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Ants contribute to soil aeration and the incorporation of nutrients into it, to the dispersal of seeds, to the decomposition of organic matter, and even to the pollination of some plants.

cWhat are they?


How many days do they live and why?

The average life expectancy of an ant is just a few weeks. But the colony itself lives for years..

LHow many types of ants are there?


  • -Black ant
  • -Army ant
  • -Leaf-cutter ant
  • -Carpenter antPharaoh ant
  • -Odorous house ant
  • -Chicantana ant
  • 1.They smell through the antennas.
  • 2.They form rafts to float.
  • 3.They have great organizational skills.
  • 4.Each colony has a particular smell.
  • 5.Ants can lift between 10 and 50 times their body weight.
  • 6.They are found in almost all regions of the planet

Curious facts

There are many monuments spread across larger or smaller cities, why? because they represent the strength and effort of work as well as their brilliant intelligence.



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