POT - 2 anno n ENG
Created on October 27, 2024
More creations to inspire you
Why do I study?
Am I confident in my abilities?
Do I know the way I study?
Friendship in University
The most effective study method is a flexible one: have you ever found yourself unable to pass an exam despite all the hours you spent studying?It is possible that the strategies you usually use are not suitable for that task.
Try writing a mini-diary of your study strategies: thinking about your study method, which strategies do you find most effective and why? What are the main difficulties you encounter while studying?
Did you know...
Our advice
Contact the person who showed you this survey for more information about the services offered by your university!
College is not only a place to study but where you can also meet new people; it can be a place to spend time with your peers and make friends! How?
Our advice
Try asking your classmates or search on social media what student associations are active in your city to get more involved in campus life.
Did you know...
Contact the person who showed you this survey for more information about the services offered by your university!
If you come across an exam that makes you doubt your abilities, try writing down 5 activities you could do and/or decisions you could make, starting with the af-fermation “I think I could...”
Our advice
Contact the person who showed you this survey for more information about the services offered by your university!
Did you know...
Confidence in oneself and in being able to achieve university goals helps a lot in studying.
Think of an exam that you have to take and that you find difficult or that is not sparking your interest, then try to identify two reasons why it's worth studying for that exam. You can also do this exercise with an exam that you have already taken!
Did you know...
We can be motivated in different ways when we do things: for example, you can study for the pleasure of it, to earn more money, or to develop skills for the job you dream of doing! Have you ever wondered why you study?
Our advice
Contact the person who showed you this survey for more information about the services offered by your university!