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Exit Tickets

Self-Reported Student Data

Depth of Knowledge (DOK)

Think Pair Share


Indicators of Engagement

What Is It?

Element 23 - Noticing When Students Are not Engaged & REacting

Exit Ticket

Think Pair Share

Cyber Sandwich - Think, Ink, Pair, Share

Pair, Square, Share

X, Pair, Share

Think, Pair, Share is a collaborative learning strategy that promotes critical thinking and peer discussion. Students first reflect individually on a question or topic, then pair up to exchange ideas, and finally share their thoughts with the larger group, fostering engagement and diverse perspectives. Check out the different ways to conduct a Think, Pair, Share!

Other Variations

👍On-task behavior: Students taking notes, following instructions😄 Positive Emotions: Smiling, laughing at relavant content❓Personal Investment: Asking questions, showing curiosity👀 Attention: Maintaining eye contact, responding to questions

Indicators of Engagement

Self-Rating ScaleHow do you rate?

Exit tickets are a simple yet powerful tool that promotes student engagement by fostering reflection, accountability, and communication. Here is why they help engagement.

Exit Tickets

Exit Ticket Builder

Canva Exit Ticket Templates (Printable)

More Exit Ticket Templates

Encourages Reflection: Students think critically about what they’ve learned, deepening understanding.Boosts Participation: Knowing an exit ticket is coming keeps students attentive.Provides Feedback: Teachers get immediate insights into understanding and engagement.Amplifies Student Voice: Every student can share thoughts, questions, or concerns.Builds Accountability: Students stay focused, taking responsibility for their learning.Supports Differentiation: Responses help tailor instruction to meet diverse needs.Fosters Routine: Consistent use reinforces reflection as a vital part of learning.

Hexagonal Thinking is a strategy that challenge students to create and explain connections between vocabulary, ideas, and concepts.

Hexagonal Thinking

Photo from Betsy Potash, Cult of Peagogy: https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/hexagonal-thinking/

Click Here to Read More About Hexagonal Thinking

The teacher regularly checks in with students to gauge their level of engagement. This can be done informally throughout a class or unit by encouraging students to raise their hands if they notice their energy levels decreasing. Alternatively, the teacher could establish a consistent system for students to self-report their engagement levels, ensuring ongoing feedback and opportunities for adjustment. You can do that with Classroom Polls using Peardeck and Classroomscreen.com. Or simply print and laminate student response cards.

Self-Reported Student Data

Classroom Polls


Printable Student Response Cards


Teachers must actively monitor students for signs of disengagement during instruction and respond promptly to re-engage them. Engagement is critical for effective learning, and disengagement can often indicate confusion, boredom, frustration, or a lack of interest.

Noticing When Students are not Engaged

Click Here to Read More About Element 23

Asking Good Questions Helps Engage Students

Try one of these questioning techniques in your class today!

Creative Question Starts - Two Thinking Routines for generating and transforming questions.

Depth of Knowledge Questioning

The four levels of Depth of Knowledge (DOK) questioning are: Recall and Reproduction, Skills and Concepts, Strategic Thinking, and Extended Thinking; essentially representing increasing levels of cognitive complexity required to answer a question, from basic recall to deep analysis and synthesis of information.

30 Activities by DOK Level

Magic School AI DOK Question Generator

DOK Question Stems