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What does the rotating presidency mean in the EU?

You have certainly heard that between 1 July and 31 December 2024, Hungary is holding the rotating presidency in the European Union. What exactly did Hungary become the president of for half a year?

of the European Council

of the European Commission

of the Council of Europe

of the Council of the European Union

of the European Union

But what does the Council do?

of the European Union

of the European Council

of the Council of the European Union

of the European Commission

of the Council of Europe

We are talking about an important institution of the Union: the Council of the European Union, informally also called the Council.

You have certainly heard that between 1 July and 31 December 2024, Hungary is holding the rotating presidency in the European Union. What exactly did Hungary become the president of for half a year?

The entire European Union does not have a position of president. A number of institutions manages the Union in close cooperation with each other.

The European Council consists of the heads of state or government of all EU member states and sets the EU's overall political directions and priorities. The current president of the European Council is Charles Michel, who will be succeeded by António Costa from 1 December.

The European Commission is the executive body of the European Union. Its main tasks include proposing new legislative acts and policies, and monitoring their implementation, as well as managing the EU budget. The president of the European Commission is appointed by the European Council, with the approval of the European Parliament for a 5-year term.

The Council of Europe is not an EU body. It is an international organization with 46 European member states. The Council of Europe is based in Strasbourg and its mission is to promote human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

Which of the following statements is not true about the Council of the European Union?

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It negotiates and adopts new legislation together with the European Parliament.

It develops the EU's common foreign and security policy.

Concludes international agreements.

The Council is made up of ministers of the 27 member states.

Initiates new legislative proposals.

Which of the following statements is not true about the Council of the European Union?

The Council is made up of ministers of the 27 member states.

What does the rotating presidency entail?

It negotiates and adopts new legislation together with the European Parliament.

Concludes international agreements.

It develops the EU's common foreign and security policy.

Initiates new legislative proposals.

The institution consisting of the ministers of the member states has a key role in the adoption of new EU legislative acts and in the development of the European Union's foreign relations and security policy.

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Although the Council may propose initiatives for new legislation, the European Commission is the EU institution that develops legislative proposals. However, the role of the Council in the negotiation and adoption of the legislative acts is indispensable.

Member States heading the Council rotate every six months. For the continuity of the Council's work, the presiding member states cooperate in groups of three, called “trios”. The trios set long-term goals in a common, comprehensive 18-month presidency program. Based on this, all three countries develop their own, more detailed six-month program and priorities.

What does this mean for Hungary?

The current trio consists of the Spanish, Belgian and Hungarian presidencies.

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As president of the Council Hungary is now responsible for the continuity of the Union's programme, the orderly legislative process and, as an honest broker, for promoting cooperation between member states. Please choose those activities, through which these are achieved.

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Representing the Council to the other EU institutions.

Setting the Council's agenda.

Setting the overall political direction of the Union.

Implementing the adopted EU budget.

Selection of the next country to hold the rotating presidency.

Chairing the Council meetings.

What are the priorities of the Hungarian presidency?

Representing the Council to the other EU institutions.

Setting the Council's agenda.

Setting the overall political direction of the Union.

Implementing the adopted EU budget.

Selection of the next country to hold the rotating presidency.

Chairing the Council meetings.

As president of the Council Hungary is now responsible for the continuity of the Union's programme, the orderly legislative process and, as an honest broker, for promoting cooperation between member states. Please choose those activities, through which these are achieved.

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Although the EU budget is adopted jointly by the Council and the European Parliament, the European Commission is responsible for its implementation.

This is the task of the European Council, the institution of heads of state or government of the EU Member States.

For the Council presidency there is no election: it is held in turn by each country. The country holding it is determined by a precise timetable. This means that every member state irrespective of its size, holds the presidency of the Council, usually every 13-and-a half years.

The presidency represents the Council in its relations with the other EU institutions, in particular with the Commission and the European Parliament. In this context, its role is to try to reach agreement on legislative proposals in trialogues, informal negotiations and conciliation committees’ meetings.

By setting the agenda, the country holding the rotating presidency ensures the discussion of issues it considers important within the European Union. This allows priorities important to each EU member state to be discussed from time to time.

With the exception of the meetings of the Foreign Affairs Council, the presidency chairs the meetings of the various Council configurations and preparatory bodies. The presidency ensures the discussions to be conducted properly and proper application of the Council's rules of procedure and working methods.



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Reducing development gaps between member states and even within regions is essential for equality and balance within the Union.

The Union must play a greater role in guaranteeing its own security and must continue to strengthen the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base.

Creating conditions for sustainable economic growth, among others by promoting the green and digital transition and ensuring the stability and sustainability of jobs.


Hungary has determined seven priorities for the six-month long period of its presidency of the Council. Match them with their detailed explanation.

The accelerating ageing of European societies, unsustainable social welfare systems, and labour shortages need to be addressed urgently and effectively.

In order to curb illegal immigration closer cooperation with countries bordering the EU is indispensable, as well as with the key countries of origin and transit.

The integration of the Western Balkans region benefits the EU in economic, security and geopolitical terms, and thus it should be supported.



illegal migration

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Hungary has determined seven priorities for the six-month long period of its presidency of the Council. Match them with their detailed explanation.



agricultural policy

The accelerating ageing of European societies, unsustainable social welfare systems, and labour shortages need to be addressed urgently and effectively.

In order to create a competitive, crisis-proof and farmer-friendly European agriculture farmers should be engaged in adopting more sustainable production practices.

Reducing differences in development between member states and even within regions is essential for equality and balance within the Union

cohesion policy

Hungary has determined seven priorities for the six-month long period of its presidency of the Council. Match them with their detailed explanation.

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agricultural policy




illegal migration

cohesion policy

These are the seven topics that Hungary considers the most pressing challenges of the European Union and intends to keep them on the agenda during its six-month rotating presidency of the Council.

We hope that you found our brief summary useful.

Back to the beginning.


Vissza az elejére!

Reméljük hasznosnak találtad rövid összefoglalónkat! Az alábbi honlapokra kattintva részletesebb képet kaphatsz a soros elnökség és a Tanács működéséről:

Európai Tanács & Az Európai Unió Tanácsa (2024). A Tanács tevékenységei. (Utolsó letöltés: 2024.08.27.)

Európai Tanács & Az Európai Unió Tanácsa (2024). Az EU Tanácsának elnöksége. (Utolsó letöltés: 2024.08.27.)

Európai Tanács & Az Európai Unió Tanácsa (2024). Mivel jár az, ha egy ország az EU Tanácsának soros elnöke? (Utolsó letöltés: 2024.08.27.)

Magyar Elnökség - Az Európai Unió Tanácsa (2024). A magyar soros elnökség prioritásai. (Utolsó letöltés: 2024.08.27.)

Felhasznált honlapok:



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kohéziós politika

Az európai társadalmak fokozott idősödése, a szociális ellátórendszerek fenntarthatósága, illetve a munkaerőhiány mielőbbi, hatékony megoldást igényelnek.

Egy versenyképes, válságálló és gazdabarát európai mezőgazdaság megteremtése érdekében a gazdákat érdekeltté kell tegyük a fenntarthatóbb termelési gyakorlatok alkalmazásában.

A tagállamok közti és akár régiókon belüli fejlettségbeli különbségek csökkentése elengedhetetlen az unión belüli egyenlőség és egyensúly érdekében.

Az illegális bevándorlás visszaszorítása érdekében elengedhetetlen az Unióval határos, és a kulcsfontosságú kibocsátó- és tranzit országokkal való szorosabb együttműködés.

A Nyugat-Balkán régió csatlakozása mind gazdasági, mind biztonsági, mind geopolitikai szempontból az Unió javát szolgálja, így támogatandó.

Az Uniónak nagyobb szerepet kell vállalnia saját biztonságának garantálásában és kiemelt hangsúlyt fektetni az európai védelmi ágazat ipari és technológiai bázisának megerősítésére.


A tartós gazdasági növekedés feltételeinek kialakítása többek között a zöld és digitális átmenet elősegítése, illetve a munkahelyek stabilitásának és fenntarthatóságának biztosítása által.