Leslie Rodriguez
Final Project
--Seeking academic help: Going to the Q center, going to SI sessions, going to office hours, emailing professors with questions.-Figuring out my study habits: what study methods work for me, building time management skills
Most valuable academic Expierience
The Community UConn has:-It seemed like a big school at first but after awhile it feels smaller, building connections, new friends -How open everyone is to new experiences, trying new foods, meeting new people, stepping outside your comfort zone
The various cultures and diverse norms: -Meeting people from different cultures, they've had different experiences seeing things in there points of view, such as family values or expectations-Seeing how different other peoples work ethic is: Some people may do better studying less hours than others
Things I learned about other people and the UConn community
-Being Resilient: If an exam didn't go as planned, figuring out what I can do better; Extra studying, practicing the material-How important organization is: Keeping a schedule of class assignment due dates, Making time for clubs and activities, having my priorities straight; whats important whats not important
Things you learned about yourself
How many resources are available at UConn and being able to find them
One Thing You Learned In FYE That You Never Want To Forget