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The recipe for reading


A culinary journey through the science of reading

Recipe Book

1800sA Dash of Phonics

1986Seasoning the Simple View of Reading

2010One Pot Literacy

2018Technology Inclusion

1967 Phases of Flavor

2001 Recipes and the Reading Rope













2014 Comprehension Baking

2021Slow Cooker: Pandemic Effects

2024Futuristic Gastronomy

1925 Dyslexia Diet

1986Matthew Principle for the Palate

2000National Reading Panel Report Menu Selection


2001 Scarborough's Reading RopeDr. Hollis Scarborough (psychologist and literacy researcher) was a lead researcher for the best ways to read. In 2001, he created a visual representation on what must be mastered to become a proficient reader. He included the main skills and subskills needed for educators to understand how they all come together to support learning to read.

Welcome to our kitchen of knowledge, where we’ll whip up a delicious dish of the history of the science of reading. Just like a master chef perfects their recipes over time, the understanding of how we read has evolved through centuries of research and discovery. Let’s dive into our recipe book and explore the key ingredients and methods that have shaped our understanding of reading.

Science of Reading

2000National Reading Panel ReportCongress called for a panel of exports to analyze research into the variety of ways reading can be taught. This panel consisted of 14 experts from around the country and covered more than 100,000 different studies.The report that was delivered to Congress in 2000, identified 5 Pillars of effective reading instruction or what we now refer to as the 5 Components of the Science of Reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, oral reading fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.

2024 The Governor of PA signed into law SB 801, which requires additional reading training for all teachers through professional development that must be based on the SoR research (called Structured Literacy).Commonwealth Charter Academy introduces a team dedicated to overseeing mandates, the latest research, and mandated professional learning for teachers and administration specific to the Structured Literacy/ SoR framework.

1800s In the 18th century, the term science of reading can be found in research on linguistics and how to use the proper pronunciation in holy texts.

1986The Matthew Effect in ReadingDr. Keith Stanovich (psychologist) published a theory on the reading gap that occurs between students who learn to read quickly vs. those who face difficulties right from the beginning.He stated that learners who read easily, tend to read more, which in turn leads to greater skill development. Versus those learners who struggle, read less and in turn widens the gap in literacy skills.He took the name from the book of Matthew in the bible. His findings led to the need for early reading intervention

2010 The term Science of Reading and the importance of reading research received much attention in Mark Seidenberg's book "Language at the Speed of Sight".

2018 Emily Hanford produced a podcast on the need for (or lack of) decoding instruction emphasizing phonemic awareness and phonics.

Listen here

1967Chall's Stages of Reading Development:Dr. Jean Chall was a psychologist at Harvard Graduate School of Educaton who analyzed a series of reading instruction studies that had been done between 1910 and 1965. Her findings concluded that there are six stages to reading development and that "code emphasis" or phonics, was much more effective than the whole language method to teach readingHer identified 6 Stages of Reading were:

  • Pre-reading: birth to age 6
  • decoding: approx. 6-7
  • confirmation and fluency: approx. 7-8
  • reading for information: 8-14
  • understanding points of view: 15-18
  • construction and reconstruction: 18+

2014 The International Dyslexia Association adopted the term Structured Literacy to encapsulate the explicit and systematic instruction of phonological awareness and phonics (Based off the research behind Science of Reading). We MUST remember that Structured Literacy emphasizes explicit and systematic instruction in phonics, BUT must also include every phase of literacy not JUST phonics.This gave them the opportunity to have one name versus using methods such as Wilson or Orton Gillingham. Whole Language had one name for what it was, but explicit phonics instruction did not.

1925Orton's Theory of Dyslexia:Dr. Samuel T. Orton was a neurospsychiatrist and pathologist who worked at the Iowa State Psychopathic Hospital with adults who suffered from brain damage. He presented the theory of "word-blindness" (theory that children who do not establish hemisphere dominance in particular areas of the brain, develop specific developmental language issues) at the 1925 annual meeting of the American Neurological Association.Dr. Orton teamed up with Anna Gillingham to create an explicit approach to reading that connects letters and sounds.

1986The Simple View of ReadingCognitive scientists Philip Gough and William Tunmer argued that there are three types of reading disabilities:

  • the inability to decode
  • the inability to comprehend
  • the inability to do both
To clarify, they introduced the Simple View of Reading: RC = D X LCThis establishes that both decoding and language comprehension are necessary for reading comprehension to occur.

2021 The state of Pennsylvania adopted Structured Literacy as an amendment to Act 49 (teacher training). Mandating specific teacher training and adoption of instruction based on the research behind the Science of Reading.