Diagramme carrés
Maeva Ramos campos
Created on November 25, 2024
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Presentation me/ANALYSYS
04 - 22
Internship report
Expense reports, customer payments, recording supplier invoices, customer and supplier lettering, bank reconciliations, document transformations such as from the delivery note to the invoice, etc
- Represent data with graphics.
- Use timelines.
- It is animated and interactive.
- Excites the brain through multimedia elements.
- DO NOT exceed with bullet points 🙃.
- Is clear and structured
- Tells stories hierarchically
- Matches your audience
- Customizes fonts and color to the theme
- Includes images and entertains
An awesome presentation...
17 years old 3rd year of the Agora which lasted 3 weeks, from November 4 to 22, 2024 ANALYSYS in the accounting department
learn a lot, I earn money and I meet good people
any case my contract ends on August 31, 2025 BTS in Management Accounting and to find a company that would agree to take me on to teach me more things, so that I obtain my BTS.