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made by: shaden , judy, hana and yomna

melting point: how global warming is flooding our future

understanding the causes,consequences and solutions

What is Global Warming?

a slow rise in global temperatures brought on by chemicals like carbon dioxide that are building up in the atmosphere and preventing heat from escaping into space



what are polar ice caps?

Melting of Ice caps

a region of land at the north or south pole of the planet

This phenomena is a result of human activity. In particular, temperatures have increased since the industrial revolution due to emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, with the poles seeing even greater temperatures.

Causes of melting of ice caps

When an ice cube is exposed to a heat source, like warm water or air, it melts. So, it's no surprise that a warming climate is causing our glaciers and ice sheets to melt.

1. Sea Level Rise: Ice melting adds water to the oceans. 2. Flood coastal places and Islands are at a high risk3.Loss of Habitat: Affects species like polar bears, seals, and indigenous communities. (which causes the endangered species problem)

melting of ice caps has a very dangerous domino effect, and that's how it works:

consequences of its melting

In your opinion, how should we solve these problems?

  • marine life
  • regulate sea level
  • maintain global temperature
importance of ice caps
  • Using our own cars
  • manfacturing goods
  • cutting down forests

which are caused because of many activities that we do in our daily life :

Green House gases :

  • Carbon dioxide gas
  • Methane
  • Nitrous Oxide

causes of global warming