Teacher's study guide
Created on November 18, 2024
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Teacher's didactic sequence
Student's Teaching II
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Profile's review and reflection
Third session
Second session
First session
Teacher's didactic sequence
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Student's Teaching II
In this session, students will share the advantages of having social networks as a support for their English learning process. But what the students will have to do is the creation of a profile of Social Media (not real), from the idea of being able to give an idea about how they have interacted with social networks. It will be a final deliverable with the purpose that they will keep it since they are in their last year of school. ( Creativity would be everything for that activity) Students will be asked to provide a profile deliverable with the following requirements:Description about me: In this part they will be able to express what they are, how they want to identify themselves and something that characterizes them. A text with the topics that we have learned during the different lessons and based on the content of the lesson plans in Drive.My likes or hobbies: In this part the students will have the opportunity to put things they like, the hobbies they do, they can attach pictures or images of what they are passionate about. Tips for English class: In this section they will create three tips for those people who are starting and will give innovative ideas for the process of teaching a language like English, in order to see what aspects they consider important in teaching English. Finally the last section will be What I want to do in the future: In this section they will be able to analyze and imagine what they want for their future, be it studying, entrepreneurship, innovation, development, any kind of dream they have in mind.
In this class we will define some concepts within social networks. The idea is to organize the room in a round table, will be divided into two groups, the first group will have a sheet of paper where they will have to write good aspects and advantages of using social networks. On the other hand, the other half of the group will have to write down bad aspects or disadvantages of the use of social networks from their perspective as students. The idea is to rotate the sheet and as they write things down we can socialize and identify what aspects they consider good or bad in the use of social networks and how they believe these aspects would help them improve in learning a language such as English.
Flipped classroom-Socialization
DefiningSocial media
Finally for our didactic sequence, students will review that information, share and socialize during a class dedicated to the process of developing that profile. They will be able to share their thoughts about how much this profile helped them to organize some ideas in their life, to see learning English in a different way, and above all to be able to express what characterizes them, but in a language they may not have seen in the same way when they started the classes.
Profile's review and reflection
Students will be able to keep their profiles and from time to time they will be able treo analyze if they are really fulfilling what they wrote there, an activity that by that point, at the end of their school year, can be something more significant in terms of their learning, and above all in their emotional and critical thinking.
In this session, students will have the opportunity to browse social networks through different channels where language content is made. Students will see how content focused on language teaching can open spaces for dissemination, opinion and sharing interactive moments through the social networks they use in their daily lives.
- Social media provides real life language and models how native speakers actually interact with each other.
Exploring social media's potential
- Mastering English Through TikTok
Let's see some profiles that can help us with our language acquisition process:
Open the links to see some people whoteach English on Tiktok