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Sex and sexuality



Why did we decide to bring this topic?

How do I know my sexual orientation?

Whats the difference between gender identity and biologial sex?

What is the most effective contraceptive method?

What is consent?

Contraceptive methods

IUD (Intrauterine Device)

Does not protect against STINot affordableLess use in our ageLong-term protectionThe most effective method

Female condom

Contraceptive pill

Does not protect against STI Available Side effects

Protective against STILess common useMore difficult to use than the male condom


Protective against STIAvailable/affordableAllergic reactions (latex)

+ info

Healthy relashionships and consent

"No means no"

  • Respect, trust and communication
  • Bondaries
  • Clear agreement
  • Never do something you're not comfortable with

+ info



By separating the two concepts, we create a more compassionate society that recognizes the complexity of human identity beyond just biology.

Gender identity

Biological sex

Refers to the physical and biological characteristics

Includes chromosomes, hormornes and sexual organs

Assigned at birth as male or female

Refers to a person´s internal experience and perception of gender

Its not related to the sex assigned at birth

How do I know my sexuality?



What is my sexuality?

When you are discovering yourself, there is no need to label yourself immediatly

It takes time

It is a slow process of discovery. It is up to each person to accept it. There is no rush.

Its not a choice

It is not something that we decide, and it is not a sudden discovery.






Leonor vilela

Thank you

clara moroso

Although the male pill is not widely discussed it exists. It has fewer side effects compared to the female pill, however it is not commonly used.


A great title

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for students to view it on any device and learn anywhere.


The is a museum in Belgium dedicated to the storys and experiences of women and children who have suffered from sexual violence.

Did you know that...

The clothes are not an invitation.

A great title

Visual content is a cross-cutting and universal language, like music. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.

Show enthusiasm! Take a deep breath and start your presentation on the topic.
With tranquility and conciseness. Synthesize the content.
Through a framework, to count everything in an orderly manner.


A great title

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for students to view it on any device and learn from anywhere.


A great title

Ask a question or pose a problem that makes the class think; it is the essential ingredient to keep their attention. It is usually posed at the beginning of the topic to encourage critical thinking and participation.


A great title

We don't like to bore in our classes or work with flat content. It's time to bet on dynamic and interactive learning experiences that stimulate the thinking and creativity of each student.