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Curriculum map foundations

Kacy Christina AyalaCollege of Education, Grand Canyon University EDU 546 Curriculum Mapping November 27, 2024 Week 1

A guide to align desired goals and outcomes (University of Hawaii, 2024). Generally, they document what is taught in a program.

Curriculum Map

These guides are created by the district to ensure uniformity across schools and districts (David, 2008). They lay out the topics to be covered with standards and objectives on a specific timeline.

Pacing Guide

Lesson plans are detailed outlines for how a specific goal or objective is going to be met (Central Michigan University, n.d.).

Lesson Plan

Features: Many pacing guides are connected to benchmark assessments (David, 2008). This can add to the “teach to the test” mentality. They are often broken down into units and some are broken down even further into how long those units should be taught (David, 2008). Application of student achievement: Since pacing guides do not account for remediation, often teachers have to choose between slowing down and risking skipping topics or speeding up and risking depth of learning (David, 2008). Unfortunately, this can lead to students who are unprepared for the following school years and state testing. Teacher practices: Teachers must choose between maintaining the course of the pacing guide and ensuring that their students are understanding the material (David, 2008). Often, teachers are faced with the dilemma that their students may be falling behind, but they will not meet the deadlines of the pacing guide if they slow down.

Features: They are based heavily on the how (School of Education, 2018). This being, how those goals are going to be met. This includes aspects such as materials, vocabulary, sequence, and assessments. Application of student achievement: Lesson plans are generally designed, altered, and implemented with the students in mind. They make use of activities and assessment to determine if students are meeting the goals written in the plan. Teacher practices: Lesson plans allow teachers to have a generalized plan to enable student learning.

Features: Curriculum maps are comprised of units of study, and all the is encompassed within those units of study (School of Education, 2018). This can include big idea, skills, content, and standards. Application of student achievement: There is a focus on student learning; curriculum guides are seen as what we want students to know (School of Education, 2018). This shows students what they can expect from the school year. Teacher practices: Curriculum maps encourage a reflective practice while improving program coherence (University of Hawaii, 2024). Teachers will have a direction to go and a path to follow to ensure that they are on track.


Central Michigan University. (n.d.). Lesson Planning: Curriculum and instruction support. www.cmich.edu. https://www.cmich.edu/offices-departments/curriculum-instructional-support/teaching-your-course-and-fostering-community/lesson-planningDavid, J. (2008, October 1). What research says about. . . / pacing guides. ASCD. https://ascd.org/el/articles/pacing-guides School of Education [schoolofeducation6657]. (2018, February 28). The differences between lesson plans and curriculum maps. [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aur-2lsoWY0 University of Hawaii at Manoa . (2024, March 4). Curriculum mapping / curriculum matrix. Assessment and Curriculum Support Center. https://manoa.hawaii.edu/assessment/resources/curriculum-mapping-curriculum-matrix/