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Air Polution

Osvaldo Sanchez

Hypothesis: Air pollution will have the most dramatic impact on the Earth and the Earth's systems

Definition: Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere (World Health Organization).

How does air pollution impact the natural process of earths minerals and rocks

Acid rain leeches aluminum from the soil. That aluminum may be harmful to plants as well as animals. Acid rain also removes minerals and nutrients from the soil that trees need to grow. (US EPA)

How is air pollution impacted by earthquakes?

In 2015, a powerful earthquake hit Nepal. It measured a 7.8 on the Richter scale and leveled many buildings which were built out of old bricks. This resulted in a huge upsurge of dust particles which greatly affected the country’s air quality. According to the EPI, Nepal ranked 176th in air quality among 180 countries in 2018. Pulmonary diseases comprised 43% of all hospital visits, beating out cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

  • Dust Exposure -The main driver for earthquake-induced air pollution is dust. The vibrations and tremors hitting buildings and homes loosens up dust and drives them into the air. Tectonic shifts can disrupt sediment and expose them to the air where they linger as particulates for days or even longer.
  • Accidental Fires and Damage - The resulting fires and other incidents during an emergency can release all manner of pollutants into the air.
  • Molds and other Risk Factors -During an earthquake there’s a large change for water pipes and other similar structures to be damaged, resulting in more damp locations and spaces. These damp conditions will tend to have a negative on human dwellings, as the water seeps into the wood,encouraging fungal growth. Molds will result and the spores they release are known air pollutants which can have very acute effects on your respiratory systems.

How does air pollution impact the natural processes of Earth's water and water systems?

Air pollution can directly contaminate the surface of bodies of water and soil. This can damage crops or reduce their yield, and it can harm young trees and other plants.

Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide particles in the air can create acid rain when they mix with water and oxygen in the atmosphere. These air pollutants come mostly from power plants and motor vehicles that burn fossil fuels.

What are the long-term consequences to the Earth as a result of air pollution?

Greenhouse gas pollution is causing climate change. As a result, ecosystems are changing faster than plants and animals can adapt, and many species are going extinct. Marine ecosystems are vulnerable to ocean acidification caused when carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere is dissolved in seawater. Ocean acidification makes it difficult for many marine species to grow shells and skeletons.

High levels of particulate pollution from all types of burning reduces the amount of sunlight that reaches the surface and even changes the appearance of the sky. When less sunlight is available for photosynthesis, forests grow at a slower rate and crops are less productive. Hazy skies not only reduce visibility, but also impact the weather and even the climate.

How does air pollution impact the natural processes of Earth's oceans and ocean systems?

One serious consequence of atmospheric pollution of the ocean is “Ocean Acidification” which occurs when airborne carbon dioxide (CO2) is absorbed by seawater, causing chemical reactions that reduce seawater pH and may affect many marine organisms

Air pollution can cause eutrophication or the process of accumulation of nutrients in the water. When eutrophication occurs algal bloom may soon follow. Large numbers of algae including phytoplanktons may die off.

How does air pollution impact the natural processes of Earth's atmosphere and atmospheric systems?

Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and sulfur resulting from air pollution is a major stressor to natural ecosystems, often leading to acidification and eutrophication of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

EPA, states and tribes need information on the impact of atmospheric deposition of nitrogen on the nation’s rivers, lakes, and estuaries to understand ecosystem exposure and response to nutrients and acidity, and manage resources impacted by deposition. Although the U.S. has seen large improvements in air quality and reductions in deposition since the enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, there are still many regions where the critical load for a variety of ecological end points is exceeded. The critical load is the amount of deposition below which harmful effects do not occur, according to present knowledge. As understanding of atmospheric deposition and critical loads evolves, measurement methods, models, and assessment tools must incorporate the most up to date science to support the NAAQS review and provide managers with the best available information for decision making.


World Health Organization. (2023). Air Pollution. World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/health-topics/air-pollution#tab=tab_1US EPA. "Effects of Acid Rain." US EPA, United States Enviromental Protection Age June 2023, www.epa.gov/acidrain/effects-acid-rainOnghanseng, Dustin Jefferson . “Do Earthquakes Affect Indoor Air Quality? | UHoo.” UHoo - Clean Air for All, 24 July 2020, getuhoo.com/blog/education/earthquakes-affect-indoor-air-quality/.National Geographic. “Air Pollution.” Education.nationalgeographic.org, National Geographic, 19 Oct. 2023, education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/air-pollution/. UCAR. “Effects of Air Pollution | UCAR Center for Science Education.” Scied.ucar.edu, 2023, scied.ucar.edu/learning-zone/air-quality/effects-air-pollution.turrentine, jeff. “Air Pollution: Everything You Need to Know.” Nrdc.org, 31 Oct. 2023, www.nrdc.org/stories/air-pollution-everything-you-need-know?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzIzNzaKIigMVaUH_AR3OoCvEEAAYASAAEgK-p_D_BwE#ej. Accessed 2 Dec. 2024.US EPA. “Ecosystems and Air Quality | US EPA.” US EPA, 6 Mar. 2014, www.epa.gov/eco-research/ecosystems-and-air-quality.