Brain Mindmap
Formation projet
Created on November 26, 2024
Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.
Check out what others have designed:
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Répartition des taches
Etude de faisabilité
Tests et validation
Contôle et suivi
3-4 semaines
2-4 semaines
1 semaine
2-3 semaines
1-2 semaines
x semaines
x semaines
Chef de projet
Définition du plan de projet détaillé (tâches, jalons, ressources)
- Planning GANTTDéfinir les échéances et les jalons du projet globaleDécomposer le projet en tâches (KANBAN)Estimer la durée des tâchesDéterminer les dépendancesAllouer les ressourcesFaire le calendrier (Manager, collaboratif )
Attribution des tâches à chaque membre de l'équipe Définir un objectif pour chaque tâchesDéfinir des indicateurs clés de performance pour mesurer les progrès. KPI (Key Performance Indicators)Créer une Décomposition du Projet (WBS) (Organigramme de tâches)Décrire les Tâches en DétailCréer des Checkpoints et des Jalons pour chaque tâchesAttribuer les tâchesRéviser et AjusterKIT DE PROCEDURES
Mise en œuvre du projet, suivi des progrès. Choisir le canal de communication pour chaque évenementsCréer la plateforme (partage d'information)Créer la note de lancement projetKick-Off Meeting : Organiser une réunion de lancement pour aligner tous les membres de l'équipe sur les objectifs, les rôles et les responsabilités.Mettre à disposition le KIT DE PROCEDURE sur la plateformeProgrammer les réunions collectiveProgrammer les réunions individuelFaire un diagramme ou tableau de bord ou histogramme de l'avancement des progres collectifsFaire un diagramme ou tableau de bord ou histogramme de l'avancement des progres indivuduelComptes-rendus
Livraison : Remise du projet finalisé, formation, documentation. Pour Chaque projet
Vérification de la qualité et de l'atteinte des objectifs. Demandes de Changement : Évaluer et approuver les demandes de changement de manière formelle.
Surveillance des performances, résolution des problèmes Rapports de Statut : Préparer des rapports réguliers pour informer les parties prenantes de l'état d'avancement. (KPI)mettre à disposition dans la base de données les rapports d'avancementGestion des Changements: Demandes de Changement , Évaluer, approuver ou refuser.
Chef de Projet
Équipe de projet
Chef de Projet
Équipe de projet
Équipe QA/Utilisateur final
Chef de projet/Anayste
Évaluation, retour d'expérience, archivage Impact des Changements : Analyser l'impact des changements sur le calendrier, le budget et les ressources.
Analyse des aspects techniques, financiers, et légaux Budget prévisionnelAnalyse des risques (SWOT)Fiche descriptif de l'outil- texte de loi en lien avec le projet - référentiel de formation - tout document ayant une protection des donnéesOrganigramme (des intervenants projet)
Chef de Projet
Développement de l'idée de projet et des objectifs principaux Titre Descriptif Objectif
Chef de Projet
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
Put an important title here, something that captures the attention of the class
Your topic
Put an important title here, something that captures the attention of the class
Your topic
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
Put an important title here, something that captures the attention of the class
Highlighted title
Your topic
Put an important title here, something that captures the attention of the class
Your topic
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
Brain MindMap
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
A great title
Contextualize your topic
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
A great title
Contextualize your topic
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
A great title
Contextualizeyour topic
Highlighted title
Highlighted title
Brain MindMap
Need more reasons to use dynamic content in the classroom? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through vision and, moreover, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.What you read: interactivity and animation can make the most boring content become something fun. In Genially, we also create our designs to facilitate comprehension and learning, so that you level up with interactivity and make your content something that adds value and engages.If you want to provide additional information or develop the content in more detail, you can do so through your oral presentation. We recommend that you train your voice and rehearse: the best improvisation is always the most worked!Demonstrating enthusiasm, giving a smile, and maintaining visual contact with the rest of the people in the classroom can be your best allies when it comes to presenting content and creating motivating learning experiences.
With Genially templates you can include visual resources to engage the class from minute 1. You can also highlight key content to facilitate its assimilation and even embed external content that surprises and provides more context to the topic: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
Here you can put a highlighted title
Visual communication is a key tool. We find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text. That is why disciplines like Visual Thinking facilitate knowledge organization through the use of images, graphics, infographics, and simple drawings.
Use tables and infographics
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that are super handy for your classes?
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your students. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
Tip: Emotional connection or engagement with your class increases when they identify with the message you want to communicate.
Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for students to view it on any device and learn from anywhere.We don't like to bore in our classes or work with flat content. It's time to bet on dynamic and interactive learning experiences that stimulate the thinking and creativity of each student.
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your students. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
Tip: Emotional connection or engagement with your class increases when they identify with the message you want to communicate.
Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for students to view it on any device and learn from anywhere.We don't like to bore in our classes or work with flat content. It's time to bet on dynamic and interactive learning experiences that stimulate the thinking and creativity of each student.
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your students. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
Tip: Emotional connection or engagement with your class increases when they identify with the message you want to communicate.
- Plan the structure of your content.
- Give visual weight to the key points and most important ones.
- Define secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow throughout the content.
- Measure the results.
When carrying out a presentation, two objectives must be pursued: conveying information and avoiding yawns.To achieve this, it can be a good practice to create an outline and use words and concepts that help with content assimilation.
Here you can put a standout title
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your class. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
Need more reasons to use dynamic content in the classroom? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through vision and, moreover, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.What you read: interactivity and animation can make the most boring content become something fun. In Genially, we also create our designs to facilitate comprehension and learning, so that you level up with interactivity and make your content something that adds value and engages.If you want to provide additional information or develop the content in more detail, you can do so through your oral presentation. We recommend that you train your voice and rehearse: the best improvisation is always the most worked!Demonstrating enthusiasm, giving a smile, and maintaining visual contact with the rest of the people in the classroom can be your best allies when it comes to presenting content and creating motivating learning experiences.
With Genially templates you can include visual resources to engage the class from minute 1. You can also highlight key content to facilitate its assimilation and even embed external content that surprises and provides more context to the topic: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
Here you can put a highlighted title
Interactive visual communication enhances learning outcomes on any topic and in any context.Before you begin creating, it's helpful to take a few minutes to consider what this map tells and teaches you.
Maps are a great ally, use them!
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your teaching materials into something that engages and provides value.
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your students. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that are super handy for your classes?
Did you know? We retain 42% more information when the content has movement. It may be the most effective resource for capturing your students’ attention.
Visual communication is a key tool. We find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text. That is why disciplines like Visual Thinking facilitate knowledge organization through the use of images, graphics, infographics, and simple drawings.
Use tables and infographics
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that are super handy for your classes?
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your students. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
Tip: Emotional connection or engagement with your class increases when they identify with the message you want to communicate.
Interactive visual communication enhances learning outcomes on any topic and in any context.Before you begin creating, it's helpful to take a few minutes to consider what this map tells and teaches you.
Maps are a great ally, use them!
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your teaching materials into something that engages and provides value.
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your students. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that are super handy for your classes?
Did you know? We retain 42% more information when the content has movement. It may be the most effective resource for capturing your students’ attention.
And use this space to describe it. Multimedia content is essential in a presentation, to leave everyone amazed. Also, this way you'll summarize the content and entertain the whole class.
Insert a fantastic video for your presentation
Interactive visual communication enhances learning outcomes on any topic and in any context.Before you begin creating, it's helpful to take a few minutes to consider what this map tells and teaches you.
Maps are a great ally, use them!
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your teaching materials into something that engages and provides value.
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your students. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that are super handy for your classes?
Did you know? We retain 42% more information when the content has movement. It may be the most effective resource for capturing your students’ attention.
Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for students to view it on any device and learn from anywhere.We don't like to bore in our classes or work with flat content. It's time to bet on dynamic and interactive learning experiences that stimulate the thinking and creativity of each student.
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your students. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
Tip: Emotional connection or engagement with your class increases when they identify with the message you want to communicate.
Need more reasons to use dynamic content in the classroom? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through vision and, moreover, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.What you read: interactivity and animation can make the most boring content become something fun. In Genially, we also create our designs to facilitate comprehension and learning, so that you level up with interactivity and make your content something that adds value and engages.If you want to provide additional information or develop the content in more detail, you can do so through your oral presentation. We recommend that you train your voice and rehearse: the best improvisation is always the most worked!Demonstrating enthusiasm, giving a smile, and maintaining visual contact with the rest of the people in the classroom can be your best allies when it comes to presenting content and creating motivating learning experiences.
With Genially templates you can include visual resources to engage the class from minute 1. You can also highlight key content to facilitate its assimilation and even embed external content that surprises and provides more context to the topic: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
Here you can put a highlighted title
Visual communication is a key tool. We find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text. That is why disciplines like Visual Thinking facilitate knowledge organization through the use of images, graphics, infographics, and simple drawings.
Use tables and infographics
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that are super handy for your classes?
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your students. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
Tip: Emotional connection or engagement with your class increases when they identify with the message you want to communicate.
Interactive visual communication enhances learning outcomes on any topic and in any context.Before you begin creating, it's helpful to take a few minutes to consider what this map tells and teaches you.
Maps are a great ally, use them!
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your teaching materials into something that engages and provides value.
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your students. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that are super handy for your classes?
Did you know? We retain 42% more information when the content has movement. It may be the most effective resource for capturing your students’ attention.
And use this space to describe it. Multimedia content is essential in a presentation, to leave everyone amazed. Also, this way you'll summarize the content and entertain the whole class.
Insert a fantastic video for your presentation
- Plan the structure of your content.
- Give visual weight to the key points and most important ones.
- Define secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow throughout the content.
- Measure the results.
When carrying out a presentation, two objectives must be pursued: conveying information and avoiding yawns.To achieve this, it can be a good practice to create an outline and use words and concepts that help with content assimilation.
Here you can put a standout title
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your class. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
Need more reasons to use dynamic content in the classroom? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through vision and, moreover, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.What you read: interactivity and animation can make the most boring content become something fun. In Genially, we also create our designs to facilitate comprehension and learning, so that you level up with interactivity and make your content something that adds value and engages.If you want to provide additional information or develop the content in more detail, you can do so through your oral presentation. We recommend that you train your voice and rehearse: the best improvisation is always the most worked!Demonstrating enthusiasm, giving a smile, and maintaining visual contact with the rest of the people in the classroom can be your best allies when it comes to presenting content and creating motivating learning experiences.
With Genially templates you can include visual resources to engage the class from minute 1. You can also highlight key content to facilitate its assimilation and even embed external content that surprises and provides more context to the topic: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
Here you can put a highlighted title
- Plan the structure of your content.
- Give visual weight to the key points and most important ones.
- Define secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow throughout the content.
- Measure the results.
When carrying out a presentation, two objectives must be pursued: conveying information and avoiding yawns.To achieve this, it can be a good practice to create an outline and use words and concepts that help with content assimilation.
Here you can put a standout title
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your class. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
- Plan the structure of your content.
- Give visual weight to the key points and most important ones.
- Define secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow throughout the content.
- Measure the results.
When carrying out a presentation, two objectives must be pursued: conveying information and avoiding yawns.To achieve this, it can be a good practice to create an outline and use words and concepts that help with content assimilation.
Here you can put a standout title
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your class. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
Visual communication is a key tool. We find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text. That is why disciplines like Visual Thinking facilitate knowledge organization through the use of images, graphics, infographics, and simple drawings.
Use tables and infographics
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that are super handy for your classes?
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your students. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
Tip: Emotional connection or engagement with your class increases when they identify with the message you want to communicate.
Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for students to view it on any device and learn from anywhere.We don't like to bore in our classes or work with flat content. It's time to bet on dynamic and interactive learning experiences that stimulate the thinking and creativity of each student.
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your students. A genially is interactive because your students explore and engage with it.
Tip: Emotional connection or engagement with your class increases when they identify with the message you want to communicate.
And use this space to describe it. Multimedia content is essential in a presentation, to leave everyone amazed. Also, this way you'll summarize the content and entertain the whole class.
Insert a fantastic video for your presentation
And use this space to describe it. Multimedia content is essential in a presentation, to leave everyone amazed. Also, this way you'll summarize the content and entertain the whole class.
Insert a fantastic video for your presentation