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As a father you are required to be the breadwinner of the household thanks to the nuclear family model. According to Marxism this is a factor that fuels the gender pay gap. There is a stigma that you cannot help you wife with the kids and should instead work. This might strain relationships in your life.1. If you are father take a step back

Box 35


You just got hired! However, if you are female your boss assumes you will leave for maternity leave so he negotiates you to get paid less then your male counterparts...if you are female take a step back, if you are male you can move one step ahead

Box 2


You just took your maternal leave and you have been out of work for 12 weeks with no pay (as most instituitions in the US do not have paid parental leave)This leads to fathers recieving the fatherhood premium as women are at home taking care of the kids1.If you are mother take a space2.If you are father take two spaces forward

Box 9


Your maternity leave is not flexible and you do not have enough time to provide breastmilk to your kid so you end up using formula. Breastfeeding is a privledge when your eligibility requirements are so stringent and it affects the kids.1. If you are a mother take a step back

Box 27


You just found out you are pregnant with baby number 2! Exciting, except now you have another child to take care of and another break to take in your career. Mothers of Color have stastically been shown to have more children than white mothers. If you are a mother of color take two steps back.

Box 24


=You are about to get the promotion you have always wanted, but you overhear a conversation of the executives discussing how you have children and how that might diminish your work ability. While your father counterpart is praised for having a good work life balance.1.If you are a mother take two steps back2.If you are a father take two steps forward

Box 52


You just found out that you are pregnant. You have to inform your boss after 12 weeks to get benefitsHowever, in some low paying jobs eligibility requirements do not allow some mothers to qualify1. If you are in a low paying job move two spaces back2. If you are in a higher paying job you can stay in this spot

Box 6


Uh Oh. The economy is in a recession and you end up loosing your job. You want to get hired with a new one, but your husband already has a job and encouarges you to stay home with the kids instead or work part time. However, many mothers that work part-time often end up not working after that exasperating the gender pay gap. 1.If you are mother take a step back2. If you are a father take two steps forward

Box 39


You ask your boss for paid maternal leave so you can take care of your child as a single working mom with no other source of income. He refuses and makes you work despite the difficulties of pregnancy. Many mothers of color who work low paying jobs face this predicament. 1. If you are a single mother of color move back one space

Box 47


The school that your kid goes to just called in and said they are sick. You have to leave your job early and in a low-income job that pays by the hour this could be costly. If you have a double income household it is not a problem.1. If you are a single mother move back a space

Box 17


Players start with a token - which represents each of them - in the initial square and take turns rolling the die. The tokens move according to the numbering on the board, in ascending order. If, at the end of a move, a player lands on a square where a ladder begins, they move up it to the square where it ends. If, on the other hand, they land on a square where a snake's tail begins, they move down it to the square where its head ends.There are certain icons on a couple of the squares that describe scnarios where certain population will be at a disadvantage or advantage, Based on the intructions move accrodingly.If a player rolls a 6, they can move twice in a single turn. If a player rolls three consecutive 6's, they must return to the initial square and cannot move their token until they roll a 6 again. The player who reaches the final square is the winner.There is a variation where, if a player is six or fewer squares away from the end, they must roll precisely the number needed to reach it. If the number rolled exceeds the number of remaining squares, the player cannot move.


If the player falls on the bottom of a ladder, they move up to the top square where the ladder ends.

If the player lands on a square where the tail of a snake starts, they go down to a lower square where the headis located.


