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cranberry sauce

pumpkin pie



bread rolls

open cherry pie

glazed ham


How does nature change in autumn? Can you describe what the trees and weather look like?

I’m golden and crisp, the star of the show, Stuffed or unstuffed, to the oven I go. You’ll carve and eat me with a smile so wide, What am I, served at Thanksgiving’s side?

What is it?

What are you thankful for this year?

What is one thing you find interesting or unusual about Thanksgiving?

Imagine you were invited to a Thanksgiving dinner. What dish would you bring, and why?

What is your favorite thing about autumn? Why?

What do you know about the history of Thanksgiving?

  • Thankful Tom took three thick turkey thighs to the Thanksgiving table.
  • Grateful grandma gracefully gave Greg golden gravy.
  • Pumpkin pie perfectly pleases picky people.
  • Ten tiny turkeys trotted to the tasty table together.
  • Crispy cranberry cookies crumbled quickly when Carl crunched.
  • Sally served steaming stuffing swiftly on silver spoons.
  • Tina's turkey tray tipped, tumbling tender thighs toward the table.
  • Freshly fried fall feast fed five friendly families.

Thanksgiving Tongue Twisters

What would happen if there were no autumn, and summer changed directly into winter?

I’m a day for shopping, with prices so low, People hurry to stores; they don’t take it slow. It happens in November, after Thanksgiving Day, What am I? __________

If your friend offered you now to watch a movie together at home or to go to a cafe, what would you choose?

Thanksgiving leftovers

a festive table

to stuff a turkey

to carve a turkey




to be thankful for

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