DevLearn 2024 - Reporting
Genially Team 🚀
Created on November 12, 2024
Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.
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Let's go!
Las Vegas, NevadaNovember 06-08
01. Summary
Decision power: 82% of attendees recommend, specify, or make final buying decisions
All Industries
Curriculum Focus: Corp
175+ Exhibiting Companies
Mostly Instructional Designers and Learning & Development Professionals
3,800 participants total
About the Audience and Expo
02. Strategy
Booth + EmailDesigned to target these profiles
Event Framework
We have designed a new event framework with the different profiles of attendees at the center and actions to impact each one of them effectively.
Attendee Profiles8 Profiles of attendees with different needs
Devlearn in 3 phases Pre- Event EventPost- Event
B2B MindsetDevlearn is one of the largest events for corporate learning. Possibility to speak with decision makers and primary users
See Excel here!
03. Equipo
Conchi Ruiz Cabello: Regional VP, Americas
Christian Kladzyk: Channel Manager USA + Canada
Karla Rojas Baquero: Country Marketer US & Canada
04. Booth, Branding & Merchandise
Pain points
DevLearn is the premier event for corporate learning and technology in the US. Branding encompasses everything from merchandise to booth design, ensuring alignment with the event's objectives and identity.
Other materials
Standard Booth 10x10 Feet
05. Others
Dialing in Mobile Learning by Maikel Right
CEO2: Al in Learning Symposium As a learning and development by Maikel Right
Two session featuring Genially
Demo Fest
More Info
- Huge, science fair-like event where you’ll move from table to table, discussing tools, tech, and processes with those who built them.
- 40 Demos
- Demo by Garima Gupta: Escape the Boredom – Escape Room & Branching with Genially
- DemoFest is first and foremost an opportunity for people in the field to learn from one another, there is also an award component to give recognition to people willing to show their work.
06. Social
Social Media
Acciones realizadas
Plan de contenidos
Métricas principales
Otras métricas
Seguidores nuevos, menciones
Gráfico + texto
Contextualiza tu tema
Tabla + texto
Contextualiza tu tema
Lista / procesos
Contextualiza tu tema
Contextualiza tu tema
Texto + iconos
Contextualiza tu tema
Contextualiza tu tema
Contenido insertado
Contextualiza tu tema
Pregunta interactiva
Contextualiza tu tema
Contextualiza tu tema
Contextualiza tu tema
08. Mail
Email Marketing
La campaña de email se ha estructurado de la siguiente forma:Pre - evento
- Anuncio Email 1 | A toda la base de datos activa de USA
- Anuncio Embajadores | A todos los embajadores de USA
- Anuncio Clientes | Mensaje personalizado a clientes USA
- Anuncio Last Year Leads | Mensaje a los leads de Devlearn 2023
- Leads Email 1 | A todos los leads conseguidos en el evento.
- Leads Email 2 | A todos los leads conseguidos en el evento eliminando los que interactuaron con Christian en el email 1 para cerrar reunión, los desuscritos y hot leads.
- Leads Email 3 | A todos los leads conseguidos en el evento eliminando los que interactuaron con Christian en el email 1 o 2 para cerrar reunión o no recibir más emails.
Email 1 - pre evento
El email 1 de anuncio (from Genially Team) se envió a unos 50K usuarios aprox. con roles Higher Education y Corp de USA y Canadá.Ratio apertura: 25,7%Ratio de clics: 0,6%→ 1 reunión agendada con un cliente de Canadá (confirmar esta info)Los datos se encuentran en la media habitual de nuestros envÃos.Los enlaces más clicados fueron, en este orden:- Genially informativo del evento- Preferencias de notificaciones- Redes Sociales (Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram)Es normal que el ratio de clics no sea demasiado alto, ni el de reservas, ya que al final es un anuncio de evento en 2 paÃses, y muchos usuarios no irán.
En estos emails hemos utilizado asuntos más directos y comerciales y han sido enviados en nombre de Christian, facilitando la respuesta de los contactos.La tasa de desuscritos ha sido muy bajita, buena interacción por parte de los usuarios y se han conseguido 16 respuestas y 10 meetings a raÃz del post evento.
Emails post evento leads
09. Leads
Existing Clients
Interesting conversations with existing clients. They stopped by to say hi and learn the latest from Genailly.- Scholastic
- John Hopkings
- United Airlines
- BeatBox
See Excel here!
Total 138 Leads
Lead Capture
- 1 Lead Scanner
- Editor with Pitch
- Microsite
- Region 10 Education Service Center
- The University of Alabama
- Campbell Training Solutions
- QDcme LLC
- BeatBox Beverages
- Tang Technology Solutions LLC
- Align Technology, Inc.
- Metaphysical Labs
- Blue Sky eLearn
- 60REC
- Hubbell
- Over J Consulting
- Humana
- Brightly Software
10 Meetings booked as a result of the email campaign. 16 responses total.
10. Partnerships
Great Conversations
Learning and Technology with FrankFrank is a Canadian content creator with almost 40k suscribers. We discussed different ways to collaborate and he seemed excited to create more content promoting us.- Wants to participate in Coffee with Genially and other marketing iniciatives.
iSpring- Discussion about possible partnerships and marketing collabs.
Artha Learning- Participated in Demo Fest using two geniallys. Open to further collaborations.
360 Learning- Kick-off reseller conversations.
Moodle- Discussed our parnerships, opportunities and strengthen relationship.
11. Key Takeaways
Key Takeaways
Seamless Organization: The event ran smoothly! Showing, as a team, we have nailed the art of event prep. Engaged Audience:
- 138 leads, 10 demos booked, and 16 ongoing conversations.
- Strong presence of decision-makers. B2B focus.
- Existing clients, ambassadors and partners visited the booth to connect. Losts of great conversations.
- Great feedback: Many attendees showed interest in Genially after seeing it used by event speakers. The dynamic SCORM feature was definitly a favorite.
- Explore new ways to attract visitors beyond merchandise.
- Rethink merchandise options to stand out from other exhibitors.
- We captured less leads than last year. From 215 to 130 ish
- Ambassadors missed Kryssia/ Community figure of reference
- Less LMS colaborations
- We were more prepared (enterprise plan, pricing, and features). A huge difference compared to last year.
- We had all materials ready ahead of time (no rush time)
- We had all the materials in HTML (although the internet ran smoothly)
- We were able to optimize travel times
- We were 3 people (Karla joined us from Colombia!). Having Christian made a huge difference for deeper client conversations.
Goods and Bads from last year
Thank you!
DevLearn 2024 Highlights (I)
- Evento Learning and Development referente en USA
- Se celebra de forma anual en Las Vegas
- Audiencia: Corp y Higher Ed. Instructional Designers and L&D Professionals
- 4000 personas, 175 Exhibitors
- Enfoque muy B2B. Muy bien organizado.
- Pasaron clientes: United, John Hopkins, SportClips, Scholastic, BeatBox
- New Prospects: 138. Incluidos gobierno y la OTAN (problematica de servidores en Irlanda)
- Pasaron partners: 360 Learning, Moodle, iSpring. Muchos LMS.
- Muchos embajadores e influencers (preguntando por Kryssia)
- 2 sesiones sobre Genially. Artha Learning.
- Las nuevas feats muy apreciadas. La estrella absoluta: el scorm dinamico.
DevLearn 2024 Highlights (II)
- La mayoria nos usan en conjunto con Articulate. Pasaron del equipo de producto de Articulate porque empiezan a escuchar de nosotros.
- La feat mas reclamada: notas en las presentaciones/ presenter mode + Review mode (articulate)
- Equipo (Christian y Karla) top.
- Necesidad de dar visibilidad a nuestros clientes y mas use cases!
see competitors
Generic: to bring some energy to the booth and available for people who come by to get to know us. Made in larger quantities and more budget-friendly. Premium: meant as special treats for certain people. More expensive and produced in smaller quantities, it’s more of a merch that aims to stand out. We see that other companies in the competition have way cooler merch. We need to realize how important this is and the extra value it can bring us by attracting more people to the booth. We're really far behind the competition. The quality of the merch reflects the power of the company; if it's low quality, it means they can't afford to do better. So, "less is more" but only when that 'less' actually adds value.
Desglose de enlaces más clicados
- Great spot in the main hallways. Right near the bar and next to the coffee, busy place.
- Needs:
- Ideas for future conferences could be having someone create a Genially from scratch and project it to draw people in. A lot of folks were interested when they saw the editor.
- We need more lighting in the booth. Other booths were better lit, making ours look dark.
Pain Points
- Find more creative ways to attract people when space is limited and the audience is corp.
- Budget for merchandising that allows us to offer higher quality products with better finishes.
Other Materials
- A5 flyers with generic information about what Genially is. Intended for everyone who passed by the booth.
- Rebranding of geniallys and digital materials. Support for all visual content of presentations, workshops, agenda, etc.
- Business cards for easy contact with team members.
Topics of interest
- Integrating AI in learning systems
- Real-time analytics for L&D
- Gamification for employee engagement
- Implementing effective microlearning strategies
- Leveraging AR/VR for simulations
- Adaptive learning technology implementation
- Enhancing remote training effectiveness
- Scalable L&D management strategies
Tareas repartidas entre los equipos de Social Media y equipo asistente al ISTE
El plan de contenidos al completo
Plan de contenidos
- Anuncio del evento
- Posts del equipo: I'm attending
- Cobertura del evento: fotos y videos para X, Facebook e Instagram
- Interacción con personas que nos mencionan
- Fotos y vÃdeos para Twitter X, Instagram y Facebook
- Compartir fotos de personas que usen el hashtag y nos mencionen, embajadores, compañeras, etc.
- Post final del evento con hightlights y agradecimiento
Exhibiting Companies
Show Floor dominated by:
- Established Companies: Articulate, iSpring, Moddle, etc.
- Authoring tools: Articulate, DominKnow Inc., ELB Learning, eTrainig ETC, GomoLearnig , Genially, etc.
- Authoring Tools, Learning Platforms, Translations Services, AI services, Professional Development, LMS, smaller start ups and news solutions.
Contenido favorito por red social:
- Linkedin: after-event post
- X: During and post-event content
- Facebook: after-event post
Social Media performance
Esta métrica de engagement es el total de likes, respuestas, compartidos o clics de las publicaciones.Los posts han sido particularmente exitosos en Linkedin e Instagram, una tónica que coincide con otras performances en redes sociales.
Engagement en LinkedinPersonas del rol que más nos interesa (instructionals, elearning specialists) comentan el post de Linkedin
Otras métricas: nuevos seguidores, menciones y comentarios
+ 24 nuevos seguidores nuevos en Instagram durante el periodo de celebración del evento. Fuente: Metricool
T-shirts and sweatshirts
Staff only. We needed our team to be easily recognizable and locatable within the booth, to know who to approach. It adds brand value and commitment, in addition to providing the team with the equipment for the several days of the event.