Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.

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Oral d'espagnol

Présenté par:

Perline et Massilya

Novembre 2024

Manuela canizares

  • Quito en 1769
  • educacion superior
  • ideas progresistas
y revolucionarias
Lucha por la liberacion de Ecuador

1. Summary

palabras famosas

+ info

reunion con los principales lideres

9 de agosto de 1809

La reunion

5. Theoretical Framework

fue detenida y ejecutada


3. Objectives

+ info

bandera de Quito

Manuela Canizares

-el 10 de agosto de 1809-primera capital sudamicana

2. Introduction

Independancia de Ecuador y Manuela canizares

no vivio suficiente paa vers la independancia definitivaInicio de la participacion femeninala convertio en una pionera

7. State of the issue

contribuyo a allanar el camino para la epancipacion.

su legado se sigue celebrando

fue reconocide como heroina y simbolo de resistencia femenina

6. Methodology

Population and sample

In this space, it is also advisable to establish the importance of the topic, discuss previous and current research in the field, and identify the problem.We also recommend that interactivity and animation be present in all your creations, regardless of their type.

Field work

That's why, at Genially, we create our designs to make understanding and learning easier, so you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and hooks.

Pensez-vous qu'aujourd'hui, les hommes doivent participer aux mouvements féministes ?


Thank you!

Any questions?

6. Methodology


Interactivity and animation can make even the most boring content fun. In Genially, we also create our designs to facilitate understanding and learning, so that you level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that brings value and engages.

Procedures and variables

When carrying out a presentation, one must pursue two objectives: conveying information and avoiding yawns. To achieve this, it may be a good practice to create an outline and use words and concepts that aid in the assimilation of the content.

8. Development

Interactivity and animation can be your best allies in making content fun.


We are visual beings

Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when it comes to creating tables, infographics, or charts that help provide context to the topic or unit, as well as simplify information to make it more understandable. We are visual beings and find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text.

8. Development

If your genially includes data that are difficult to explain or understand, do not hesitate: including graphics will help better understand each data and give it meaning.


Use graphics in your presentation...

8. Development

Use tables and infographics

Visual communication is a key tool. We find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text. That's why disciplines like Visual Thinking facilitate knowledge organization through the use of images, graphics, infographics, and simple drawings.

8. Development

1.1. Write an awesome subtitle here

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to engage the class from minute 1. You can also highlight key content to facilitate its assimilation and even embed external content that surprises and provides more context to the topic: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!

8. Development

Statistics convey professionalism and a greater sense of credibility.Bonus: always try to include the source.

  • You can create an outline to summarize the content.
    • Use words that help consolidate students' mental structures.
    • Numbered ideas are much more memorable than bullet point lists.
  • You can delve into the content in more detail through your oral presentation.
    • We recommend that you practice and rehearse: the best improvisation is always the most prepared one!
  • Show enthusiasm, smile, and maintain eye contact with your class.

85% of purchases are emotional

9. Conclusions

Generate experienceswith your content

You can create an outline to synthesize the content and use words that will be etched into your audience's brains. Numbered ideas are much better remembered than bullet lists.

Measure results and experiment

You can develop the content in more detail through your oral presentation. We recommend that you train your voice and practice: the best improvisation is always the most rehearsed!

Activate and amaze your audience

Show enthusiasm, smile, and maintain eye contact with your audience: 'The eyes, chico. They never lie'. This will help you make a 'match' with your audience. Leave them speechless!


Last Name Last Name, Author (20XX). Place of publication: Publisher.

Last Name Last Name, Author (20XX). Place of publication: Publisher.

Last name Last name, Author (20XX). Place of publication: Publisher.

Last Name Last Name, Author (20XX). Place of Publication: Publisher.

Last Name Last Name, Author (20XX). Place of publication: Publisher.

  • Book Title
  • Book Title
  • Book Title

10. Bibliography

  • Book Title

Bibliographic references

  • Book Title

Last Name Last Name, Author (20XX). Place of publication: Publisher.

  • Book Title

11. Figures and Tables

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Graph 1

Table 1

Graph 2

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Write a cool title here

The visual content is a transversal, universal language, like music. We are able to understand images from thousands of years ago, even from other cultures. We don't like boring. We don't want to be repetitive. Communicating in the same way is boring and doesn't engage. We do it differently. We sabotage boredom. We create what the brain likes to consume because it stimulates it.

Write a titleamazing here


Visual content is a cross-cutting, universal language, like music. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures. We don't like to bore. We don't want to be repetitive. Communicating in the same way is boring and doesn't engage. We do it differently. We sabotage boredom. We create what the brain likes to consume because it stimulates it.

"Aqui no necesitamos cobardes ! Fuera si sois tan debiles"


Write a titleamazing here


Visual content is a cross-cutting, universal language, like music. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures. We don't like to bore. We don't want to be repetitive. Communicating in the same way is boring and doesn't engage. We do it differently. We sabotage boredom. We create what the brain likes to consume because it stimulates it.