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Luisa Cordova

Climate Change in Haiti

Poor InfrastructureHaiti has not had the resources thus far to reconstruct or stabilize their buildings so increased hurricanes and other natural disasters continue to destroy th elittle they have.

Energy & DeforestationHaiti has a heavy reloance on charcoal, therefore causing deforestation.

Environmental VulnurabilityHaiti has seen rising temperatures, increased hurricanes, changes in rainfall patterns, and increased flooding.

Agricultural VulnerabilityThe variances in the climate have disrupted planting seasons and reduces crop yields. Haiti depends on importing fresh food, and without that consistency, food insecurity increases.

How has Climate Change Affected the Area?

Climate Change in Haiti

Climate Change in Haiti

In Haiti, there are several efforts to try and sow down the damage of climate control. - There's the Trois-Rivieres Watershed Climate Adaptation Project, which works to restore the ecosystem, manage land sustainably and they try and find solutions to reduce climate risks as a community.- Haiti has been tryinf to reduce deforestation, and are promoting more sustainable and renewable energy. - Trying to implement the use of early warning systems to try and reduce the effects of natural disasters.

What is being done to remedy the situation?

How does this affect the region around it?Regions surrounding these areas are dealing with severe deforestation, and climate change is getting worse every year. Hurricanes and other natural disasters are getting worse and more frequent. What effects does it have globally?Temperatures are rising, glaciers are melting, and countries all over the world are getting destroyed.


Where else in the world is experiencing a similar form of climate change?

Solomon Islands

Cohen, M. J., & Singh, B. (2014, March 26). Climate change resilience: The case of Haiti. oxfamilibrary.openrepository.com. https://oxfamilibrary.openrepository.com/handle/10546/314540?show=full Home. UNDP. (n.d.). https://www.undp.org/
