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11. Its good prcticeThis will help me build skills for the future instead of having lilian whos always busy to do my hair for me, as well as it being very cost-effective2. I have time This is the perfect time to do it, as i have a holiday, would not lilian like to come home and have a nice holiday, let her, and let me be able to learn a new skill, sometimes you just have to let people make and learn from their mistakes3. ive gone to school with worst hairFor this trial, ill already have lilian's precut lines that i can just brush a it to make them look cleaner, ive watched several videos on how to plait hair and which one is the best way, in terms of mobility and durability. I am using the same methods lilian is using except i have no one to practice the styles i want to be good at, thus, why not go for the most willing participant, yours truly!

Reasons why i should

Indira Ghandi


Of the Uk's haircare spend is solely due to Black women

On average, Black women spend more on haircare than the entire UK popultion, despite being 2% of the UK's adult poopulation.


Emmy Noether

Ida B. Wells

Lucy Stone


Nina Simone

Huda Sha'arawi

Sojourner Truth

Lucy Parsons

Emma Goldman

Edith Cowam

Frida Kahlo

Indira Ghandi

Marie Curie

Virginia Woolf

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Hedy Lamaar

the end!