Caregiving Profession, Stress, and Heart Disease
Ashmita Shanthakumar
Created on November 19, 2024
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Study types
Exposure measurement methodology
Sample Quality
outcomes for measuring disease
Analytical plan
Measuring Interactions
An awesome title
Limiting biases
“Do those in the caregiving profession experience increased levels of mental stress and occurences of heart disease compared to those in other professions?”
By: Ashmita Shanthakumar
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With Genially templates, you can include visual resources that’ll engage the class from the word go.Highlight key content to help students assimilate it and even embed external content that will surprise them and provide more context for the topic: videos, photos, audios ...Whatever you like!
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Prospective Cohort Study
Type of Study
- Way to get current data on exactly the things I am looking for
- Strength: Strongest observational study design and can establish temporality.
- Weakness: Difficult to recruit, expensive to maintain, takes a lot of time and money
Why not a different type of study?
-Gather data on heart disease in various occupations -Have people complete weekly tests on cortisol levels-Have people fill out a perceived stress survey.
Job Exposure Matrix
Exposure Measurement Methodology
Statistical Comparisons
Sample Quality
Random Error
-Relative Risk-Odds Ratio
Cardiovascular Events: Case Definition: Those who have experienced a heart attack, developed a heart disease, or have arrhythmia.Measures: Data collected on rates of heart disease of those who work in caregiving professions and groups that don’t work in the caregiving profession and have a heart disease. Stress: Case Definition: Stress factors include experiencing anxiety, depression, burnout, working long hours, getting less sleep,etc. Measures:Questionnaire: Perceived stress scaleData collected on cortisol levels
Measurement Outcomes
Outcomes for Measuring Disease
Healthy Worker Effect- Those who choose to be part of the study may not be comparable to the total population or the total population of those in caregiving professions. Ascertainment Bias- An unusual condition of cases and controls. Could be difficult comparing the different populations making sure to isolate exposure.
Selection Biases
Limiting Bias
Information Biases
Reporting Bias- Since part of the survey involves a perceived stress test that requires self-reporting there is always a chance that people may underreport their past medical history. Observer Bias- Just by observing you change the behavior
With Genially templates, you can include visual resources that’ll engage the class from the word go.Highlight key content to help students assimilate it and even embed external content that will surprise them and provide more context for the topic: videos, photos, audios ...Whatever you like!
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Plans:-Linear Regression Model-Odds Ratio-Relative RiskProgram: -SAS
Analytical Plan
Measuring Interaction
Effect Modifiers
-Previous mental and physical health conditions-How long they have worked in the field
- Remember to activate user tracking
- In the Analytics settings
- Let the communication flow!
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- Remember to activate user tracking
- In the Analytics settings
- Let the communication flow!
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Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: If you want to get information on how how your audience interacts with your creation:
- Remember to activate user tracking
- In the Analytics settings
- Let the communication flow!
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Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: If you want to get information on how how your audience interacts with your creation:
Study Question
My Study Question: “Do those in the caregiving profession experience increased levels of mental stress and occurrences of heart disease compared to those in other professions?”