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Fauver Coaching

Gamifying behavior

Using Google Tools to gamilfy classroom behavior

Intended Outcome

The mentee will be able to collect and evaluate data related to implementing classroom management expectations through digital gamificaiton. Data will be assessed by class period and table groups within a class period. Furthermore, self and peer-evaluation surveys will assist in one-to-one conversations about participation and collaborative skills with students. These tools will lead to more time for instruction and less time on corrective redirection.

Strategies & Tools

Google Forms - Used to take surveys & students' documentation of team points

Google Sheets - Data collection

Google Sheets Pivot Tables - Teacher compilation of data and publication to students

Google Tools offer a wide range of capabilities.

This video is excellent in showing how to use Pivot tables.



(((Jarrett, 2017)

the Research

Using gamification in the classroom has implications of instilling positive student attitudes, promoting adaptability, and encouraging class participation (Chen et al., 2020.) In addition, students will build community, encourage each other, and increase competence. Using frequent competitions and challenges, students can work to improve in specific teacher selected areas of behavior or show growth in collaboration and contributions.


Bell, K. (2021, August 31). 30 Ways to use Google Forms in the Classroom – SULS0125. Shake up Learning. https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/30- ways-to-use-google-forms-in-the-classroom-suls0125/ Bell, K. (2023, November 8). Empowering K12 Classrooms with Google Sheets (Part 1) – SULS0206. Shake up Learning. https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/empowering-k12-classrooms-with- google-sheets-suls0206/ Chen, P., Chang, T., & Wu, C. (2020). Effects of gamified classroom management on the divergent thinking and creative tendency of elementary students. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 36, 100664. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2020.100664 Jarrett, N. (2017, July 11). How to gamify your classroom. EDTECH 4 BEGINNERS. https://edtech4beginners.com/2016/11/16/how-to-gamify- your-classroom/ Teacher’s Tech. (2024, March 27). Unleash the power of pivot tables in Google sheets [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=DPwtwr5VfrM

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Intended Outcome



Research Highlights
