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Health Science, Health Professions, and Emergency Preparedness Events are typically more resource-intensive than Leadership and Teamwork Events. Therefore, evaluating available and accessible resources is crucial for determining which event will lead to the most success.

Questions to ask yourself before and after competing

For all anecdotes, click the link below:

Competition success requires time, determination, and growth. In order to foster this environment, pay close attention to anecdotes and consider applying them to your own chapter.

For an example, click the link below:

For an example template, click the link below:

To maximize your chapter’s success, take inventory of available resources like textbooks, medical supplies, and other essentials. This will help keep everything organized and accessible.
A simple survey at the start of the year can assess members' health science experience, commitment, and event interests, helping match them with events that align with their skills and goals.
Recognition Events are often overlooked, but many chapters are already doing activities that could earn awards. These events can be individual or chapter-led, and members can compete in multiple Recognition Events along with one other competitive event. They also require fewer specialized resources, making them more adaptable for chapters. The highlighted Recognition Events only represent a portion of the category; find all Recognition Events here.
  • HOSA members may enter only ONE regular competitive event at ILC (this does not include National Geographic events nor Recognition events).
  • A team event must include at least 25% of the members who were on the winning team at the state/country level. Teams may not compete with any less than the minimum number of team members.
  • Photo ID: At ILC, all competitors must have photo identification, as outlined in Appendix G, for each round of competition.
  • When advancing from one level of competition to another (except where expressly prohibited), members are allowed to change/improve their event products (portfolio, presentation, etc.) as part of the competitive event.
  • Content for all competitive events must be unique and new each membership/school year.
  • NO Study Materials are allowed in testing rooms, but are allowed in holding rooms and on event buses to skill sites, unless otherwise specified in Guidelines.
  • Participant rating sheets and test scores are the property of HOSA-Future Health Professionals and will NOT be returned or released.
  • TO READ THE FULL GRR, click here.

HOSA offers a General Rules and Regulations document that answers many questions about Competitive Events. Here are some of the highlights:

General Rules and Regulations Highlights

This is a condensed example of a Competitive Event Guideline.

Anatomy of Guidelines

Competitive Event Crosswalks

The following CE Crosswalks are meant to provide a template to follow while preparing for your specific event. The "Crosswalk" link will show which topics align with which event, while the "Framework to Follow" link will provide information on what those topics encompass.

Find the full dress code policy here:

  • You must follow the prescribed dress code according to your Event Guidelines while competing; failure to do so will result in point deductions.

Dress Code

Delegates are required to wear either the Official HOSA Uniform, or the Suit Option, to all General Sessions.

HOSA Happenings

HOSA Happenings allows members to gain the knowledge and skills required to communicate information about the HOSA chapter in a manner that celebrates the chapter members and their achievements and shares health-related information with readers. This is a multimedia chapter communication event. Chapters will select ONE (1) communication tool for this Recognition Event. All submissions that reach a predetermined standard will be awarded a Certificate of Excellence. This event aims to inspire members to be proactive future health professionals and tell the story of their chapter throughout the year using whatever form of communication they choose (i.e., print or electronic newsletter, website, blog, social media platform).

  • Middle School, Secondary, Post-Secondary
  • Chapter Recognition Event

After competing and placing at the State level, it is time for the International Leadership Conference! Here, you will be competing against the brightest and most dedicated members from all around the world.

Spring/Summer Preparation

  • Reassess any areas of your preparation that may have contributed to an unsuccessful outcome.
  • Review all study materials and your Test Plan to determine the similarities between the Regional and State tests.
  • Typically, members have around two months to prepare for ILC after competing at SLC.

Do not rely on Artificial Intelligence services to provide accurate information. Again, all content tested in HOSA competitions is directly derived from the Official References. This discussion continues further on Page 6, "Practice."

Artificial Intelligence

It is important to avoid solely relying on resources created by other competitors, such as Quizlets, StudyStack, or Quizizz, as these materials are not officially endorsed by HOSA and may not be reliable. All content tested in HOSA competitions is directly derived from the Official References.

Public, Handmade Study Resources

Competitive Event Test Plans, Skills, and Official References could remain consistent from year to year. As a result, you may want to consider consolidating notes, tips, and other useful information into a single document that can be passed down to future competitors.

Generational Documents

3 Tips to Making Your Own Resources
Check out these tips to improve your public speaking and boost your confidence for future presentations.

Public Speaking Tips

Check out these tips that encompass all competitive events and help you excel in every aspect of your preparation.

Overall Competition Tips

Check out these tips to manage your time wisely and prioritize tasks throughout your workflow.

Time Management Tips

Check out Global/National HOSA's Judge Feedback Tips to effectively maximize your score and improve your performance.

Judge Feedback

HOSA Service Project

The HOSA Service Project involves a nationally identified partner who HOSA chapters can choose to support through volunteer service and fundraising. Local chapters plan service projects to support the selected organization. Chapters document their involvement and submit documentation via the online HOSA Activity Tracking System for the opportunity to earn recognition at the state and international levels. This event aims to encourage HOSA members to provide community service and collectively support the selected service organization.

  • Middle School, Secondary, Post-Secondary
  • Chapter Recognition Event

School-based blood drives are critical in helping address these challenges, securing many of the roughly 7 million annual blood donors. In fact, approximately 17% of blood drives last year took place in high schools or colleges.

America’s Blood Centers and HOSA-Future Health Professionals Blood Drive Recognition Event allows HOSA chapters to connect with local blood centers and learn how to conduct successful blood drives in their communities. The nation's blood supply is facing long-term challenges, including declines in the overall number of individuals donating blood each year, the number of donors under the age of 50, along with a reduction in school and business-based blood drives, the backbone of our nation’s blood supply that is gradually recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Middle School, Secondary, Post-Secondary
  • Chapter Recognition Event

America's Blood Centers & HOSA Blood Drive

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • Have I read my entire Event Guidelines all the way through?
  • Did I bring all materials I may need in competition?
  • How did I feel while competing? Is there anyway I can improve my confidence in the future?
  • Which topics or skills were most prominent in competition?
  • Am I able to fully explain and teach each topic or skill that I am tested on?
  • Which areas of competition intimidate me most? Why?
  • Have I given preparing for competition my best effort? If not, how can I?

PAST CERTIFICATIONS: For members who may already have technical skills such as CPR training, drug administration, and others, promote events that align with their knowledge. Similarly, students who have conducted science research may be best suited for Research Poster, Biotechnology, and Clinical Laboratory Science.SOON TO BE ALUMNI: Before seniors graduate, ask them which events were most impactful to their academic growth and personal development. Their insights can help guide less experienced students.

Additional Anecdotes


LARGER CHAPTERS: Promote team-oriented events to reduce the number of students competing to be in individual events.FEW RESOURCES: Promote Teamwork and Leadership Events where often the resources come from the members themselves. COLLABORATION: Several events have Test Plan overlap, so where applicable, encourage members to try out those events and work together. PAST SUCCESS: Analyze where your chapter has done well in competition, prioritize those events and resources.

  • Assigning leaders to oversee members' dress code compliance prior to competition is an effective strategy. For example, creating a Google Drive where members can submit photos of their uniforms, which can then be reviewed by an officer to ensure adherence to the dress code.
  • Creating sign-up opportunities for members to partner with either a volunteer or officer for weekly practice sessions promotes consistency, strengthens relationships, and allows for ongoing tracking of progress.

Other ways to leverage leadership for competition success include:

However, not everyone involved in coaching or supporting members needs to hold an officer position. Volunteers, such as parents, healthcare professionals, or other members, can play a crucial role in guiding and assisting without formal leadership titles. For example, volunteers can assist by judging presentations and skill performances. If multiple competitors are participating in an event, pair the more experienced member with the less experienced one to encourage learning through diverse perspectives.

Building a network of specialized leaders, such as Vice Presidents of Competition, enables effective task delegation, enhances leadership development, fosters expertise in specific events, and strengthens relationships with members.

Organizational Methods

Leadership as a Tool

Competition Specialists

While the Guidelines may list certain Official References and required materials that seem challenging to obtain, there are many underutilized resources readily available in the local community at little to no cost.

  • School and local libraries
  • Current or former future health professionals (including school nurses)
  • HOSA chapter members
  • Equipment donation sources that are specifically dedicated to furthering health science education
  • Partner with local clinics or hospitals
  • Medical school libraries
  • Online and free educational platforms


On-Demand Learning Opportunities are free resources developed by HOSA for HOSA members. Use these opportunities to learn lessons ranging from the Cardiovascular System to Medical Law and Ethics.

Finding Resources



Once you have competed and placed at your Regional Competition, it is time to prepare for the State Leadership Conference (SLC). Retrace your steps and strengthen any weak spots.

Winter/Spring Preparation

  • Reassess any areas of your preparation that may have contributed to an unsuccessful outcome.
  • Learn from mistakes made at the Regional Competition and create a plan to correct them for the future.
  • Identify which areas of the Test Plan were emphasized on the exam and where you struggled.
  • Typically, members have around two months to prepare for SLC after competing at their Regional Competition.

Do not rely on Artifical Intelligence services to provide accurate information. Again, all content tested in HOSA competitions is directly derived from the Official References. This discussion continues further on Page 6, "Practice."

Artifical Intelligence

It is important to avoid solely relying on resources created by other competitors, such as Quizlets, StudyStack, or Quizizz, as these materials are not officially endorsed by HOSA and may not be reliable. All content tested in HOSA competitions is directly derived from the Official References.

Public, Handmade Study Resources

Competitive event test plans, skills, and official references often remain consistent from year to year. As a result, consolidating notes, tips, and other useful information into a single document that can be passed down to future competitors helps build a valuable resource for expanding their knowledge.

Generational Documents

3 Tips to Making your own Resources
  • Turn any rising frustration into a problem-solving opportunity by discussing challenges, brainstorming solutions, and strengthening teamwork.
  • Be proactive in offering support and positive reinforcement, especially when a teammate is struggling.
  • Take the time to understand and acknowledge your teammates' feelings and challenges.
Working as a Team

Team spirit is crucial, whether you're competing individually or in a team event. Remember, you represent your teammates, chapter, school, region, and state. So always consider the following tips:

Fitting the Chapter to Events

By assessing members’ strengths, interests, and available resources, you can align students with events that match their skills and goals.

Recognition Events

Recognition events offer an opportunity to engage the entire chapter and individual members, while also providing a chance to compete in an additional event.

Link HOSA to Curriculum

One of the best ways to keep competitors engaged is to work HOSA into their daily routines and curriculum. Use the linked guide from Global/National HOSA to learn how.

General Tips

  • Find your competition and holding rooms prior to competing.
  • Arrive early to events and ensure you are in full compliance with the dress code.
  • Bring all required materials, and consider including a printed copy of the Guidelines for easy reference to rules and procedures.
  • Avoid last-minute studying near the testing room, as this can create unnecessary stress and hinder performance.
  • Understand the event format and ranking system, whether it's a tournament bracket or a threshold for advancing to the next round.

and to recognize both chapters and individual HOSA members for their participation in American Red Cross activities. Financial scholarship opportunities are available for selected projects as part of this event.

American Red Cross Volunteer Service

For over 140 years, the American Red Cross (ARC) has provided compassionate service to those in need. The American Red Cross’ mission of preventing and relieving suffering every day provides opportunities for volunteer service in numerous ways. The organization's vision includes assisting those impacted by disaster, preparing communities to be ready for disasters, providing access to safe blood and blood products, providing support and comfort for our armed services, and training individuals to save lives. This event aims to inspire members to engage with the American Red Cross (ARC), to become lifelong advocates of the Red Cross,

  • Secondary, Post-Secondary
  • Individual and Chapter Recognition Event
  • Scholarships are also available

Typically, the academic year starts in mid- to late-August and the Winter/Spring Leadership Conferences are in January and early February. At the least, competitors are given about four months or 17 weeks to prepare for their Regional Competition.

Fall Preparation

  • Familiarize yourself with the Guidelines.
  • Create a plan of how to cover all of the material. Each week should align to a specific part of the Test Plan.
  • If the event includes a second round, incorporate practicing for both rounds every week, rather than alternating weeks.

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