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Anglo-saxon culture


Anglo-saxon language


Anglo-Saxon American culture, in countries such as the United States and Canada, is primarily Creole, with a large portion of the population descended from British colonizers. Its dominant language is English and its majority religion is Protestantism.


1. Their customs

2. Every characteristics

3. What countries form it

4. Tradition

5. What they created

What is anglo-saxon culture?

Anglo-Saxon American culture, in countries such as the United States and Canada, is primarily Creole, with a large portion of the population descended from British colonizers. Its dominant language is English and its majority religion is Protestantism.

their daily characteristics:

Most Anglo-Saxons were farmers and lived off the land. They knew how to make equipment such as plows and tools that helped them in their work. They ground wheat to make flour so they could make bread. Some Anglo-Saxons were skilled craftsmen who made decorative jewelry such as brooches and necklaces.


New Zealand

What countries form it




This tradition has its origin in curricular theories, in the curriculum, focusing on the operational and the methodical. The Anglo-Saxon tradition unites under the name of education, practice and the discipline that studies it, conceiving the need for a theoretical discourse that is at the same time a practical commitment.


What they created

  • Most Anglo-Saxons were farmers and lived off the land. They knew how to make equipment such as plows and tools that helped them in their work. They ground wheat to make flour so they could make bread. Some Anglo-Saxons were skilled craftsmen who made decorative jewelry such as brooches and necklaces.

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