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By Brianna Emond

Testing the hypothesis

"Online Book Clubs for Preteens and Teens"


We've got the research,now where's the hypothesis?

I've got a couple ideas for this one...


Originality/Value "Online book clubs offer a forum that capitalizes on youths’ familiarity withcomputers and new literacy practices while staying rooted in traditional practices. Public libraryonline book clubs are sites of possibility – a medium through which libraries can more readilyencourage literate practices in younger generations." (p. 176)

Literature Review"It is imperative that researchers begin paying attention to this rising tide inadolescent literacy. And, despite technology’s purported role in the decrease in pleasurereading (National Endowment of the Arts, 2004, 2007), in this ever increasingtechnological world, online book clubs may offer a convenient and motivating, albeitironic, forum to renew and inspire a love for books and pleasure reading in preteensand teens as well as provide a bridge to connect both old and new literacy practices." (179)