Intro W1 Learnig
Created on November 14, 2024
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Learning unit
Learning unit
Learning unit
Learning unit
Unit 1
TheTeaching-Learning Process
Teaching-learning and other educational processes have become as complicated as any other learning model due to the necessary interrelation of a series of factors, if we expect favorable results. If the essential factors are disconnected, the learning results will be deficient. Being a dynamic process, all the elements involved must be active.
You Will Identify
The quality of learning will be directly linked to the relationships among the factors contributing to achieving education and strengthening knowledge.The teacher-student relationship is transcendental. The teacher must be attentive to each student’s aptitudes and interests, carrying out the necessary changes, so that each student is motivated and interested in acquiring new knowledge.
Learning begins from the moment of birth; a whole life is not enough to learn everything we would like. That learning results in a change in behavior and conduct, is a well-known fact, and it undoubtedly requires constant practice as it generates new experiences. In other words, learning is not only about increasing our knowledge; it goes much further, it has an impact on our behavior, helps us get rid of harmful conduct, and strengthens our actions, both in personal and work environments.This knowledge contributes to the economic, political, and social well-being of countries.
Components of the Teaching-Learning Process
Pedagogical Foundations of the Teaching-Learning Process
Psychological Foundations of the Teaching-Learning Process
Role of the Teacher in the Teaching-Learning Process
The components of the teaching-learning process are divided into internal and external factors:
Internal components are specific to each individual. Remember that the human being is unique and unrepeatable; therefore, each student has different capacities, interests, and emotions that conform to the psycho-affective area. Their intellectual level, intelligence, and most importantly, the higher brain functions, have to do with genetics where memory, communication, and especially experience, are found.
External components are the family environment, society in which individuals develop; nature, economic means, the quality of schools, and access to technology; in other words, in the context and resources available to them
Lo anterior aunado a contar con un adecuado lugar de estudio, como son iluminación, ventilación, mobiliario, que genere un ambiente propicio para el aprendizaje, lo que implica que tanto el profesor como el estudiante deben sentirse cómodos, eliminando al máximo los distractores, permitiéndoles acceder a la información que los lleve a construir nuevos conocimientos.
Psychological and Pedagogical Foundations in the Teaching-Learning Process Are of Great Interest in Current Education
Fundamentos psicológicos
Fundamentos psicológicos
Fundamentos psicológicos
Phycological Foundations
Para aprender el individuo debe ser estable emocionalmente hablando, la psicología por su lado ha mantenido un gran interés en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, ya que se ocupa directamente de la conducta y el comportamiento humano, elaborando teorías diversas del comportamiento humano que hoy en día siguen siendo producto de las diversas investigaciones, pues queda mucho por aprender porque, una persona ante situaciones similares se comporta de manera diferente, lo cual indudablemente también se presenta en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Hoy en día existe, dentro de la psicología un área denominada psicología educativa que toma en cuenta aspectos fundamentales en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje como el funcionamiento de la memoria, como se produce el olvido que interfiere en la retención de los conocimientos, ofertando diferentes modelos que favorezcan el aprendizaje, el cual dé como resultado un aprendizaje significativo que mantenga el interés del estudiante. En términos más explícitos la psicología educativa se ha dedicado a investigar el proceso enseñanza- aprendizaje ofreciendo diversas teorías que ayuden al docente a la solución de problemas inherentes a cada alumno, analizando cada caso en particular, de manera tal que el docente puede adquirir de estas teorías elementos suficientes que lo lleven a modificar su práctica docente en beneficio de la educación.
Today, with new educational models, the role of the teacher has completely shifted. The student is now responsible for their own learning, playing a leading role, while the teacher becomes a facilitator or guide, directing students to gather information and conduct research to build their own knowledge. This knowledge must then be shared and collaborated on with the rest of the group, resulting in meaningful learning that endures and transforms their way of living and acting, both individually and collectively.
The Teacher’s Role in Teaching Has Changed, and Will Continue to Be in Constant Change in Concordance with the Preponderance of Models at Each Learning Moment.
The teacher is the sole possessor of all knowledge, and this is unquestionable. Knowledge rests solely on them, giving them control over the student. As such, the teacher is the only one who makes decisions and determines what is best for their students, being solely responsible for their learning.
New Models
Traditional Teaching
Let’s go !
University of Technology, Entrepreneurship and Leadership. (2024). The Teaching-Learning Process: Unit 1. Utel. USA.
From the pedagogical point of view, psychology has been directly involved in education regarding mental health, student motivation, and why each student should be given individual attention using different strategies to keep them interested in learning. has shown us that the human mind is an integrated system that has encoded information to help it process the information it receives. This benefits the learning process greatly, and invites us to implement new pedagogical models that improve educational quality. Learning theories play an important role here, as they have shown favorable results in the academic area. One of the essential aspects to maintain in the learning process is motivation. It is a challenge from the pedagogical point of view, that requires the interest of each student for the teacher to detect their learning needs through analysis, reflection, and criticism, generating external stimuli that awaken and keep the student motivated. Hence, psychology plays a relevant role in decision-making regarding pedagogical and didactic strategies. Nowadays, pedagogy requires relying on the different psychological theories that have emerged from investigating human behavior, and play a predominant role in the teaching-learning process.
Pedagogical Foundation
The Teacher’s Role in Teaching Has Changed, and Will Continue to Be in Constant Change in Concordance With the Preponderance of Models at Each Learning Moment.
Nowadays, with the new educational models, the teacher’s role has taken a complete turn.
New Models
Traditional Teaching
Currently, the teacher has become a facilitator or guide that helps the student obtain information and investigate to increase their knowledge, which they must share and collaborate with the rest of their group, resulting in meaningful learning that lasts and modifies their way of living and acting, both individually and collectively.
Currently, the student is responsible for their learning and plays a leading role, the teacher has become a facilitator or guide that helps the student obtain information and investigate to increase their knowledge, which they must share and collaborate with the rest of their group, resulting in meaningful learning that lasts and modifies their way of living and acting, both individually and collectively.
Internal components are specific to each individual. Remember that the human being is unique and unrepeatable; therefore, each student has different capacities, interests, and emotions that conform to the psycho-affective area. Their intellectual level, intelligence, and most importantly, the higher brain functions, have to do with genetics where memory, communication, and especially experience, are found.
External components are the family environment, society in which individuals develop; nature, economic means, the quality of schools, and access to technology; in other words, in the context and resources available to them.
The Components of the Teaching-Learning Process Are Divided Into Internal and External
To learn, the individual must be emotionally stable. Psychology has a great interest in the teaching-learning process since it deals directly with human behavior. Psychology has developed several theories of human behavior that are the product of multiple ongoing investigations. There is still much to learn about why individuals in similar situations behave differently, which undoubtedly also occurs in the teaching-learning process. considers fundamental aspects in the teaching-learning process, such as memory; how forgetting that interferes with the retention of information occurs. Educational Psychology offers different models that promote learning, which results in meaningful learning, and maintaining the students’ interest. In other words, educational psychology has investigated the teaching-learning process, offering several theories that help teachers solve problems inherent to each student. It analyzes each case so that teachers acquire enough elements to modify the teaching practice to benefit education.
To learn, the individual must be emotionally stable. Psychology has a great interest in the teaching-learning process since it deals directly with human behavior. Psychology has developed several theories of human behavior that are the product of multiple ongoing investigations. There is still much to learn about why individuals in similar situations behave differently, which undoubtedly also occurs in the teaching-learning process. considers fundamental aspects in the teaching-learning process, such as memory; how forgetting that interferes with the retention of information occurs. Educational Psychology offers different models that promote learning, which results in meaningful learning, and maintaining the students’ interest. In other words, educational psychology has investigated the teaching-learning process, offering several theories that help teachers solve problems inherent to each student. It analyzes each case so teachers acquire enough elements to modify the teaching practice to benefit education.
Psychological Foundations
From the pedagogical point of view, psychology has been directly involved in education regarding mental health, student motivation, and why each student should be given individual attention using different strategies to keep them interested in learning. has shown us that the human mind is an integrated system that has encoded information to help it process the information it receives. This benefits the learning process greatly, and invites us to implement new pedagogical models that improve educational quality. Learning theories play an important role here, as they have shown favorable results in the academic area. One of the essential aspects to maintain in the learning process is motivation. It is a challenge from the pedagogical point of view, that requires the interest of each student for the teacher to detect their learning needs through analysis, reflection, and criticism, generating external stimuli that awaken and keep the student motivated. Hence, psychology plays a relevant role in decision-making regarding pedagogical and didactic strategies. Nowadays, pedagogy requires relying on the different psychological theories that have emerged from investigating human behavior, and play a predominant role in the teaching-learning process.