyism and its impact on society, culture, and the arts.Analyze one piece of art studied in class:-Introduce the artist and present his/her actions -Present and analyze one of his/her pieces of work and explain why it can be considered as political.-Draw a parallel between the chosen artwork and a contemporary issue.Conclude with a reflection on the power of art to provoke thought and inspire change.