Halloween video
Javier García Carbonell
Created on October 27, 2024
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Edimburg (Scotland)
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You want to know how they celebrate Halloween in Scotland?
There is a belief that Halloween originates from the Celtic festival of Samhain: the Celtic New Year's Eve celebrated on October 31. It is still celebrated in some parts of the United Kingdom, such as Scotland, as well as in certain areas of Ireland. It involves fortune-telling and lighting bonfires.
However, other curious traditions characterize Scotland during a festival like this: they use carved turnips instead of pumpkins to hollow out and place candles inside, creating unusual "lanterns" or "lamps" with this vegetable.
It is also a tradition to play with children to try to grab floating apples in a bowl of water with their hands tied behind their backs. Sometimes, some choose to complicate this game by trying to catch the apples with a fork.
Thank you for your terrifying attention
Javier García CarbonellAdam El Hamri Fantes