Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


ilha Deserta

Escape room


use seus conhecimento para escapar da ilha deserta

uma aventura criada pelo professor Inacio flor


Os jogadores foram naufragados em uma ilha deserta. Para escapar, eles precisam usar suas habilidades de sobrevivência e conhecimento de máquinas simples para resolver enigmas e construir ferramentas que os ajudarão a encontrar uma saída. O tempo é essencial, pois a maré está subindo e uma tempestade se aproxima!

Este diário narra as experiências de um corajoso náufrago que, depois de ir parar em uma ilha remota, enfrenta uma série de desafios inteligentes para obter os recursos necessários para construir uma jangada e conseguir escapar dessa ilha deserta. Você está pronto para essa emocionante busca de sobrevivência?




sobrevivendo a queda





A Praia

“Às vezes, a menor força pode mover montanhas. Procure algo que possa ser usado como um braço de alavanca.”


sobrevivendo a queda





A Praia

“Às vezes, a menor força pode mover montanhas. Procure algo que possa ser usado como um braço de alavanca.”


Após um naufrágio causado pela queda do avião em que estavam viajando, os sobreviventes precisam levantar uma pesada peça de destroços para liberar o acesso a uma caverna que poderia servir de abrigo. Eles decidem usar uma alavanca para mover a peça.






Qual das opções abaixo descreve corretamente o uso da alavanca nesse contexto?for downloads?

Usar um galho de árvore como ponto de apoio e tentar levantar a peça diretamente com as mãos.

Colocar um tronco de árvore sob a peça como fulcro e usar um galho longo para aplicar força em uma das extremidades.

Empurrar a peça com as mãos enquanto outra pessoa puxa pela extremidade oposta.

Amarrar a peça a uma corda e tentar arrastá-la com a força bruta de todos os sobreviventes.



Após uma queda de avião, os sobreviventes se encontram em uma ilha deserta e precisam levantar uma pesada porta de metal para liberar o acesso a um estoque de suprimentos dentro da fuselagem do avião. Eles decidem usar uma alavanca interfixa. Qual das opções abaixo descreve corretamente o uso dessa alavanca para mover a porta?

Amarrar a porta com uma corda e usar a força bruta de todos os sobreviventes para puxar.

Colocar um tronco de árvore sob a extremidade da porta como fulcro e empurrar o lado mais próximo da porta com as mãos.

Usar um galho resistente para pressionar a extremidade oposta da porta, com o ponto de apoio (fulcro) localizado entre a força aplicada e a porta.

Empurrar a porta de ambos os lados simultaneamente para levantá-la.



Ele será adicionado à sua mochila. Você precisará dele para poder comer durante os dias que passar na ilha deserta.


Você tem comida e utensílios de cozinha

Aqui você vai!









Atravessar a densa floresta para alcançar o acampamento abandonado.




plano inclinado

Para acender uma fogueira, você precisa dividir troncos de madeira. Há pedras afiadas disponíveis.



Como usar a cunha para partir dos troncos?

Assista ao vídeo e responda às seguintes perguntas


Posicionar a pedra afiada no centro do tronco e bater com outra pedra.

Partir Madeira

Escolher um galho reto e liso para empurrar o material e tentar criar os furos.

furar a madeira


Amarrar uma corda em volta do tronco e puxá-la repetidamente para "cavar" o furo.

cortar a madeira com a corda

Criar um parafuso improvisado com madeira e um cipó enrolado para girar no tronco.

o atrito transforma a energia de movimento em calor


Será adicionado à sua mochila. Você precisará dele durante os dias que passar na ilha deserta.


Você tem uma corda, talvez ela seja útil para você










Ao sair da floresta, encontre uma clareira iluminada pelo sol e perceba que cada vez mais chegando o final da ilha,, e novos desafios aguardam,




O que eles podem usar para construir as rodas e o eixo?

rodas e eixos



Para acelerar a limpeza do caminho, que máquina simples seria usada para transportar os galhos cortados.



Qual das duas pessoas, a que empurra a roda ou a que carrega a tora, está utilizando uma máquina simples para facilitar o transporte do objeto?

Você está quase lá!


Ele será adicionado à sua mochila. Você precisará dele durante os dias que passar na ilha deserta.


Você tem um machado, pode ser útil para você










Vocês precisam construir um abrigo utilizando materiais simples encontrados na natureza e algumas ferramentas básicas.




Construção de abrigo

Quais máquinas simples podem ser utilizadas na construção do abrigo




Plano inclinado


Qual das seguintes máquinas simples seria MENOS útil para erguer uma grande pedra para ser utilizada como base do abrigo?



Empurrar o remo para baixo na água com a força distribuída ao longo da pá.

Empurrar o remo para baixo na água com a força concentrada na ponta da pá.

Ao remar um barco, qual das seguintes ações representa a melhor aplicação do princípio da alavanca para impulsionar o barco para frente?


Puxar o remo para trás na água com a força distribuída ao longo da pá.

d) Puxar o remo para trás na água com a força concentrada na ponta da pá.

Aumentar a distância entre o ponto de apoio e a pedra.

Diminuir a distância entre o ponto de apoio e a força aplicada.

Aumentar o peso da pedra.

Ao utilizar uma alavanca para erguer uma grande pedra para a base do abrigo, qual dos fatores abaixo DIMINUI a força necessária para realizar essa tarefa?


Diminuir o comprimento total da alavanca.

Ele será adicionado à sua mochila. Você precisará dele durante os dias que passar na ilha deserta.


Você tem uma lanterna, talvez ela seja útil para você










vamos cosntruir a jangada

Espera, olhando sua mochila

Verifique os itens em sua mochila e use a lanterna para encontrar o código de acesso à missão final que lhe permitirá escapar da ilha deserta.

Continue procurando

Code: 1234

Continue procurando

Continue procurando

Continue procurando

Continue procurando

Continue procurando

1st code: 1

2nd code: 2

3rd code: 3



construindo a jangada

Como pode utilizar as máquinas simples e cordas para construir uma jangada resistente e capaz de suportar o peso de todos e de suprimentos essenciais?









Pronto para partida?

Você explorou a ilha inteira, conseguiu construir uma jangada, mas agora não consegue lembrar onde deixou sua mochila e precisará dela antes de poder sair. No mapa, você pode ver os lugares onde sua mochila pode estar.

Arraste as partes do mapa para encontrar onde você deixou sua mochila e conseguir escapar da ilha deserta.

Mapa da ilha deserta

Parabéns aventureiro! Você demonstrou grande bravura e sagacidade. Você superou com sucesso cada desafio e conseguiu construir a jangada que o levará de volta ao mundo civilizado.Que sua jornada de volta seja repleta de novas aventuras e emoções!

saudações do professor inácio flor

Outra vez!

Wow, you got it!


Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!

In this window, you will find a series of key clues that will help you solve the challenges and puzzles that await you on this deserted island. Remember to keep your eyes wide open and work as a team to decipher each riddle.


In this window, you will find a series of key clues that will help you solve the challenges and puzzles that await you on this deserted island. Remember to keep your eyes wide open and work as a team to decipher each riddle.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod.

Consectetur adipiscing elit


In this window, you will find a series of key clues that will help you solve the challenges and puzzles that await you on this deserted island. Remember to keep your eyes wide open and work as a team to decipher each riddle.


Welcome to a new mission in our exciting adventure! In this challenging task, you will face unique obstacles that will test your wit and teamwork. Get ready to dive into a world full of mysteries and emotions, where every decision will bring you closer to victory.Let the survival begin!

A cool subtitle here


Welcome to a new mission in our exciting adventure! In this challenging task, you will face unique obstacles that will test your wit and teamwork. Get ready to dive into a world full of mysteries and emotions, where every decision will bring you closer to victory.Let the survival begin!

A cool subtitle here


Welcome to a new mission in our exciting adventure! In this challenging task, you will face unique obstacles that will test your wit and teamwork. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world full of mysteries and emotions, where every decision will bring you closer to victory.Let the survival begin!

A cool subtitle here


Welcome to a new mission in our exciting adventure! In this challenging task, you will face unique obstacles that will test your wit and teamwork. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world full of mysteries and emotions, where every decision will bring you closer to victory.Let the survival begin!

A cool subtitle here


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod.



Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!


Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!

In this window, you will find a series of key clues that will help you solve the challenges and puzzles that await you on this deserted island. Remember to keep your eyes wide open and work as a team to decipher each riddle.



Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!

In this window, you will find a series of key clues that will help you solve the challenges and puzzles that await you on this deserted island. Remember to keep your eyes wide open and work as a team to decipher each riddle.



Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!


Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!


Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!


Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!

In this window, you will find a series of key clues that will help you solve the challenges and riddles that await you on this deserted island. Remember to keep your eyes wide open and work as a team to decipher each puzzle.


In this window, you will find a series of key clues that will help you solve the challenges and puzzles that await you on this deserted island. Remember to keep your eyes wide open and work as a team to decipher each riddle.


Welcome to a new mission in our exciting adventure! In this challenging task, you will face unique obstacles that will test your wit and teamwork. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world full of mysteries and emotions, where every decision will bring you closer to victory.Let the survival begin!

A cool subtitle here


In this window, you will find a series of key clues that will help you solve the challenges and puzzles that await you on this deserted island. Remember to keep your eyes wide open and work as a team to decipher each riddle.


Welcome to a new mission in our exciting adventure! In this challenging task, you will face unique obstacles that will test your wit and teamwork. Get ready to dive into a world full of mysteries and emotions, where every decision will bring you closer to victory.Let the survival begin!

A cool subtitle here



Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!


Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!


Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!

Welcome to a new mission in our exciting adventure! In this challenging task, you will face unique obstacles that will test your wit and teamwork. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world full of mysteries and emotions, where every decision will bring you closer to victory.Let the survival begin!

A cool subtitle here



Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!


Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!

In this window, you will find a series of key clues that will help you solve the challenges and puzzles that await you on this deserted island. Remember to keep your eyes wide open and work as a team to decipher each riddle.



Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!

Welcome to a new mission in our exciting adventure! In this challenging task, you will face unique obstacles that will test your wit and teamwork. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world full of mysteries and emotions, where every decision will bring you closer to victory.Let the survival begin!

A cool subtitle here



Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!

Welcome to a new mission in our exciting adventure! In this challenging task, you will face unique obstacles that will test your wit and teamwork. Get ready to dive into a world full of mysteries and emotions, where every decision will bring you closer to victory.Let the survival begin!

A cool subtitle here



Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!


Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!


Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!


Don't be discouraged, the adventure is not over yet! Take a moment to rest and try again. Remember every mistake is a learning opportunity that will bring you closer to victory. Cheer up, brave adventurer!

even the greatest explorers faced unexpected challenges

Don't give up!