Helena Naval Llobera
Created on October 27, 2024
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y la importancia de saber escribir
Nos planteamos la importancia de saber escribir en nuestras vidas
La importancia de ser coherente
Algunos motivos por los que escribir
¿Cuáles son y qué puede pasar si no las aplicamos en nuestros textos?
¿O bien por errores en la forma de escribir?
¿O será que no hay nada que una las partes del texto? ¿O bien por qué no hay signos de puntuación?
¿Será la organización del texto? ¿O la mala organización de las ideas? ¿Se repite la información?
¿Será el registro lingüístico o el tipo de texto?
¿Qué falla en este texto?
Hoy fue un día raro porque salí de casa y todo estaba bien pero de repente el coche apareció y no vi nada entonces choqué y el ruido fue fuerte aunque no entendía lo que pasaba porque estaba confundido y la gente gritaba pero yo solo quería que todo se detuviera porque me dolía la cabeza y no sabía si estaba bien o mal sin embargo el conductor me miraba y parecía preocupado aunque no sé por qué porque yo solo quería ir a la tienda y ahora estoy aquí en el hospital y no sé qué hacer porque todo es un lío y no puedo pensar bien.
1. La cohesión:
Entre los enunciados que forman el texto se establece una conexión lógica mediante ciertos mecanismos lingüísticos.
Hoy fue un día raro porque salí de casa y todo estaba bien, pero de repente el coche apareció y no vi nada. Fue entonces cuando choqué y el ruido fue fuerte aunque, por esta razón no entendía lo que pasaba. Realmente porque estaba confundido y la gente gritaba, pero yo solo quería que todo se detuviera. En ese momento porque me dolía la cabeza y no sabía si estaba bien o mal, por otra parte, sin embargo el conductor me miraba y parecía preocupado, aunque no sé por qué porque, ya que yo solo quería salir de fiesta, sin embargo ahora estoy aquí, en el hospital, y no sé qué hacer porque , para mí todo es un lío y no puedo pensar bien.
a) Después de llegar de fiesta , me fui a mi habitación y me dormí. Nunca he sabido por qué las personas ebrias y los niños dicen siempre la verdad. b) Los alumnos se alegraron de ir de casa en casa pidiendo golosinas. Las clases estaban acabando y ya tenían ganas de que llegara Halloween.
a) Después de llegar de fiesta, me fui a mi habitación y me dormí. Nunca he sabido por qué las personas ebrias y los niños dicen siempre la verdad. Ambas cosas no guardan una relación lógica clara (una no es la causa de la otra, ni un ejemplo ni un efecto), no guardan relación por lo que este texto es incoherenteb) Los alumnos se alegraron de ir de casa en casa pidiendo golosinas y se las comían por el camino. Las golosinas son algo que no gustan a los alumnos, por eso no las comen.
2. La coherencia:
El texto constituye una unidad semántica definida. Selección y orden de la información más interesante. tema-rema
Carta de presentación para optar a unas prácticas en un taller de mecánica
Eii, ¡qué pasa José! Bueno, me llamo Carlos y, pues, quiero ver si puedo hacer prácticas en tu taller, ya que me ha molado mucho desde siempre. Desde pequeñito me han flipado los coches y esas movidas de andar arreglando motores y cambiando piezas y eso. No te voy a mentir, soy un pro en el motor, llevo toda la vida ayudando a mi tío en su taller, él es un crac y me ha enseñado todo lo que sabe. El Jony y el Nano siempre me han tráido su moto pa que se la arregle y han quedado mega contentos. El cole me la suda, porfa sácame de aquí y te tráigo a unos colegas que tienen que arreglar su coche. Eres un máquina Jose.
Carta de presentación para optar a unas prácticas en un taller de mecánica
Buenas tardes Jose Mi nombre es Carlos López Sánchez y soy alumno del Pla Marcell. Le escribo esta carta porque, desde mi gran admiración, me encantaría realizar mis prácticas curriculares en su taller. Desde mi infancia me ha fascinado el mundo de los coches, además de aprender acerca de su mantenimiento y repararación. A nivel de experiencia llevo tres años ayudando en el negocio familiar de coches. Puedo proporcionarle el contacto de mi tío para que le hable de mi trabajo en el taller y le de la opinión que tienen de mi trabajo algunos de nuestros clientes. Creo fielmente que he nacido para trabajar en un taller y que esta es mi vocación. Las ganas, la motivación y mi capacidad de esfuerzo son tres de mis grandes fortalezas que pueden aportar valor a su negocio. Atentamente,Carlos López
El texto se adapta a la situación comunicativa.
3. La adecuación:
Use timelines
Provide context for your topic
You can briefly describe the timeline of your presentation and present the
Oral milestones achieved to keep everyone awake.
20XX -> 20XX
Put an important title here, something that captures the attention of the class
Provide context for your subject
When it comes to carrying out a presentation, there are two objectives to pursue: transmitting information and avoiding boredom. For this purpose, it can be a good practice to create an outline and use words and concepts that aid in the assimilation of the content. If you want to provide additional information or elaborate on the content in more detail, you can do so through your oral exposition.
We recommend that you train your voice and rehearse:The best improvisation is always the most worked on!Showing enthusiasm, smiling, and maintaining eye contact with others in the classroom can be your best allies when presenting content and creating motivating learning experiences.
Use tables and infographics
Visual communication is a key tool
We find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text. That's why disciplines like Visual Thinking facilitate knowledge organization through the use of images, charts, infographics, and simple drawings.
Visual accompaniment convinces 67% of your class.
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We are visual beings
We are able to understand images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
Narrative beings
We teach through stories.They entertain us and help us maintain focus.
Social beingssocial
We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.
Insert a great video for your presentation
And use this space to describe it. Multimedia content is essential in a presentation, to leave everyone speechless. In addition, this way you will synthesize the content and entertain the whole class.Visual content has incredible informative and illustrative power. For this reason, including videos and images in your creations is essential. You can include images that explain the topic well... Whatever you need. But illustrate it to break the monotony of the text and give dynamism to all your creations. Don't forget!Therefore, it is essential to seek depth in the topic and provide the resources that our students need. Well-organized content can be a differential in your methodology.
Visual accompaniment convinces 67% of your class.
Write a great headline
Provide context to your topic
Although you should not abuse bulletpoints, icons and diagrams can be great allies when presenting. You will keep your class's attention and the information will be engraved in their brain.
When we are told a story, it moves us. It can even touch us deeply, causing us to remember the stories up to 20 times more than any other content we can consume.
Generate experiences withyour content.
Measure resultsand experiment.
It has a WOW effect.Very WOW.
Activate and amazeyour audience.
Make your audience rememberthe message
It is orderly, hierarchical, and structured
Put an important title here, something that captures the attention of the class
Provide context to your topic
When conducting a presentation, two objectives must be pursued: transmitting information and avoiding yawns. To achieve this, it can be good practice to create an outline and use words and concepts that aid in content assimilation. If you want to provide additional information or develop the content in more detail, you can do so through your oral exposition.
We recommend that you train your voice and rehearse:The best improvisation is always the most rehearsed!Showing enthusiasm, smiling, and maintaining eye contact with the rest of the people in the classroom can be your best allies when presenting content and creating motivating learning experiences.
Present your genially with calm and conciseness. Summarize the content.
Show enthusiasm! Take a deep breath and start your presentation on the topic.
Inserted content
Social media
Interactive question
Multiple choice
Interactive question
Verdadero o falso
The visual accompaniment
get to convince 67% of your class.
A great presentation is clear and structured in order to convey information in an organized and hierarchical manner, and to deliver the most relevant content to the entire class. Animation and interactivity are two fundamental pillars for this purpose.With Genially, you can include any type of interactivity to show additional content and add animation to capture the class's attention.
Interactive visual communication step by step:
- Plan the structure of your content.
- Give visual weight to the key points and main ones.
- Define secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure the results.
Here you can put a highlighted title
Provide context to your topic with a subtitle
When carrying out a presentation, there are two objectives to pursue: conveying information and avoiding yawns. To achieve this, it can be a good practice to create an outline and use words and concepts that aid in the assimilation of the content.If you want to provide additional information or develop the content in more detail, you can do so through your oral presentation. We recommend that you practice your voice and rehearse.
Demonstrate enthusiasm, smile, and maintain eye contact with the rest of the people in the classroom are your best allies.
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when creating tables, infographics, or graphics that help provide context to the topic or unit, as well as simplify information to make it more understandable. We are visual beings and we find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text.
Abajo el contenido aburrido y plano en tus clases:
Do it to motivate
A great presentation is clear and structured in order to convey information in an organized and hierarchical manner, and deliver the most relevant content to the entire class. In order to achieve this, animation and interactivity are two fundamental pillars.With Genially, you can include any type of interactivity to display additional content and add animation to capture the attention of the class.
The interactive visual communication step by step:
- Plan the structure of your content.
- Give visual weight to the key points and main points.
- Define secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure the results.
Para expresar nuestros pensamientos y emociones
"Te amo mamá y tú eres mi mejor amiga y la persona por la que he vivido durante años", continúa el mensaje de texto. "Me gustaría poder quedarme contigo, pero ya no puedo aguantar el peso aplastante de la tristeza persistente, la falta de esperanza y la soledad".
Nunca te conté sobre estos sentimientos porque no quería preocuparte y porque esperaba que eventualmente cambiaran pero ahora sé que nunca pasará. [Estos sentimientos] me seguirán en cada logro, cada éxito, cada reunión familiar, cada cena con amigos", lamentó. "Yo lloro casi todos los días, como si estuviera de luto. He deseado la muerte durante años. Yo sé que tú quisieras saberlo y ayudar, pero no he querido compartir este peso con nadie".
Describe the topic and content you’re going to cover in class
and don’t forget to emphasize why the topic is interesting
A great presentation is clear and structured in order to convey information in an organized and hierarchical way, and to deliver the most relevant content to the entire class. To achieve this, animation and interactivity are two fundamental pillars.With Genially, you can include any type of interactivity to show additional content and add animation to capture the attention of the class.
Interactive visual communication step by step:
- Plan the structure of your content.
- Give visual weight to the key points and main points.
- Define secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure the results.
Para pensar y reflexionar
Para emocionar
Here you can put a highlighted title
Provide context to your topic with a subtitle
When carrying out a presentation, there are two objectives to pursue: transmitting information and avoiding yawns. To achieve this, it can be a good practice to create an outline and use words and concepts that facilitate the assimilation of the content.If you want to provide additional information or develop the content in more detail, you can do so through your oral presentation. We recommend that you train your voice and rehearse.
Showing enthusiasm, giving a smile, and maintaining eye contact with the rest of the people in the classroom are your best allies.
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when it comes to creating tables, infographics or graphs that help provide context to the topic or unit, as well as simplify the information to make it more comprehensible. We are visual beings and we find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text.
Para crear y escribir historias
Para influir y perdsuadir
Here you can put a highlighted title
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
When carrying out a presentation, there are two objectives to pursue: conveying information and avoiding boredom. In order to achieve this, it can be a good practice to create an outline and use words and concepts that aid in the assimilation of the content.If you want to provide additional information or develop the content in more detail, you can do so through your oral exposition. We recommend that you train your voice and practice.
Demonstrate enthusiasm, draw a smile and maintain eye contact with the rest of the people in the classroom are your best allies.
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when it comes to creating tables, infographics or graphics that help provide context to the topic or unit, as well as simplify the information to make it more understandable. We are visual beings and we find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text.
Here you can put a highlighted title
Provide context for your topic with a subtitle
When carrying out a presentation, there are two objectives to pursue: transmitting information and avoiding boredom. To achieve this, it can be a good practice to create an outline and use words and concepts that aid in content assimilation.If you want to provide additional information or elaborate on the content in more detail, you can do so through your oral presentation. We recommend that you practice your voice and rehearse.
Showing enthusiasm, flashing a smile, and maintaining eye contact with others in the classroom are your best allies.
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when creating tables, infographics, or graphics that help provide context to the topic or unit, as well as simplify information to make it more understandable. We are visual beings and it is easier for us to 'read' images than to read written text.
Para dejar un registro o evidencia
Animate your content and take it to the next level
Animation adds extra value
A great presentation is clear and structured in order to convey information in an organized and hierarchical manner, and to deliver the most relevant content to the entire class. Animation and interactivity are two fundamental pillars for this.With Genially, you can include any type of interactivity to display additional content and add animation to capture the class' attention.
The interactive visual communication step by step:
- Plan the structure of your content.
- Give visual weight to the key points and main ones.
- Define secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure the results.
something that catches the attention of the class
Put here a highlighted title,
A great presentation is clear and structured in order to convey information in an orderly and hierarchical manner, and to deliver the most relevant content to the whole class. Animation and interactivity are two fundamental pillars for this.With Genially, you can include any type of interactivity to show additional content and add animation to capture the class's attention.
Interactive visual communication step by step:
- Plan the structure of your content.
- Give visual weight to the key points and main ones.
- Define secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure the results.