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Andrew BeanProfessor WalkerEarth Science 100-01B

The Impact of Humanity on Ozone Depletion

The continued release of harmful man made CFC's continues to harm the Earth'sOzone.


Oceanos website states,"Marine ecosystems show considerable evidence that continued depletion of ozone will lead to increased penetration of UV into the upper layers of the ocean, resulting in damage to various forms of marine life such as phytoplankton, the single-celled organisms at the base of the marine food web."

In an article published by the European Commission, they talk about the depletion of the ozone layer leads to higher levels of UV Radiation on the Earth's surface, posing risks to human health. This includes a rise in specific skin cancers, cataracts and weakend immune systems. Increased UV exposure also impacts ecosystems on land and in water, disrupting growth, food chains and biochemical processes. Aquatic organisms near the water's surface, which are fundamental to the food chain are especially vulnerable. Additionally, UV radiation hampers plant growth, negatively affecting agricultural yields.

What are the long term consequences of Ozone Depletion?

The US Environmental Protection agency defines Ozone Depletion as: When chlorine and bromine atoms come into contact with ozone in the stratosphere, they destroy ozone molecules.

Ozone Depletion:

" The EPA states, "When chlorine and bromine atoms interact with ozone in the stratosphere, they break down ozone molecules. A single chlorine atom can eliminate more than 100,000 ozone molecules before leaving the stratosphere. This leads to ozone being destroyed faster than it can naturally regenerate."

The Impact of Ozone Depletion on Earth's Atmosphere

How Ozone Depletion Impacts Earth and it's Systems.

According to the State of Tennessee's official website "Ozone depletion can cause increased amounts of UV radiation to reach the Earth which can lead to more cases of skin cancer, cataracts, and impaired immune systems. Too much exposure to UV is believed to be contributing to the increase in melanoma, the most fatal of all skin cancers. Since 1990, the risk of developing melanoma has more than doubled.UV can also damage sensitive crops, such as soybeans, and reduce crop yields. Some scientists suggest that marine phytoplankton, which are the base of the ocean food chain, are already under stress from UV radiation. This stress could have adverse consequences for human food supplies from the oceans." (Ozone, 2024.)

In 1985, the Vienna Convention laid the groundwork for the Montreal Protocol, which started phasing out harmful ozone-depleting substances like CFCs in 1989. By 2008, it became the first UN environmental agreement that every country in the world signed. UNEP played a key role in making this happen, helping to establish the Convention and hosting the Ozone Secretariat in Nairobi since 1991.

What are some of the most viable solutions?

Viable Solutions:

One effective way to help save the ozone layer is by phasing out harmful chemicals like CFCs and HCFCs, which were commonly used in products like refrigerators and aerosols. Agreements like the Montreal Protocol have been crucial in this effort, banning or limiting these substances worldwide. By sticking to these regulations and encouraging the use of safer alternatives, we can continue to protect the ozone and help it recover.

What solution do YOU propose based on what you have learned?

Proposed Solution(s)

In short, phasing out harmful chemicals and sticking to international agreements like the Montreal Protocol has proven to be a powerful step in protecting the ozone layer. By continuing to embrace safer alternatives and enforcing these measures, we can ensure the ozone layer recovers and remains strong for future generations.


References:Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d.). EPA. https://www.epa.gov/ozone-layer-protection/basic-ozone-layer-science Ozone. Tennessee State Government - TN.gov. (n.d.). https://www.tn.gov/health/cedep/environmental/environmental-health-topics/eht/ozone.html#:~:text=Ozone%20depletion%20can%20cause%20increased,fatal%20of%20all%20skin%20cancers. Ozone depletion. Oceaneos restoring ocean life. (n.d.). https://oceaneos.org/state-of-our-oceans/ozone-uv-rays/#:~:text=Marine%20ecosystems%20show%20considerable%20evidence,of%20the%20marine%20food%20web. Overview. Climate Action. (n.d.). https://climate.ec.europa.eu/eu-action/ozone-layer/overview_en#:~:text=Effects%20of%20ozone%20depletion%20for%20humans%20and%20the%20environment&text=Negative%20effects%20include%20increases%20in,food%20chains%20and%20biochemical%20cycles. Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d.-a). EPA. https://www.epa.gov/ozone-layer-protection/basic-ozone-layer-science#:~:text=II.-,Ozone%20Depletion,is%20removed%20from%20the%20stratosphere. Rebuilding the ozone layer: How the world came together for the Ultimate Repair Job. UNEP. (n.d.). https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/rebuilding-ozone-layer-how-world-came-together-ultimate-repair-job