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Una breve explicación del Tiempo Presente Continuo y sus estructuras gramaticales.


Present Continuous

El verbo "TO BE" es el auxiliar del Presente Continuo, dependiendo del sujeto (pronombre) es la forma del verbo a utilizar. I am / he-she-it is / we-you-they are Al verbo principal (verbo base) se añade el termino ing. Ej. working - cleaning - going

El verbo "TO BE" mas NOT para las ORACIONES NEGATIVAS. I am not working in the store. He is not cleaning the house. They are not going to the party. Mary is not watching t.v. David and Jesus are not playing soccer.

Es un tiempo gramatical que expresa una acción que se está desarrollando en el momento.

¿Qué es el presente Continuo?

I am working with students.She is cleaning the room.You are going to the school.

Oraciones afirmativas

Are you working with students?Yes, I am.Is she cleaning the room?No, she is not.Are they going to the school?Yes, they are.

Oraciones Interrogativas