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Arrival Procedures Game!
Before we continue...
Do you have your badge?!
Welcome to school! Make sure you have your badges on and visible!!
Ok, so now that we know the procedure. Let's
2. It will be delivered to you by 3rd period the next day!
1. Go to and pay for a new badge!
So what do you do if you don't have a badge?
Whoa, this is a school safety requirement. All students must have a badge.
Select your character!
6th Grade
I am a Student Athlete
I need to eat breakfast!
What's your plan?
I already had breakfast!
7th Grade
I am a Student Athlete
I need to eat breakfast!
What's your plan?
I already had breakfast!
8th Grade
I am a Student Athlete
I need to eat breakfast!
What's your plan?
I already had breakfast!
I want to go to the Courtyard
I want to go to the 6th Grade Pod
I want to go to the Library!
What's your plan?
I already had breakfast!
I want to go to the Courtyard
I want to go to the 7th Grade Pod
I want to go to the Library!
What's your plan?
I already had breakfast!
I want to go to the Courtyard
I want to go to the 8th Grade Pod
I want to go to the Library!
What's your plan?
I already had breakfast!
" I do not need to eat breakfast!"
" I need to eat breakfast"
Student Athletes
Select your Destination
Welcome to the 6th Grade Pod!Click me to continue
I am going to go somewhere else!
I will stay here!
Here are Rules for the 6th Grade Pod!
I am going to go somewhere else!
I will stay here!
Once you are in the Pod, you stay in the Pod. Try again!
Welcome to the 7th Grade Pod!Click me to continue
Here are the Rules for the 7th Grade POD!
I am going to go somewhere else!
I will stay here!
Let's Try that again!
I am going to go somewhere else!
I will stay here!
Welcome to the 8th Grade Pod! Click me to learn more!
I am going to go somewhere else!
I will stay here!
Here are the rules for the 8th Grade Pod!
I am going to go somewhere else!
Once you are in the Pod, you stay in the Pod. Try again!
I will stay here!
Welcome in! Click me!
I am going to go somewhere else!
I will stay here!
Here are the Rules for the Library!
Let's Try this again...
I am going to go somewhere else!
I will stay here!
Welcome to the Cafeteria. Click me for more.
Come in, Grab your food, have a seat and stay seated.Trash cans will come around for you to throw your food away.
I will stay here!
I am going to go somewhere else!
Here are the Rules for the Cafeteria.
Come in, Grab your food, have a seat and stay seated.Once you are in the Cafeteria you may not leave. Trash cans will come around for you to throw your food away.
I will stay here!
I am going to go somewhere else!
Let's try this again!
Welcome to the Courtyard! Quick Question?
Do you have your badge?!
Come in, have a seat and stay seated. We are not running around or throwing balls. You can play with the games on the stage or use your chromebooks. Although we areoutside, we do not scream/yell in the courtyard. Students are not permitted to open doors to let students in or out of the courtyard. There is only one entrance / exit.
I am going to go somewhere else!
I will stay here!
Welcome to the Courtyard! Here are the Rules for the Court Yard.
Come in, have a seat and stay seated. We are not running around or throwing balls. You can play with the games on the stage or use your chromebooks. Although we areoutside, we do not scream/yell in the courtyard. Students are not permitted to open doors to let students in or out of the courtyard. There is only one entrance / exit.
I am going to go somewhere else!
I will stay here!
Let's Try that again!
A badge is required to enter... click OK to try again.
Welcome to the Courtyard! Quick Question?
Welcome to the Gym! Click me for more information
Have a seat and stay seated.No phones. Once you are in the Gym, you may not leave.
Here are the Rules for the Gym!
I will stay here!
I am going to go somewhere else!
Have a seat and stay seated.No phones. Once you are in the Gym, you may not leave.
Let's try that again...
I will stay here!
I am going to go somewhere else!