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Impact in the EFL (Click on the icon)

Psycholinguistic Tehories



By: Paulina Jaramillo Sierra

Foundations of bilingual Education



The monitor model

Language acquisition is the result of imitation and repetition of external stimuli

Positive reinforcement and error correction are essential for habit formation in language learning

There exists an innate "Language Acquisition Device" (LAD) that facilitates language learning

Creativity in language production is possible due to universal grammar

Language acquisition occurs unconsciously, while learning is a conscious, form-focused process

Acquisition is influenced by affective factors, such as motivation and anxiety.

Language acquisition is facilitated by exposure to high levels of comprehensible input

Social interaction and information exchange are crucial for developing linguistic skills

It intends to conjugate both innate (internal) and environmental (external) variables

It concentrates on the contextual dimension and the affective dimension to explain and aid the acquisition of languages

Stephen Krashen

Noam Chomsky

B.F Skinner



I am comparing and contrasting




2. Learning through conditioning (stimulus-response) 3. The enviroment is a primary determinant of behavior4. Reinforcement, punishment and immitation5. The theory of stimulus-response (S-R) was developed by behaviorismto explain the process ofL2 learning as the acquisition of a set of structures through habit formation. This theory proposes that language learning happens through imitation of parents and others, and depends on positive and negative reinforcement. Ramesh, R., Jenitha, J., & SK, S. (2023



  1. Environmental and contextual influences

  1. Observable behavior

2. Learning through interaction and social scaffolding3. Influeces behavior, cognition and language 4. Social interaction and cultural component

5. The acquisition of language has been a remarkable argument between nature, which is anchored on the belief that language is an innate ability, and nurture, wherein the environment plays an important role in the process of acquiring language. An ecological view of language acquisition and development views that the early phases of the language acquisition process are an emergent consequence of the interaction between the infant and its linguistic environment. Riva, M. G., Manzano, V. U., & Kim, G. D. (2022)

6. Behaviorism theoryis certainly different from other theories. This can be seen in every day classroom learning. Budiman, A. (2017) I see this point of view as you can observe n the reinforcement and consecquences to encourage desired behaviors in the classroom

6. Egangement is based in classroom design, peer interactions and society values influence learning

  • The enviroment plays an important role in both theories.
  • langage acquisition is seen as a result of interaction with the existing enviroment
  • Both theories support the idea of learning from external interactions instead of internal ones (as in the innatism theory) where students are intend to learn out of the ELD device.
  • Imitation is present in both theories
  • Dependence on social interaction
  • Based on an observable phenomena.
  • A major proponent of the idea that language depends largely on environment was the behaviorist B. F. Skinner (see pages 145 and 276 for more information on Skinner). He believed that language is acquired through principles of conditioning, including association, imitation, and reinforcement. Sparknotes Editors (2024)


  • Ramesh, R., Jenitha, J., & SK, S. (2023). Application Of Psycholinguistics Theories In English Language Classroom: A Review. Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture, 34, 2765-2786. https://namibian-studies.com/index.php/JNS/article/view/3873
  • Budiman, A. (2017). Behaviorism and foreign language teaching methodology. ENGLISH FRANCA: Academic Journal of English Language and Education, 1(2 December), 101-114.
  • SparkNotes Editors. (n.d.). Language and cognition: Theories of language acquisition. SparkNotes. Retrieved November 21, 2024, from https://www.sparknotes.com


Since this method implies that students reinforce language patterns through repetitive drills, It might help students internalize vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar structures better. Repetintion helps it become automatic which helps with fluency in basic conversations or daily tasks.

Teachers need to be aware of the world

On this approach, teachers tend to need to be on trend with the real world around students and encourage them to plan meaningful lessons that will help students to relate language use to practical situations.

Less grammar rules

Teaching grammar rules before learning how to listen and speak in the EFL scenario as a traditional method goes against the innatist theory, where student´s do not need to focus on memorizing or practicing grammatical rules. In this case, EFL students bennefit from a more context-based learning where grammar is learned more naturally and implicity.

Language acquisition impact

Motivation and self confidence play a huge role here. This gives EFL students an anxiety free scenario where the environment itself enhances language learning. Students may be more likely to take the lead and speak during classes and exercises while being encouraged and motivated.

Cultural awareness

This perspective does not only takes grammar and vocabulary into account, but also social interactions thorugh culture. Expossure to real contexts and cross-cultural communication increases students´pragmatic competence and their skills in diverse enviroments.