Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Other Resources

Resource 1 - This resource from the Harvard Business Review discusses how to keep teams collaborative even if they get large, diverse, virtual, and/or composed of specialists, as these are things that often decrease collaboration. Resources 2 - This source discusses the small differences between teamwork and collaboration. I thouhght this was helpful to see exactly what skills are need for each. It also provides real world examples for both teamwork and collaboration. Resource 3 - This source discusses the importance of team work but with scientific justification for eaach reason. Seeing why teamwork is important can help to encourage development of collaborative teams using the skills mentioned earlier and the trust discussed on other pages.





Why this picture?

Here you see a cartoonish drawing of a person crowd surfing. While this act does not require complete or particularly loving trust, I've always thought it one of the most true forms of putting your trust in others.You are launching yourself, trusting that people whom you know you have exactly 1 thing in common with will catch you. No questions asked.


Video Resources

Video 1 - https://youtu.be/2AuZeZd4Z_c?si=OmnZZaqcvtlPQTa6 In this video you see a very intense trust building game. I've never seen anything quite like this exercise, but I think it is definitely a way to bond people for life. Having someone's weight literally held up by your and your team's hands is something I would imagine it's not the most easy to forget.Video 2 - https://youtu.be/08RU6oiFTdg?si=EkFIbysSFX3sYncN In this video Simon Sinek talks about struggles with trusting people as well as overcoming this. The conversation goes over effects of environment and how to foster a trusting work environment.Video 3 - https://youtu.be/fUXdrl9ch_Q?si=pEOS7XFKdidhPQvi This video is a super cute collection of animated shorts and commercials showcasing good and bad teamwork. In the first short, there is little teamwork and lack of inclusion. In both shorts after, you see these skills improve greatly so that the team/family may profit.


Non-video resources

Resource 1 - This source discusses not only the importance of trust in team settings but also how to build trust. It breaks down six different things a leader can do to build trust within their team. Resource 2 - This article from the Harvard Business Review breaks down how high-perfoming teams are able to develop trust amongst team members. They interviewed office workers to determine five behaviors that set their team apart from other lower performing teams. Resource 3 - This article from Forbes discusses study done to see if ability to communicate or trust influences opinions of others more. They found that trust matters more and is important to the success of a team. They go on to give advice on how to build trust.





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Lina Gangji & Cici Dunham