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Domestic Violence and Women


My research was done specifically on women this being said domestic violence does not just affect women and i would like to say that everyone and their experiences are equally important


Why is it contraversial?

This topic is controversial because Domestic Violence is seen as a shameful thing. Women tend to keep quiet when they are victims because of stereotypes that women are dramatic and exaggerate things as well as bring themselves harm by the way that they act or what they do.

Domestic violence and its effect on the mental health of women

What is it ?

Why I chose it

I decided on this topic because I know a lot of women in my life who have gone through this difficult path in life and I ultimately want awareness to be brought to it, not only for the future of this world


The research I conducted consisted of women in shelters and statistics dealing with women in developing countries


Domestic Violence and Women’s Mental Health in Chile

A case study done in Chile to see the correlation and psychological outcomes of Domestic violence

Mental Health Disorders and Functioning of Women in Domestic Violence Shelters

A case study done in Women's shelter to determine the relavence between mental health disorders and Domestic Violence

The Relative Contribution of Abuse Severity and PTSD Severity on the Psychiatric and Social Morbidity of Battered Women in Shelters

A case study was conducted to see if the level of domestic violence received has any correlation to the intensity of mental health disorders and the problems that then came with these disorders.


I learned that domestic violence is really harming to the mental health of women possible. I learned that many women find it hard to leave in the first place not because of shame but because they lose their standing in life and depend on the abuser


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