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Week 10

ECED200 - Fall,2024


1. Recap →

2. Day 1- Chapter 10 →

3. Activity →

4. Day 2 - Chapter 10 →

5. Review of Test # 2 →

6. Day 3 - Test # 2→

Planning Effective Curriculum

Day 1 - Chapter 10

What is curriculum?

Curriculum is a written plan of the goals for the children's learning and development.

Some curriculum includes

materials, learning experiences and teaching strategies to help children achieve these goals

Curriculum content

is what children learn about in the classroom

Four Types of Written Curriculum

Research Based Currculum

Developed from research focused on learning outcomes and experiences to promote achievement and success of long-term academic goals

Published Curriculum

Commercially published curriculum based on learning standards with the included materials and teacher guides for learning experiences

Teacher- Developed Plans

Teachers create curriculum plans(goals, experiences and materials) around the individual children they teach based on the goals of the child care center

Early LiteracyMathSocial -Emotional

Locally Developed Plans

Curriculum specialists or techer teams create written plan for their childcare center or school.

What is written curriculum important?

Quality is Important

Wriiten curriculum can be evaluated and used as a reporting tool for administrators, teachers, families and taxpayers

Guide Decisions

Written curriculum guides teaching and can be evaluated and adjusted to make instructional decisions





Active + Engaging

Whole Child

How do we know that a curriculum is effective?

Goals Defined


Evidence Based


Valued Content

What are standards?

Standards are expectations for students

Three Kinds of Standards

Learning Standards

Expectations for students learning

Content Standards

Knowledge or skills a student should know in each content area( math, science, writing, reading)

Performance Standards

Knowledge or skill students should acquire at each grade level or age (AKA benchmarks)

How do these standards guide the curriculum?

Standards influence the Curriculum


Developmetally Appreopriate


SAS: Introduction to the Standards Aligned System (SAS) Portal

Aligning the Common core Standards

Watch the video to understand how to view the alignment of the PA standards across the grade levels.

How does the curriculum differ by age?

group 1, 2 & 3 will click on the infant and toddler curriculum guide for PA. Browse the standards and find a standard that matchesone curriculum focus above. Share it on Google Slides.
Group 4, 5, 6 & 7 will click on the preschool curriculum guide for PA. Browse the standards and find a standard that matchesone curriculum focus above. Share it on Google Slides.
Browse the standards on the SAS website at your convenience and find a standard that matches one curriculum focus above.

Planning Effective Curriculum

Day 2 - Chapter 10

How are different curriculum models organized?

Different Curriculum Models

Emergent Curriculum

1. Children's interests and needs determine what goes on in the class room2. Teachers make tentative plans and adjust them to take the child's lead3. Children are engaged and motivated

Integratd Curriculum

1. learning goals are met by combining content areas2. helps students fit in all the curriculum, because many content areas are addressed simultaneously3. Helps young learners and ELL students grow vocabulary skills with repetition.

Project Approach to Curriculum

1. The project approach is NOT curriculum but a way to engage the children while teaching the curriculum2. Teachers guide students3 . Real world topicsand student interest engage children and allowthem to have control of their own learning

What is scope and sequence?

What are the two types of early childhood curriculum?

What models of comprehensive curriculum are widely used?

High Scope Curriculum

Creative Curriculum

Core Knowledge Curriculum

Tools of the Mind Curriculum

What are the sources of curriculum?

How do you write the lesson plan from the curriculum standards?

How to..

1. Find the Standard

Go to the PA Standard website and choose the standard you are going to teach

2. Find the Big Idea and essential question of the Lesson

Go to the PA standards website and align the curriculum

3. Decide on a Lesson Idea

Search online ideas to make an interesting lesson to teach your learning standard

4. Write an objective

What do you want the students to learning the lesson, to accomplish the standard that you chose?

How to..

5. Plan a Lesson Opening

How will you open the lesson to get the students motivated to learn?1. Activate prior knowledge2. Add literature or music3.Photos, videos, props

6. Write the Procedure

Take that great ideaand explain how it will go step by step1. Number the steps with the lead first2. Keep the lesson Active3. Include Instruction for new vocabulary words4. What will the teacher do in the lesson?5. What will the students do in the lesson? I do--we do--you do

7. Write a Closing

Wrapping up the lesson is like closing a door when you leave.1. What did the students learn?Remember your essential question.2. Review the vocabulary new to the lesson3. Assess if the students have met the learning objective

Write an objective

How do you know if the students have met the learning objective (and the learning standard)?

Test # 2


Aligning the Common Core Standards

Project Phases...

  • Identify child interest
  • prepare for the investigation
  • culminating event