Multimedia Research Essay: The Law of Attraction
Reese Overlock
Created on November 18, 2024
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Multimedia Research Essay
The Law of Attraction
Do you have big dreams?
Do you have goals that you don't think you can't achieve?
Have you yet to achieve your asiprations despite strong feelings of desire?
Have you thought about how maybe the reason you haven't achieved these goals is because you don't truly believe that you'll achieve them? It truly could be that simple when you consider the Law of Attraction.
Thank you!
Real Life Example
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How I got into the Law of Attraction
As a girl in her 20’s, I’ve felt that same feeling of self-disappointment that you’ve likely felt. I want to be a professional dancer, have at least three kids with a loving husband, and live an overall fulfilling life. At 20 years old with a busy school schedule that disables time to work and enough time to train in dance , I’ve felt extremely discouraged. I’ve heard it all…from myself;
"You don't deserve the life you desire"
“You’ll never have your dream life”
“You won’t have enough money for your dream lifestyle”
“You’re not good enough”
This year, I got to a point where I was fed up with these strong desires coupled with a lack of internal confidence to achieve them. I finally concluded that if I was putting the negative energy of doubt into the universe, I likely wouldn’t achieve these goals. After being fed up with feeling this way, I came across the Law of Attraction.
of the Law of Attraction
Stated simply, it is the idea that what you think about is what you’ll attract, and what you attract is what you will achieve. It involves feeling gratitude for what you have as a way to open new doors of opportunity, and to accept the good things that are coming your way. In reality, though, it isn’t that simple. Skeptics believe that there isn’t any scientific evidence out there that proves that this theory is true. However, when put side by side with science, this theory starts to make more sense.
What is the Law of Attraction?
(Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t: Chapter The Science of the Law of Attraction). "
“When it comes to “vibrations”, if atoms are “aligned”, they create a motive force, all pulling together in the same direction…this creation of positive (+) and negative (-) poles is a fact of nature and science. Suffice to say, science has shown that if there are physical laws that can be observed and quantified in one area, there are most probably similar laws in other areas, even if they cannot be quantified at this time.”
When talking about the Law of Attraction, we often talk about the vibrations that humans give off. If you reprogram your subconscious to think more optimistically, you will give off a positive vibration which will, in turn, attract positive energy. To skeptics, the idea that humans give off positive and negative vibrations that consequently attract positive and negative energy likely sounds like some sort of spiritual belief that cannot be backed up by science. However, when we lean into scientific data, we can further understand how this is not the case; all the way down to the atoms that make up the human body, science has proven that our vibration determines what we attract.
Further debunking skepticism
Another argument against skeptics is that you don’t necessarily have to understand something in order for it to work. Just as you don’t have to understand gravity in order for it to continue working, you don’t have to understand how the Law of Attraction works in order for it to come to fruition. You could choose to jump off a balcony, but you would likely plummet to your death due to gravitational pull. You have the choice whether to jump or not. Similarly, thinking negative thoughts will likely lead to the manifestation of those negative thoughts, even if you think you don’t have control over it (The Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction, Jon Burras).
However, many well-educated professionals disapprove of the idea of this being pigeonholed. Before we really get into the science of this concept, let’s look at a real-life depiction of the Law of Attraction in action.
At first glance, the Law of Attraction may seem like a delusional, spiritual concept that cannot be backed up by science. Many still believe that it is merely a spiritual idea that cannot be supported by science.
Serena Williams and her father, Richard Williams
Real Life Example
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“My plan was simple: to bring two children out of the ghetto to the forefront of a white-dominated game. Could it be done? I hoped so. In fact, I was beyond hope. I was certain [...] Eliminating the last doubts from my mind, I wrote a final seventy-five-page tennis-training plan for myself, Oracene, and my daughters-to-be, detailing every step of the road we would travel, more than two and a half years before they were both born.” (King Richard and Reclaiming William Richard’s Legacy)Richard Williams was so confident that his daughters would be successful tennis players that he convinced himself that it would be true. His method was clearly successful, and is a perfect example of the Law of Attraction at work.
According to an article from Michigan Daily and many others, Serena Williams is the best tennis player of all time. Not only is she a she, but she’s also a black woman born and raised in a black family. Despite being a minority, she was able to overcome this with her incredible talent and work ethic.Like most professionals, she didn’t rise to fame and talent overnight. In fact, her father believed that his children would be famous tennis players before his kids were even born! In his memoir titled Black and White, father Richard Williams writes
Serena Williams &Richard Williams
Data on a study conducted based on the Law of Attraction
A study was conducted with an experimental group and a control group, each group containing 34 people. The experimental group received a series of lectures on the Law of Attraction, and the control group did not receive those lectures. The groups were tested on their happiness and gratitude levels throughout the study. While first being lectured, the experimental group experienced a lowered level of gratitude and happiness. However, the results from after the study were unbelievable:
Law of Attraction Masters Student Study
Gratitude is extremeley important in the law of attraction, as it increases your positive attitude, therefore increasing your positive vibration. Throughout all of my research, Einstein has come up in my findings more times than not. His knowledge of science extended into the Law of Attraction, as science supports this theory as we’ve seen through studies and other famous examples.
“Albert Einstein knew a great deal of The Secret (Law of Attraction), and “he said ‘Thank you’ hundred times each day. He thanked all the great scientists who preceded him for their contributions, which enabled him to learn and achieve even more in his work, and eventually become one of the greatest scientists who has ever lived.” (The Law of Attraction: Positive Thinking and Level of Gratitude towards Happiness, Page 3).
After the test, the experimental group’s happiness and gratitude levels increased significantly in comparison to the control group. This is because the experimental group manifested their happiness through the Law of Attraction, which ultimately led to more gratitude and happiness towards their lives. Gratitude opens up so many doors of opportunity. Even Albert Einstein agreed:
In order to understand how to take control of the Law of Attraction, you must understand consciousness
In order to discover how to take your destiny into your own hands, you must understand the four levels of consciousness:
So how do you take control over the Law of Attraction so it works in your favor? As we already know…
(The Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction, Jon Burras)
“The Law of Attraction is the most fundamental of all universal laws. Out-pacing the laws of gravity and velocity (E=V2), well-beyond the measurements of science, The Law of Attraction is the basis for who you are.”
At this level, you are in such a deep-rooted pattern that you unconsciously become conscious within your positive thoughts. You choose to make daily efforts to focus on your mind. You understand that these positive thoughts will allow you to receive positivity, and you no longer have to work so hard to achieve your desires.
You are aware that you are unconsciously attracting negativity into your life. You understand that your negative thoughts are determining your outcome, even if you may not necessarily like the outcome. Regardless, you are aware of this negative pattern.
You are actively choosing optimism. You may visualize something, and consequently, it arrives. You allow positivity to come to you, you accept it, and acknowledge it once it comes.
At this level, you are fully unaware that you are unconscious. You continue to unconsciously attract negativity into your life due to your pattern-driven mindset. You may feel like the world is against you, and that there’s nothing you can do about it.
Unconscious Consciousness
Conscious Consciousness
Conscious Unconsciousness
Unconscious Unconsciousness
Once you understand these four levels of consciousness, it will be a lot easier for you to take control of your mind and actively choose to be aware of your positive thoughts. There are many ways to manifest your desires, including visualization, journaling, and meditation.
I will show you forms of manifestation that you can use anytime!
This video is an amazing explanation of the strategies that you can use to manifest. A neuroscientist explains his perspective on manifestation. This specific segment conveys a neuroscientist's daily manifestation strategies.
Whenever you have free time, like right before bed or right when you wake up, try visualizing your desires. If you know that downtown will be busy that day, visualize an open parking spot. If you want to travel in your future, envision yourself traveling. My favorite way to visualize my desires is by using Pinterest. I’ve created a board called “dream life” and a board called “to live by”, and I look at these boards every day. (insert images of and links to my boards). When I look at these boards, I visualize myself already having achieved them. I wholeheartedly believe those uplifting quotes, and I believe that I will achieve my “dream life”. Visualizing using Pinterest, or even just using your imagination, will get you one step closer to the Conscious Consciousness that you can achieve.
Journaling is another very effective form of manifestation. I have a journal that I use solely for manifestation. In this journal, I write entries with things that I hope to desire, but I write them as if I already have them. When writing your desires in the present tense, you are convincing your subconscious that you already possess these desires. As you’ve learned, believing these positive thoughts will allow you to attract that positive energy that you hope to achieve.
A final and extremely important strategy for manifestation is meditation. Meditation is an amazing way to tap into neuroplasticity and allow you to focus on your desires. Carving time out of your day to meditate will not only help you manifest your dreams, but will also make you feel like an overall healthier and happier person. Whether you use guided meditations from Youtube or are already skilled with the idea of meditation, setting aside 5-30 minutes in your day to meditate will open up so many possibilities to manifest.
This story isn’t about me achieving my dream life. This story isn’t about Richard Williams manifesting his daughter’s success. This story is about how utilizing the Law of Attraction can help you to achieve your deepest desires.