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A CESU Microlearning Course

Quick Guide to Watering Forklift Wet Cell Lead-Acid Batteries


Proper maintenance of forklift batteries includes regular watering and charging. Make sure watering is done after the battery is finished charging and the charger has been disconnected.

Maintenace Essentials

A single point watering system simplifies the process by connecting all the cells with tubing for even water distribution.

Single Point System

The system uses a 5-gallon gravity feed tank, which should be mounted about five feet above the battery.

Gravity Feed Tank

Deionized or distilled water is recommended, but any water is better than none. Pure water prevents electrolyte imbalance and impurity buildup.

Water Recommendations

The watering process involves connecting a quick disconnect fitting. Find the ends of the battery tube and the feed tank tube.

Watering Process

Click the two ends of the tubing together and water will begin flowing.

Watering Process

As water flows into the battery, the flow indicator will spin. Watering is complete when the flow indicator stops spinning.

Watering Process

The recommended watering frequency is weekly, ideally after a full charge, though less frequent use may extend this interval.

Watering Frequency

Daily checks of the battery should be done to look for leaks or pooling of liquid on the battery.Monthly visual checks of the water levels in the cells are also advised.

Visual Checks

Proper care and maintenance of the battery can significantly extend its lifespan and the efficiency of the forklift.

Battery Longevity

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