snake and stairs
Created on November 22, 2024
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Snakes and stairs
roll the dice
¿Qué utilizarías en tu presentación de cara a entretener, aportar información relevante y captar la atención de tu audiencia?
Casilla 47
¿Sabías que las imágenes son un recurso estético que cuentan historias por sí mismas y además mantienen al cerebro despierto?
Casilla 9
¿Sabías que las imágenes son un recurso estético que cuentan historias por sí mismas?
Casilla 24
Casilla 55
Players start with a token—representing each of them—on the starting square and take turns rolling the dice. The pieces move according to the numbering on the board, in ascending direction. If at the end of a move, a player falls on a square where a ladder begins, he climbs up it to the square where it ends. If, on the other hand, it lands in one where a snake's tail begins, it goes down it to the square where its head ends.When you place yourself in one of the spaces with one of the pictures above, you should say a short sentence to the other player using the picture and one of the quantifiers, such as a lot of, a few, many, many, any, taking care to use each correctly, e.g: "He's eating a lot of apples.""They are drinking some water.Remember to use present tense to continue this activity.
Speaking partInstructions
If the player lands on the foot of a ladder, he moves up to the top square where the ladder end
If the player lands on a square where a snake's tail begins, he/she descends to a lower square where the head is placed.
Hacemos y vemos muchas cosas a lo largo del día. Muchísimas. ¿Cuántas dirías que recuerda nuestro cerebro? Así, con un porcentaje.
Casilla 43