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Axe 3 : Art and power

Chapter 1 : AdvertisingtHESIS STATEMENt : How does advertising mirror the societies of english-speaking countries ?


Caricaturing ? Denouncing ? Promoting ?

Final task

Choose an ad

It has to be a picture

It can be: A painting, a drawing, a comic, a caricature, a photograph (...)

It could have been published in any century

It must be from an English-speaking country

Your 5 minute presentation must convince us why the ad you've chosen is the most impactful in your opinion

Your ad must deal about serious topics, but it can be funny. Be careful with the terms and words you use .

Context : The Museum of Advertising of New York would like you to contribute to the prepation of its future exhibition by choosing what you think is the most impactful and meaningful ad for you.


Plan and select the content and think about the strategies, processes, and skills you want to put into practice with your students to achieve the objectives you've set.

Divide your plan into stages or steps. We're suggesting the most common ones but you can expand on them and/or change their names.

Move from the simple to the more complicated. Learning should be gradual and progressive. Start from where students are and what they already know. Link the activities with a meaningful common thread. Each activity should be a rung on the ladder, allowing them to progress in their learning.

Set learning objectives or outcomes. What new skills or abilities will students have when they finish this unit?

Encourage your students to resolve, investigate, reflect, and create. Allow them to improvise. Open the floor up to debate and let them express their opinions freely.

Avoid fireworks in class. Be practical. Everything you do should aim to facilitate learning. Make it motivating and awesome but always meaningful.

Contextualize learning materials and use real-world content. The unit plan should be able to answer the question "How will I use this knowledge in real life?".

History of advertising

When do you think the first form of advertising came out ?

What were the different forms of advertising through time ?

What are the different forms of advertisement today ?

What is the aim of advertising ?

For what purpose did we use advertising before ?

Let's recap all this.

cOCA-Cola : hooking customers

  • Observe the painting. Say what is promoted andhow (topic, colours, character, mood, atmosphere…).
  • Read the text and check your guesses (Rockwell’s world and mood,what his work evokes; his technique of storytelling and what motivated it).
  • Complete your description of the painting with what you discovered in the text

Evaluation criteria

Advertising and fiction

What might happen during this ad ?

Advertising and fiction

a) Give context to this ad : what, who, where, when)b)Summarize the storyc) What emotions are triggered by this scene ?d) Account for the message with regard of the whole commercial ? How move are you ?


a) create a timeline of mural advertising (periods, spaces, time, reasons...)b) Account for the resurgence of wall advertising.

Read the article



Open question : What form of advertising do you consider to be the most influencing and convincing ?

Street-art go corporate

- How are mural usually considered ?- Watch the video and say if murals are only used for advertising- Who is Paul Lindhal and how does he sees his activity ?- What is Colossal Media ? (place, activity, clients, prices...)- Descrinbe the process of creation (difficulty, relation to social media, strategy, final results expected.



Question 4/5



Different or synonym ?




a) Define the differences between parody and satire.b) Describe how parody is a power of attraction in advertising.c) Give the limits of parody and its long-term results.


Question 4/5



Different or synonym ?




a) Define the differences between parody and satire.b) Describe how parody is a power of attraction in advertising.c) Give the limits of parody and its long-term results.





  1. Spot the two ads differences
  2. What might be the objectives of the second poster ?
  3. Read the text bellow and react about Rezkallah's ad's spoof.



Look at the poster of the film;What do you think it might be about ?Watch it and be ready to talk about it !

You've done a wonderful job!

Before moving on to the next unit, remember to send your solution to the challenge to your teacher.



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