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Diego Benito

No to bullying

friday the 29 of october 2024

passing of page 2


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Contextualiza tu tema

The cyberbulling is a term used to describe when a child or adolescent is harransed,threatent,humillatedembarrased or abused by another child or adolescent, through the internet or any means of communication such as mobile phones or tablets.

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+ info

some forms of cyberbullyng are:

  • Harransed via instant messaging:hitting,pussing,kicking.
  • assword thefl:(whatsapp,messeger,facebook,SMS)
  • Offesive posts on blogs:fomurs,websites and social networks such as facebook,twitter or others;
  • Populary polls to humillated
or intimadete.

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Recommendations to avoid it:

  • Do not share you personal information.
  • it is better not to pay attentation to provocations,ingore them.
  • If you recesive serious threats,do not remain silent,ask for help.
  • If you are being harassed,keep evidence of the harassment.
  • If you are a victim or witness,do not hesitate, REPORT IT.

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The"olimpia law" Pag 5

It is a set of reforms to the general lawon wowen´s access to a life free of violence and to the federal penal code,which seek to reconize digital violence and punish crimes that violate the sexual privacy of people through digital means,also known as cyberviolence or cyberbulling.

Stop cyberbulling

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  • Visita las preferencias de Analytics;
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  • ¡Que fluya la comunicación!

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