Dyslexical Resource center
Created on November 2, 2024
Welcome to DYS-COVERY, our dyslexia resource center
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Who are we ?
The values of our institution
What is Dyslexia?
Resources for Learners and Teachers
Diagnosis documents
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Welcome to Dys-Covery Center, Dys-Covery is a facility specializing in Dyslexic Disorders. this resource center aims to help children, parents and professionals to better understand dyslexia. Is to raise public and professional awareness of this discorder. Through this center, we aim to provide the resources and tools needed to manage dyslexia, as well as phsychological and educational support.
- Our Team :
- Coordinating doctor
- Neuropsychologist
- Nursing team
- Medical secretary for all administrative management
- Speech therapist to work on phonology and reading
- Occupational therapist for tools
- Psychologist specializing in learning disabilities
- Psychomotor therapist to work on coordinations
- Educators trained in adapted teaching methods
- Specialized teachers
Our services :
- Identify dyslexia and assess level of difficulty
- Personalize support
- Offer workshops
- Offer training courses
- Access to teaching tools
The philosophy of our resource center is based of the values such as valorization, personalization, cooperation, interaction, and instrinsic motivation.
Constructivism and social constructivism are pedagogical approaches that emphasize the active role of the learner in the learning process.
Constructivism is inspired by the work of Piaget. It proposes that learners actively build their knowledge by interacting with their environment. This pedagogical emphasis is on the active learning of students, based on their experiences and personal understanding. For a dyslexic student, constructivism can be particularly beneficial, as it promotes personalization of learning and active engagement.
The context in which learning occurs is crucial for the development of understanding. Knowledge is not simply transmitted, but constructed by the individual.
Socio-constructivism is associated with Vygotsky and adds a social dimension to learning.
Learning is seen as a social process, where interactions with peers and teachers are essential.
Vygotsky introduces the concept of the zone of proximal development, where the learner can accomplish tasks with the support of others.
Constructivism and social constructivism value active and collaborative learning, recognizing that knowledge is constructed both individually and socially.
IDA Dyslexia handbook
IDA- What is dyslexia
Medical centric- dyslexia
Ted-Ex What is a Dyslexia
BDA-see dyslexia differently
Adult test
There are online tracking tests to give you on idea of malfunctions. It is important to check the reliability of these online tests. Some can be used to carry out a full cognitive screening, identify strengths and weaknesses or assess the risk of dyslexia. But the best thing to do is to take a dyslexia test alongside a speech therapist or other competent professionnal.
Welcome to the Dys-Covery resource center
Charter of the Rights and Freedoms
Flow chart
Charter of good treatment
Educational project
Rules of procedure
Charter of good treatment
educational project
Pedagogical objectives
Our resource center is based on an inclusive pedagogy so the primary objective is to understand and raise awareness about what Dyslexia is and how it has affected learning.
Adapt teaching methods to the needs of each dylexic student by promoting autonomy and self-confidence through adapted activities.
Through these methods, we encourage people to actively participate in their learning by manipulating tools, carrying out projects and experimenting with them.
As a result, we integrate multisensory supports (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) to meet different needs.
By promoting group work, we allow people to co-construct their knowledge. Through tutoring, people can help each other and strengthen the notion of a learning community. A supportive learning environment that involves parents, teachers, and health professionals allows for consistent and supportive collaboration.
Integrating technological tools facilitates the learning of dyslexic people, so we use different games and software such as those for reading and writing.
In order to raise awareness among all caregivers (teachers and families), we organize training sessions on dyslexia with constructivist approaches.
By emphasizing the involvement of the dyslexic person, parents and teachers, and by adapting teaching practices to specific needs, we can promote academic development and success.I
The operating regulations are drawn up in accordance with the joint provisions of Article L.311-7 of the Code of Social Action and Families and Decree No. 2003-1095 of 14 No-vember 2003. The operating regulations are intended to present the rights and duties of users and/or their representatives.
General document The operating regulations do not replace the other documents concerning the operation of the Dyslexia Resource Centre, namely, the educational project, the charter of well-treatment, the welcome booklet, and the charter of rights and freedoms of the person welcomed. Methods of preparation and revision The operating regulations are drawn up by the Dyslexia Resource Centre. The operating regulations may be subject to periodic revisions at the initia-tive of the coordinator in the following cases: - Regulatory changes - Changes in the organization of the Resource Center - Ad hoc needs assessed on a case-by-case basis The operating regulations must be reviewed at least every five years. The revision proce-dure follows the same formal rules as the drafting procedure described above.
Methods of communication The updated operating regulations of its amendments are posted in the Resource Centre and can be consulted on its website. It is available to users on request. It is made availa-ble to people working within the Resource Centre, as well as to the Supervisory Authori-ties. Application of the Operating Regulations The operating regulations are binding on anyone who benefits from the interventions of the Dyslexia Resource Centre and on any person who participates in its missions.
Ethical commitmentThe Resource Centre is committed to improving the care of people with dyslexia by carrying out the missions entrusted to it: To inform, support and accompany people with dyslexia and their families, to contribute to the training of professionals, to provide support and expertise in the performance of diagnostics, to raise public awareness .The resource center ensures the improvement of knowledge about dyslexia, the improvement of the conditions of support and the conditions of care. To do this, the resource center provides all beneficiaries with a multidisciplinary team, trained and experienced in the field of dyslexia.This multidisciplinary team relies on the HAS and its recommendations for good practice (diagnosis and care). It is also committed to a well-treatment approach.To facilitate communication on its operation, it has:- A welcome booklet- The Charter of Rights and Freedoms of the Person Welcomed- The Operating RulesThe medico-social action carried out by the resource center is based on a continuous assessment of the needs and expectations of the people as well as. These actions are carried out with respect for the equal dignity of all human beings with the aim of responding in an appropriate way to the needs of each of them and guaranteeing them equitable access.
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General Rules Allocation of premises the center Resource Center comprises: - Premises for collective use open to the public: documentation center, secretariat, wait-ing area, toilets - Premises for professional use with limited access: professional offices, meeting room, examination room - Premises strictly reserved for professionals: technical rooms (reserves of equipment and cleaning products), rest room
The conditions of access to the premises are different depending on the nature of the premises and must be respected. The premises provided are maintained daily and non-smoking. The premises of the resource center are adapted for people with disabilities, both at the outside entrance and for the circulation inside the establishment.
Security of property, people and personal data The resource center, in its mission to welcome and support the public, integrates the legal and regulatory obligations that are imposed on all and strives to adapt the infrastructure, the methods of organization and operation accordingly, within the limits of the resources allocated to it. - Security of the premises: obtaining a certificate from the safety and accessibility com-mission. The premises of the resource center are locked and placed under alarm. The maintenance of this alarm system is carried out by the security department. These prem-ises are insured. - Safety against fire and panic risks: annual inspection of installations relating to fire safe-ty, regular training of fire risk professionals. - Personal safety: In the event of an accident (cut, fall, burn, etc.), the resource center undertakes to notify the emergency services and to support the person in declaring the accident. - Data security and confidentiality: Professionals are made aware of the notion of confi-dentiality. Users' files are kept in an enclosed place and only accessible to authorized professionals. The computer processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is in line with the French Data Pro-tection Act of 1978 and reinforces citizens' control over the use that can be made of data concerning them. - Security of property: any theft or damage can be the subject of a complaint to the com-petent authorities.
Good user practices Users respect the places made available, whether they are premises for collective use open to the public or premises for professional use with limited access: compliance with the smoking ban and no damage (no throwing of papers, damage to equipment, etc.). Users must respect the professionals of the resource center as well as other users. A professional who is the victim of threats or violence against him or her can alert a legal department and file a complaint with the police station if necessary. Users report to the resource center any problem of damage to property, theft, verbal and/or physical aggres-sion(s). It is forbidden to bring alcoholic beverages and/or illegal products into the premises. Any form of violence (physical, verbal and psychological) against a user or a professional is strictly prohibited and can be the subject of a complaint to the competent authorities in this area. Possession of weapons is strictly prohibited. The person and/or their repre-sentative informs as soon as possible of an absence or delay in an appointment.
The person and/or their representative informs the professionals of the resource center of any change in contact details during the accompaniment. The person and/or their repre-sentative takes note of and respects the operating regulations of the documentation cen-ter (respect for silence, equipment, borrowing procedures, etc.). The person and/or their representative follows the diagnostic evaluation procedure. It is forbidden to photograph other users or professionals for private use, and to record the content of interviews.
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By-law on users' rights and participation Users' rights The Resource Centre respects the following main principles: ● Principle of non-discrimination in compliance with the special conditions of care and support provided for by law, no one may be discriminated against on grounds of ethnic or social origin, physical appearance, genetic characteristics, sexual orientation, disability, age, political or religious opinions. ● Right to information the resource center ensures that it provides clear, comprehensible and appropriate information on its operation and on the terms of support. The user is in-formed of the methods of processing and storage of personal data concerning him or her and of the possible means of recourse. • Right to appropriate care or support Each request sent to the resource center is dealt with individually and is answered according to the resources available and the expecta-tions of the person concerned. ● Principle of free choice, informed consent and participation of the person Permissions to access personal information are proposed. All stakeholders are contacted and informed of the intervention with the agreement of the applicant. All the modalities of intervention are discussed with the applicants. The responses are co-constructed with the requesters, as well as the authorizations for the dissemination of information and the methods of monitor-ing the situation.
You wish to protect or enforce your rights: for any information, complaint or mediation, you can contact the Defender of Rights - If you feel aggrieved by the functioning of an administration or a public service - If you feel you have been discriminated against - If you consider yourself to be a victim or witness of facts that constitute a breach of ethics by people carrying out security activities - If you consider that a child's fundamental rights are not respected, or that a situation calls into question his or her interest for all these steps, you can contact approved asso-ciations. ● Right to renounce the withdrawal of authorizations to access information is provided for in the authorization form. The user can interrupt an evaluation in progress or refuse the evaluation document. He may also object to the transmission of the results of the evalua-tion reports.
Users can exercise their right to be forgotten regarding the transmission of information on events organized by the resource center (training, colloquiums, meetings). Respect for confidentiality: The resource center is concerned with respecting the confidentiality of its users (closing doors, managing files, managing telephone communications) With the user's agreement, the professionals of the resource center collaborate with the teams and professionals already involved with the user. User participation For all its missions of information, documentation, guidance, advice, networking and train-ing, the resource center integrates legal and regulatory obligations. They require that the infrastructures, organizational methods and documents put in place be adapted to the specificity of its users (dyslexic people and their families, professionals, managing bodies and administrations, family associations, students) within the limits of the resources allo-cated to it. To encourage user participation, the resource center conducts satisfaction surveys once a year.
• Claims and complaints They may come from: - Users - The users' entourage - Judicial representatives for the protection of adults - The attending physician Users may express their grievances orally to any professional. If the explanations are not suitable, or if the service is unable to give explanations, the user refers the matter to the manager of the service or the Resource Center Coordinator.
toolbox to help with dyslexia
Families and caregivers
Educational tools
Reading/writing tools
To help teachers adapting teaching materials
Certifications and conferences
Organizational tools
Useful websites
TOOLs for reading/writing
Here you can find some very useful tools to help with reading, writing, spelling.
- Text-to-speech tool to read text aloud, making easier following along written materials, but also lot of useful tools like color highlighting, vocab tools, rewordify, voice-to-text ...
- An phone app to take a picture and read aloud textbooks and other printed materials.
- Dyslexic-friendly font, a free, open-source font designed to improve readability
- A free grammar and spell-check that also work with an AI writing partner to improves writing clarity, coherence, and structure. ENG only.
- Tools like reading ruler or reader pen are one of the best ways to read printed textbooks.
My Dys
Dyslexie font
IrisReader pen
- A spelling and grammar checker specially designed for people with specific learning disabilities, including dyslexia and dysorthographia. It also helps structure ideas when writing. Developed by dyslexic individuals themselves, this programme offers a range of tools tailored to the specific needs of its users.
- Platforms offering books in audio format. Students can listen to stories or textbooks. Content in 41 languages and is present in over 25 countries.
TOOLs for learning / ORGANIZING
Improve learning by transforming YouTube, documents, URLs, long emails, audio recordings into mind maps
Identify the your earning channel (auditory, visual, kinesthetic). Reformulate to improve understanding and memorization, create flashcards, practice through games, and test your knowledge in various ways.
Remember a well-arranged workspace helps with concentration:
- Clearly defining spaces
- Using a color-coding system folders
- Limiting visual distractions
Organized Workspace
gaming resources
grapho game
This game helps kindergarten and primary school children learn to read and spell their first letters, syllables and words.This game contains no ads.
The online screener identifies those at risk for dyslexia. Game-based tests include rapid automatic naming, working memory, phonemic awareness and phonological awareness. Requires adult supervision.
educational tools for professionals
CAP Ecole Inclusive
Cartable Fantastique
- A plateform for french teachers, where you can get adapted teaching materials based on the needs of your students, by filling an observation list. This plateform also include resources to prepare and support your student's orientation.
- A Word extension that allow to automatically adapt your teaching material for Dys students
- Easy-to-Read (ETR) is a writing style that uses specific criteria for syntax, layout, and font size. It wisely incorporates illustrations to facilitate understanding and the creation of mental images.
resources for training professionals
Certified online training covering the fundamentals of dyslexia, teaching strategies and the use of appropriate tools.
The International Dyslexia Association is an organisation dedicated to research, education and awareness of dyslexia and related learning disabilities.It offers training and certification programmes as well as annual conferences bringing together experts from around the world. It also provides educational resources for teachers, parents and professionals to improve support for people with dyslexia. Although based in the United States, the IDA has branches and partners in more than 20 countries, facilitating global collaboration on dyslexia-related issues.
Dyslexia Training Programme by British Dyslexia Association (BDA)
IDA (International Dyslexia Association)
Culture Dys - French certification
A course offered by a professionnal who is herself dyslexic. She works in schools to train professionnals
Présentation of institute
Presented by cofounder : E.Bauer - A.Francou- M. Gherardi - L. Joséphine- A. Traore - A.Vallée
ALL YOU Need to know about dyslexia
Knowledge, screening, diagnosis, tests, tools.
Put to practice
Turn key and as if you were thereachieve your sequence
useful websites
Here you can find associations and institutions that raise awareness and work with the inclusion of people with dyslexia. If you need more learning or teaching resources, detailed articles about dyslexia, partners to reach for help, you're in the right place.
International Dyslexia Information
France Dyslexia
Fédération française des DYS
Partners : - Schools - Parent's associations- Health bodies- PMI - CAF- Health insurance
To reach the discovery resource center:
Coordinating doctor : DOCTOR ARM WRESTLING : armwrestling@dyscovery.ia Secrétariat : MRS HANDS UP : handsup@dyscovery.iaAddress : rue de l'envol, 930000 DYSLEXCITY
- duration 8h
- 8 am -12 am /2 pm-6 pm
- please enter your subject on the registration form
Prepare and create your sequence from A to Z on the subject you wish to address with your audience.Step by step guidanceimportant information : application date line february 10, 2025Places are limited!!!!
PUT IT INTO PRACTICE!!As if you were there-TURNKEY
3rd Module
registration form
Monday march 3, 2025
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
- duration 2 hours
- 10- 12 AM.
présentation of institute teamprésentation of the institutequestions and answers
Be many!!!
Monday january 13, 2025
registration Form
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
- Monday february 3, 2025 (module1)
- Monday february 17, 2025 (module 2)
1st module Better understand dyslexiabasics concepts, recognize the signs of dyslexia2nd module, How to adapt your training?presentation and use of tools in your profession
2 Modules of 2 hours
learning path
registration form
Dyslexia affects everyone
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