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AI in Science Education

Critical thinking










AI is easy and the use of AI increases reliance on the use of AI

Using AI decreases brain activity and doesn't allow for critical thinking

The use of AI in education increases student's self-efficiency, confidence, and productivity.

Teachers should teach students to recognize possible misinformation.

AI is persuasive to students and should not be trusted as a reliable source.

Information should be cross examined by other reliable resources.

AI's information is only as good as the data set it is given, data can be out of date.

When students over-rely on AI students erode their critical thinking skills.




AI can seem trustworthy but often has misleading or incorrect information. This is a major concern for education as students will rely on these tools for information. There are many cases of AI fabricating legal cases, making up false historical facts, and incorrect scientific explanations. This is caused by AI’s limited understanding of content. AI can seem to provide incorrect answers but with a persuading explanation as to why that is correct. This then highlights the importance of critical thinking skills and verification when looking for information.

Benefit of Critical Thinking

In a study conducted by Xiaodong Huang (Professor of Engineering at Swinburne University), he thought of implementing AI into the STEAM program as he felt it would benefit students' overall learning. The research involved developing a curriculum that involved AI. The effectiveness of this approach was evaluated by measuring the change in student's computational thinking, learning motivation, and self-efficiency. The results of this experiment showed that implementing AI into STEAM can significantly improve students' critical thinking skills, motivation, and confidence. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11191-022-00392-6


Cross referencing


Students should not use Chat GPT and other AI programs and take their information at face value. These types of support tend to make many errors within their factual data. Instead, you should cross-examine the output of your AI source so that the information is double-checked and supported by facts. To do this you need to approach the response with an open mind knowing that the information is not 100% true. Teachers should also develop an understanding with their students and provide them with guidance so that students can use AI effectively. This is so that AI’s response will not promote the biases that already exist in the data program.


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Eroding Critical Thinking

The information I am writing this over is the dependency and reliably found in the Con portion of this article. Loss of critical thinking skills and over-dependency on AI will erode the critical thinking skills needed to make proper independent judgments. The difficulty that comes when figuring out if the AI is human-generated or AI-generated can affect the idea that they are trying to tell you. The effect that AI would have on fundamental skills such as spell check can lead to the decline of spelling and grammar. The overreliance of AI will prevent people from developing skills that will come in need in the future.



The use of AI has some benefits to help us understand topics and process information in a simpler way, but when are we going to realize that there are negatives to using AI? Throughout my research on AI, I have found that the negative side effects of the use of AI are a little too concerning for me. As a future educator, it makes me worried about what education will look like in four years. The information you should be learning should be through hard work and based on information that has been proven to be correct, not information that is being pulled from a computer. I hope that by the time I start my career in STEAM our use of AI will be beneficial in all ways, and that students will be able to understand and process their information as well as do actual research to provide a reasonable explanation to their findings.

Data Base


It got this information from a huge database of text in which it was to learn information from to then produce a response meaningful to humans. And that is the flaw of this concept is that it is looking for an answer that is most human, the answer does not have to be true or correct because that is not what it is looking for. When you use AI, it is not pulling the information from the internet it is using that same data base that is why the AI cannot keep up on current events and current information, therefore, making their information unreliable. An example of this could be a student asking AI for help with mental health, which can be a life-or-death situation because it is not in the data base.

The increase in reliance on AI poses a significant threat to our development of critical thinking. As AI has become more well known and widespread we are at risk of becoming overly dependent on AI. This will slowly decline our independent thinking. One way the AI will affect our critical thinking is through biases. They are meant to provide an answer but with their answers come potential biases that will affect our thinking and how we process information. Another impact that AI will have on our critical thinking is its speed and ease. This will lead to a decline in our attention span, as we could get the answer in seconds of minutes, a decrease attention span does not allow us to analyze the information critically.

Over Reliant


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Educator responsibility


Educators should show their students the limits of artificial intelligence, they should also teach them how to use the internet responsibly, especially when fact-checking information. Educators have too high expectations for their students to recognize misinformation. A study in 2021 showed that 3,446 students had believed that the information that they were getting was highly trustworthy based on the website's features. This is why teachers should take certain steps to help their students understand that the information they are getting should be double-checked by reliable sources of information. Therefore, it is not just the student's fault but also the teacher for not making sure beforehand that their students properly know how to use AI.

Brain Health

Dr. Ahmed, an assistant professor, conducted a survey to collect the data of 285 students and the impact of AI on their education. The survey results showed a significant percentage of laziness and lack of decision-making among their students. This is due to the reliance students built on AI. The students were primarily found to use AI in data collection, data analysis, answering questions, and telling them how to do tasks. This study highlighted the negative effects of AI in science education and how it can impact the student's critical thinking because they have gotten used to relying on AI to do the work for them. By using AI to do your work you are not simulating your brain and to maintain your brain health and activity you would need to be able to do this work yourself.


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