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by Almas M.

Page 1: Home Page 2: HDI Page 3 Level Of DevelopmentPage 4: Type of Economy Page 5: Example of Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary Jobs. Page 6: Citations







HDI VALUE: 0.717 (HIGH) GDP per capita: 14,300Literacy rate: 95% Life expectancy: M: 70 F: 73Infant mortality rate: 21.9/1000 live births HDI score: 110

HDI RANK: 110 out of 193

South Africa HDI


Level of Development

Newly Industrialized Country (NIC)

South Africa iss Considered an NIC because of its rapid economic growth, more focus in industry and services. Accoriding to the New York times the US and South Africa are not in the same catagory because "t is wrong to compare the two countries. South Africa is a developing country with a per capita income closer to those of Brazil and Mexico" this shows that since the USA, an MDC, and South Africa have differences when it comes to income capita, soical welfare and distribution on wealth. Many sources claim that South Africa only seems rich on the outside. This proves that while South Africa is steaidly increasing in economic growth and HDI, it is still developing and has a long way to go. South Africa still faces problmes with youth unemployment and is decreasng in HDI value.

Type of Economy


South Africa's GDP maily focuses on services and one of its biggest inductries is mining. It has a upper middle economy.


Job Examples:

Primary: (Farming wheat, corn, wine grapes and macadamia nuts)Secondary: (Manufacturing Steel, textiles, clothing, food processing)Tertiary: (Tourism industry)Quaternary: (Virus Researchers, Scientists )



Jauch, Herbert. "Economics after apartheid." Canadian Dimension, vol. 31, no. 4, July-Aug. 1997, pp. 26+. Gale In Context: Global Issues, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A54869711/GIC?u=j043905&sid=bookmark-GIC&xid=ca037c8a. Accessed 21 Nov. 2024.United Nations Development Program. “Human Development Insights.” Human Development Reports, United Nations, 13 Mar. 2024, hdr.undp.org/data-center/country-insights#/ranks.GOVERNMENT. “South Africa - the World Factbook.” Www.cia.gov, www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/south-africa/#economy."Just like the others? South Africa is as different from the countries of Black Africa as it is similar to them." The Economist, vol. 318, no. 7698, 16 Mar. 1991, pp. 13+. Gale In Context: Global Issues, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A10460193/GIC?u=j043905&sid=bookmark-GIC&xid=88c948e6. Accessed 21 Nov. 2024."U.S. and South Africa In Different Leagues." New York Times, 3 June 1993. Gale In Context: Global Issues, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A174563968/GIC?u=j043905&sid=bookmark-GIC&xid=672b6f11. Accessed 21 Nov. 2024.