Core 4 Presentation - Alexandria Hoskins
Alexandria Hoskins
Created on October 26, 2024
Presentation about the 4 C's of Educational Technology Integration
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Alexandria HoskinsINST51020-OL21DR. TONYA THOMPSON10/27/2024
Core 4 Presentation
The 4 C's of technology integration chosen for this presentation
I chose this particular set of 4 C's due to the very "student forward" methodology behind them. Creation, Consumption, Curation, and Connection are elements that transform the learner into the architect of their learning with technology.
why i chose this set of 4 c's
I see learners as co-creators of educational content. Through the use of technology, students become educational architects and build their own learning content via the display of their subject knowledge through various projects and assignments.
I believe that technology is the stronghold of connection in and out of the classroom. Technology, specifically apps and software that allow two way communication, is a fantastic way for learners to communicate and collaborate with other learners, professionals, and even experts in certain fields in a format that is user friendly and almost instantaneous.
the 4 c's and my beliefs on technology integration
With the invention of the internet, there are now vast amounts of information out there that students must sift through, organize, and present in their own way based on the subject matter in which they are studying. Technology has the ability to allow students to narrow their source search across all resource platforms and even provide them a platform to organize this information in a unique and creative way.
Consuming content is a vital element of learning. With the vast resources that exist within the Internet as well as the variety of digital devices on which this knowledge can be accessed, learners can consume everything they need to navigate their learning journey.
This "C" could be used to guide my practices in how I will have my future students display their understanding of the topics covered. With the implemention of this "C", I could inspire creativity in my students and challenge them to create projects and assignments using a variety of technology without too much interference from my assignment requirements.
Planning for technology in the classroom
classroom applications
- Creating blogs for written assignments.
- Using websites like "Canva" to create presentations, infographics, and flyers for projects.
- Using video hosting software to create and upload presentations.
Allowing students to use technology to create content that displays their knowledge and understanding of a subject.
- Allowing the use of all types of online resources, provided they are vetted and appropriate.
- Allowing the use of phones and tablets in the classroom for research purposes.
- QR codes in presentations that students can use their phones to scan for additional content.
classroom applications
With this "C" in mind, I could set aside many traditional or "analog" methods of content consumption and replace it with more modern methods. This "C" could guide me in planning instructional elements that effectively integrate the use of technology. Such as, computer lab time, audiobooks, digital archives access, etc.
Planning for technology in the classroom
Students using technology and digital devices to take in, "consume", large amounts of content.
- Utilizing Adobe Creative Cloud to store and create an archive for sources.
- Through computers or tablets in the classroom, run a tutorial on how to determine the validity of a source.
- Use filter settings on digital devices to help curate certain types of sources based on certain criteria.
classroom applications
Utilizing this "C" would expand the options I can give my students when they must search, cite, and present their sources. Using technology in this sense would allow me to show my students different types of sources they can look for, how to assess their validity, and how they can present those sources in a creative way.
Planning for technology in the classroom
Students exploring a large amount of content on the web, organizing that content, and presenting it in an effective and meangful way.
classroom applications
- Using cloud based software, like Google Sheets and Slides, for students to complete group work.
- FaceTime and Skype with experts in the field of what we are studying in that unit.
- Have students connect via email or social media with experts and professionals to act as "living sources" for papers and assignments.
This "C" would allow me to think beyond classroom learning and help me explore ways in which I can enhance my teaching methods, by connecting with other teachers and professional learning networks, as well as expanding the learning experiences of my students by bringing professionals and experts in certain fields to the classroom via a variety of connection software and applications.
Planning for technology in the classroom
Students expanding upon their knowledge and collaboarting with not only classmates but also teachers and other professionals through the use of technology.
Class - GeographyUnit - Population and Migration Patterns (Latin America)Assignment - Research migration patterns and population trends in Latin AmericaTechnology Integtation - Students will use educational videos on YouTube to research this topic as well as use their phones in class to scan a QR code and follow along with lecture highlights during a presentation.
Class - HistoryUnit - The American Revolution Assignment - Create a timeline summarizing the events that led to the American Revolution.Technology Integtation - Students will use Snapchat to create a set of stories that will be stictched to together to create their summarized timeline.
Below is a list of ideas I have to implement technology for certain assignments for certain classes based on each of my chosen 4 C's.
Real world applications
technology integration examples
Class - Science Unit - The Solar System Assignment - Students will create a group project about the solar system and include one unique fact about each planet. Technology Integtation - Students will use email, social media, and instant messaging to connect with experts or organizations that can assist in the unique fact finding. The instructor will connect with university professors who are experts in this topic via Microsoft Teams.
Class - EnglishUnit - Liturature Analysis: The Great Gatsby Assignment - Begin the initial stages of a literature analysis of the novel by collecting sources regarding the book's themes. Technology Integtation - Students will go to the computer lab and search for their digital sources and save each one, based on their unique theme topic, in a cloud based receptical of their choice. Students will filter their searches to match their topics.
Real world applications Cont.
technology integration examples
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