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"Childhood" is a song by Michael Jackson. The song addresses themes of innocence, loneliness, and the desire to relive childhood. In the lyrics, Jackson expresses his longing to be a normal child, away from the expectations

Associations working against exploitation:

The term “child labour” is often defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development. It refers to work that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children; and/or interferes with their schooling by depriving them of the opportunity to attend school; or requiring them to attempt to combine school attendance with excessively long and heavy work.


and challenges he faced as a star from a young age. The song is an emotional autobiography, exploring the struggle of growing up in the spotlight and the inner conflict between the world of fame and the simplicity of childhood."Childhood" also represents a reflection on the loss of innocence and the impossibility of reclaiming the childlike purity that Jackson idealized.

Child labor exploitation varies across industries and regions, but it is particularly prevalent in certain areas of the world. In India, many children are employed in carpet weaving, fireworks manufacturing, brick kilns, and agriculture, with Rajasthan being known for stone mining, where minors work in dangerous conditions. In Bangladesh, children often work in the textile industry, typically in unsafe environments without proper safety measures, with Dhaka being a major production hub.


Save the Children is one of the largest international organisations fighting for the rights of children, with a particular focus on combating child labour and exploitation. The organisation promotes education, health and protection programmes for vulnerable children, seeking to end child exploitation through information, legal assistance and activism. website

ILO is an agency working to promote decent work and protect the rights of workers, including children. It created Convention n. 182 for the elimination of the worst forms of child labour and is committed to combating the exploitation of children in the world of work. website

UNICEF works around the world to ensure that children have access to basic rights such as education, health, protection and security. It is particularly active in the fight against child labour, working with governments, companies and other NGOs to improve children’s living conditions. website

Terre des Hommes is an international NGO working in various countries to protect children, prevent exploitation and provide support for victims of abuse. Actively fights against child labour, especially in the agricultural and industrial sectors and in armed conflicts. website

Here we have inserted the direct experience of a girl who has carried out a humanitarian mission in Brazil, through her photos and her words explains us in short how life is in places that are totally different from what we live.


Investing in accessible and quality education is essential to addressing the widespread issue of child labor, which is often driven by poverty and lack of education. Improving access to education for both boys and girls, alongside financial support for families in need, is vital to breaking this cycle. Additionally, inadequate laws and child trafficking further exacerbate the problem. As individuals, we can contribute by avoiding fast fashion products from companies like Shein, thereby reducing demand and exploitation. By tackling these issues collectively, we can help create a brighter, more sustainable future for children and their communities.

Most often, child labour happen when families face financial challenges or uncertainty whether owed to poverty or job loss. The consequences are tragic. Child labour can result in extreme phisical and mental damage, and even death. It can lead to slavery and sexual or economic exploitation. And in nearly every case, it cuts children off from schooling and health care, restricting their fundamental rights. Migrant and refugee children also risk being forced into work and even trafficked, especially if they are migrating alone or taking irregular routes with their families.Trafficked children are often subjected to violence, abuse and other human rights violations. For girls, the threat of sexual exploitation greater, while boys may be exploited by armed forces or groups.

Causes of child labour