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Jesus and Judas reaching


In Matthew 26:23, Jesus said, “He who has dipped his hand in the dish with me will betray me" In the painting, Leonardo depicts Jesus and Judas reaching into the dish at the same time as a way to indicate who Judas is as well as because it was accurate to the story and the indicator as to who would betray Jesus. This is very accurate to the source text. I think Leonardo chose to follow the source text accurately here because them both reaching into the dish is one of the central points of the verse and is the best way to identify Judas in a subtle way unlike Castagno's Last Supper and also demonstrates a familiarity with the source text.

Disciples fighting

Not Accurate

In Matthew 26:22, it's stated that after Jesus tells the disciples one of them will betray him, they "were very sorrowful and began to say to him one after another, “Is it I, Lord?" The disciples on this side of Jesus appear to be accusing one another and fighting amongst themselves rather than sorrowfully asking Jesus "Is it I?" While this is not accurate to the source text, I think Leonardo made the creative decision to change this so that he could show off his skill in accurately portraying a range of different emotions because these disciples have different emotions than the ones on the other side of Jesus which shows off Leonardo's ability to depict more than one feeling

Sorrowful Disciples


The disciples on this side of Jesus appear to be sorrowful, as stated in the source text: "And they were very sorrowful and began to say to him one after another, “Is it I, Lord?" Unlike the disciples on the other side, these ones actually appear sorrowful and ask if the betrayer is them. I think Leonardo decided to remain accurate with these disciples and not the others because he wanted them to contrast in order to display his technical skill in portraying a range of different emotions.

Mount of olives

Somewhat accurate

In Matthew 26:30, It is stated that the Last Supper took place on the Mount of Olives, saying that after their supper "they went out to the Mount of Olives." This is somewhat accurate because the view outside the window shows a mountain but it does not look like the real-world Mount of Olives, nor like an area in the middle east but rather like a European one. I think that Leonardo's reason for making this change is because he was European and all of the viewers of his paintings also were so he must've just painted a European looking landscape because it was what he knew best.

Disciples Feet


In John 13:4-5, It is stated that Jesus "got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him." Because of this account, The Disciples would likely have been barefoot or at least have their feet exposed after having their feet washed by Jesus. I think Leonardo decided to follow the source text here simply because it was accurate to one of the accounts of the Last Supper and he wanted to demonstrate understanding and familiarity with the many stories in the bible

Overall narrative


Matthew 26:20-21 sets up the overall narrative of the Last Supper saying "When it was evening, he reclined at table with the twelve. And as they were eating, he said, “Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me.” This is accurate to the overall story as Jesus is seen sitting at the table with his 12 disciples and informing them that one of them will betray him. Leonardo chose to remain accurate to the source text because if he didn't stick to the overarching narrative, it wouldn't even be a Last Supper painting.



Overall, Leonardo Da Vinci remained very accurate to the source material, only deviating very slightly from it and only in minor details. I think Leonardo chose to stick to the story accurately because he wanted to show off his knowledge of the bible but also deviated slightly because he wanted to show off his technical skill. Overall, I think Leonardo used both approaches for the same reason, to show off. His creative decisions reflected the time period in which he painted it because at this time there was an obsession among artists to paint as mathematically and perfectly as possible which prompted his masterful use of linear perspective but also inspired him to show off his knowledge of the bible and technical ability to portray a variety of emotions as well as near perfect biblical accuracy in order to show other artists that he was still number one.