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Southern Africa & Climate Change

by Alexis Warner

Climate change is what describes the gradual change in the Earth's average temperatures over time. It is believed that the absorbance of gas in the atmosphere will contribute to about 1.5 to 4.5 ◦C increase before the end of this century [Low].

What is being done to remedy the situation?

To combat the effects of climate change, regions in Southern Africa are adjusting their farming practices specifically with crops that are more drought-resistant, due to intense rainfall periods, but longer periods of drought as well. Adding more diverse crops is also being implemented, as this can increase the environment's ability to withstand change, coupled with the use of soils that can retain more water. However, not all farmers can afford such diversity in this developing region, thus making the policy implementation difficult for a portion of this region (Ariel).

How has climate change impacted this area?

Where else in the world is experiencing similar effects?

Similar to Southern Africa, Egypt has also been particularly influenced by the extreme weather caused by climate change, specifically in terms of its farming practice. Due to the long periods of drought they also experience, they have implemented sowing dates based on these periods, alongside using diverse crops. They have also been using more frequent irrigation periods and intercropping, which is when plants of different heights can be used to use the groundwater source most efficiently (Ariel).

How does this affect the region around it?

Specifically with lower lake levels and less vegetation, animals in the area are forced to try and adapt and find areas that can meet their needs, however this would end up creating more competition in ecosystems nearby, as other species already relying on these resources now have to compete with animals put at risk in their original habitats. This could then lead to more barren land that is used more frequently than it can be replenished.


Global effcts

Globally, increased animal migration from regions that don't have enough resources ultimately lessens biodiversity and puts more strain on surrounding species that must then compete with the migrating animals, which impacts vegetation worldwide as well, as it is being eaten faster than it can grow. Furthermore, people in the area also tend to migrate to less intense environments, which impacts the country's economic status negatively, as they move to other regions, which boosts the economy there.

References: Ariel Dinar, Rashid Hassan, Robert Mendelsohn, James Benhin, & et al. (2008). Climate Change and Agriculture in Africa : Impact Assessment and Adaptation Strategies. Routledge. Low, P. S. (2005). Climate change and Africa. Cambridge University Press. Images: https://africanbushcamps.com/the-african-rhino/ https://african.land/blog/article/the-top-5-african-countries-where-you-can-find-farmland-to-invest-in-b65 https://www.sporcle.com/blog/2017/11/is-egypt-part-of-africa-or-asia/ https://anettemossbacher.com/discover-the-rarest-and-most-elusive-animals-in-africa/ https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/tourism-world-economy-draw-by-hand-1099680872

In developing countries, these are typically where climate change is the most prevalent, as they often don't have access to technology needed for the cleanest, efficient fuel methods. In Africa specifically, climate change has impacted lake levels and vegetation. While in glacial areas climate change has caused a rise in sea level, it has caused an increase in evaporation, thus causing a decrease in nearby lake levels, which also impacts the local vegetation. Africa has been known to be home to many important species, such as elephants and rhinos, however a decrease in vegetative variety puts these species at risk and causes them to have to adapt to extreme weather conditions that are often hard for them to adapt to [Low].

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