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Click through the calendar pages. Complete each one and play the songs on each page. Pictures are linked on the page to songs.

start here

no school
no school

1. Play days of the week song2. Move the days of the week to fill in each sentence. 3. Click on the day today to play the song.

Click on the day of the week to play the song.

1.What number is she holding?2. Add a cube for today. Count by 10s and ones.3. Play the 100 song

Count to 100 song




1. add a cube to the ten frame for today.2. count the ten frames.3.ask how many more are needed to fill in the ten frame.


1. call on a student to move the turkey to show one more

1. move the mayflower to show one less

1. call on a student to move the circle to the one that has more.2. ask how many each one has.

1. say the sound. Call on a student to find the picture that starts with that sound.

1.blend the sounds to read the word.2. call on a student to find the matching picture.

numeral song

1. open number review. Click through the slides and say the name of the number. 2, Subitize rock song 3. Take out supply tubs and take out white boards and markers at tables. 4. Play numeral song and they will write numbers on thier boards with the song. 5. Put boards and markers in tubs and come back to the carpet for math (next slide)

Number review


Click here for math lesson. Students will start on the carpet for introduction and then move to the tables for the lesson. All materials are on teacher desk.
